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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Out of order, but taking the time to remember...september! you remember..dancin the night away, found the love that we shared....never was a cloudy day....a few stand out lyrics from the Earth, Wind & Fire song that connect to my September!

Highlighting so I don't soon forget:

Sept 1 was Amanda Love's birthday....what fun to gather a great group and walk to Station for coffee and gather to celebrate this special neighbor/friend who makes life on Newark-Granville Road special. Life is better when you are friends with those so close, and I know- we've been lucky before and are happy to be lucky again with the Love-Fullers in our lives.  Amanda loves to celebrate others and unite good people all accompanied by good taste and Joie de Vivre, so it was fun do honor her big birthday.

Then we had:

Labor Day at MCC- Seafood Fest and last pool happy place- savor savor- ahh the memories!

Then went to see Sally, as I had the good fortunate to attend the unveiling of the statue for Senator Richard Lugar, DU alumnus and hear Condoleezza Rice speak! The timing worked out as I was able to hold Sally's while stitches were applied to a field hockey injury- she is okay! Love the love of her pals.

Mike Trigg's book reading at Gramercy was on a Thursday and really is important, poignant and just a lovely evening! The next day I flew to Oregon for a full weekend that included vineyard time, Nike Tour and cheering for the Big Red Football team with dear Denisonians! Breakfast with Kathleen wrapped it up- quality Denisonians!

Book Club- its own post

Chicago time for Amanda's solo exhibit at Patrician Gallery in Wilmette, then Michigan girl time- a float in Lake Michigan

Nnew career shift- Joe on his own- thank you Infoverity (picture is Day Two of truly Work from Home)

Then the final Ladies Golf League Outing at the current club location- lucky me to play with Carol and Susan Litwiller!  This group has taught me so much, I've grown to love this sport all the more and grown in my confidence to play and enjoy it.

Then Family Weekend at DePauw- where Denionians unite...we're so happy Sally is so happy and we do love college town memory making!

Then Martha Hit 300- it's own post!

Then Family Weekend and Denison and FLC! We had BRW early as Joe hosted Steve Fruit and Pete Wintoski for golf...this year BRW is more Homecoming and happening in November, Family Weekend a stand-alone event focused on Families- brilliant Julie and so well executed!

Then Clare had a birthday to launch October....future post about October fun with focus on family!

Life on Newark-Granville Road appreciates, savors and celebrate what keeps us moving and happy!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Cabi and Dresden Commercial Break

Thank you for supporting this!!! Dresden party still open!! Cabi closed but if let me know if you have interest or contact Roanne directly!! (sunday 10-6 update)

 I hosted a Cabi party last night- what is Cabi- Carol Anderson by Invitation- clothing sold in homes- hence the invitation part.  I've been buying Cabi since I arrived in Granville in early 2000s....took a break, then loved the opportunity when hosted by Vicki Sugar and our Cabi consultant was her dear friend Kay, who came from Indy.  Kay retires and Roanne picks up to support our shopping!  These types of sales rely on people opening up their homes.  I like to support these women and I like the clothing.  My house was far from clean last night but I tied up, opened some wine (sent sister in law for Prosecco), and said- let's shop and connect! It was lovely.  If I didn't invite you I'm sorry! Thanks to those who did rally to join! September has been a whirlwind of work with some great travel- Sally/DePauw post later!! I've started a list in my organizer/planner of people who love Cabi- new names!  Side bar- communication- again- how to keep up with text, emails, messanger/social medias...I admit to not doing a great job.  How did I do it when tracking high school kid schedules?

AND BONUS- Beth Ann- dear Dresden rep- has added to our fun. She did it at her Cabi show and it worked, so we tried it last night! Dresden and Company- hooray for the relaunch/reinvent of Longenberger and keeping this special Ohio heritage and work going.  There are many special pieces, great gifts, and delicious food items! Take a look....

Here are the shows- Cabi closes on Friday, maybe Saturday, if you miss it Roanne can still help you, and let me know I can help you too.  It was so fun to Facetime with one pal who missed the show.

Life on Newark-Granville road- kicking off fall by decorating the house and myself! Thank you for sharing the fun and support!

Ann modeling my coat- woo hoo!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Martha hits 300,000

Martha hit 300,0000 miles- woo hooo!

This car has only been with us since 125,000 but we love her! She took the kids to college, she road triped on vacations then could drive the family and extras around. Love that third row! She is a truck picking up kegs and flowers for Derby. Life on Newark-Granville Road is what it is with Martha!

This is also Martha II- search the blog for that story about Martha I.  It really is a testimony to what a great vehicle the Sequoia is! I'm hearing we should share this with Toyota and will add that as a to-do!

Thanks to Amanda and Brian for being in the right place and the right time when she made the odometer turn- we had fun, we celebrated, we chronicled the milestone!  We drove around the IGA/Granville Market lot so we could see the 299,999 turn to 300,000  Seven Four Zero was open- kind-of- and helped us enjoy a treat on this special day!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Summer's Light, Summer People

Summer 2024, it isn't over but it is entering the closing chapter. Summer 2024 is this for many things in our lives on Newark-Granville Road.

We've tried to soak in every moment we can at beloved Moundbuilders Country Club.  The "club" will continue as it acquires the Trout Club in Newark, Ohio and moves operations there. The Trout Club is historic, picturesque with much to offer, it will be a good era and Joe and I will be supportive. We'll look forward to it, but now we're here embracing, honoring, remembering and being with the mounds and the trees and the people. Moundbuilders has been our happy place, our escape, our home base to make friends, be with our family, take time for us, grow and learn, compete and be us. Yesterday I golfed with friends, new and old, relaxed by the pool and floated on a hot day- it was a very good day.  Today I may work on my game at the driving range and plan to hang with friends pool side for as much of the day as I can.  Next weekend we'll say our final goodbye to the pool. Club time- meals on the patio, drinks in the 19th hole, celebrations and golf time- we'll savor that into the fall and winter.

Joe's parents are closing a chapter in their lives of independent living, a reality that means they are alive and engaging, meeting great great grandchildren (baby Alden was born in June). Joe was there last week supporting the process so many friends have been and are navigating- it isn't simple or easy- and is prompting more serious conversation between Joe and me. Scott took over and delivered Jim to a 2nd place for recovery and Nadine so we know they are safe and have care. Further transitions coming later as summer comes to a close.

Summer's light is magical and beautiful.  Summer 2024 has taken me all over this incredible country:

Chicago, Boston, DC/Maryland (twice) Jackson Hole, WY, and NY (twice)! 

Joe is in Spain as I type- all of these locations are work travel and because it is summer we've added a day or two for R&R!  I'm still having challenges making photo additions in Blogger, photos coming soon. But highlights to chronicle, images I'll want to share but for now capture here:

1. Chicago- an outdoor/indoor space a lovely location to welcome the Class of 2028 and a launch relationships by region.  Popping in at a new art gallery and seeing Amanda Love's beautiful work as well as other artist on exhbit- pieces that stay with you- ceramics and fabric and Amanda's medium- paper/book/thread!

2. Boston- the happiest doggy host- seeing a student in action being the perfect co-host with his mother. Being welcomed into these homes is such a treat! These two trips were back to back and didn't allow for much time to see friends (in new places Charlotte- but I'll be back) but were special as I do value traveling with co-workers and enjoyed the time doing our work- new work, renewed work- summer welcomes!

3. NY- Ithaca- Cornell- Parent Fundraising Conference- what a privilege to attend, present and be with my people- the people that do what I do and inspire and teach, support and engage in important ways.  The host committee takes on this extra work in service to our industry and one another. What a delight to visit this special community, historic and evolving. College towns are a favorite place and this one did not disapoint- the dairy being a highlight! The drive to MD was bonus time- seeing the PA scary bringing back high school memories of my college tours and summer jobs.

4.DC/Maryland time- work but family time too! We golfed FHCC, we ate crabs twice, we sat on Michael and Mom's porch and at the white table, we took in a Nats game that included a concert- nothing like singing a long with family and friends with thousands of others. Seeing Clare's new home with Caroline a highlight. Again a creative work event to welcome the new families to Denison, a literal ice cream treat at this one!!

5. Jackson Hole, WY and Idaho- we drove the pass, bought Scotch- and checked a state off the list! This trip deserves its own post. Social media photos don't do justice but enough friends have commented about what I shared that it did a bit. The Tetons are magnificent, the grandeur- all with a National Park at its core. Of course what made it special- the trip was stewarded by Denisonians- Lauren and Blair Haarlow's home and hospitality- wow, wow, wow- hiking, paddle boarding, just being in that beauty with the pups, and electrolytes, delictable meals and time together- a summer highlight for sure! The Gunsulus embraced the idea of a Denison event last fall and made sure every detail was attended to- including what side of the plane to secure for landing. Oh my I do love to fly and this was something like no other the approach into the National Park- oooo- ahhhhh- every minute of time in this area is just a gift. Forty-One Denisionians united to catch-up, connect and meet, hearing from Adam Weinberg just how special Denison is now and what makes it so- philanthropy and understanding who we are what we can be. As Adam says so well- there is a DNA in Denisonians- always has been, currently is Oh Class of 2028 you are special. I'm so fortunate to share the transition and launch with you as families. 

6. Back to NY for the last of the welcome parties. I went solo for this from a staffing point of view, providing bonding time with volunteers- student and alumni- the backbone of the college. Again seeing new places always something I value, Bronxville and Yonkers- that Hudson River is something that always gives me pause. Extra special is being invited into a home and a family ritual shared- for us it was watching the olympics- summer 2024 what a delight! This Denison/Denison host couple shared some pretty special Denison items - again an honor to be in their home- and experience the legacy.

7. Back to DC for a personal trip- just over 24 hours to celebrate dear Louisa and her sweet 16! How is our baby at this milestone! We explored new parts of DC- Georgetown and Foggy Bottom the destination. Call it a summer fling- I loved reading, walking and being together to honor our dear girl! Insert perfect picture or even video of the surprise reveal- aunt Susan is here! Family time is always a priority on Newark-Granville Road!

There was also time in Columbus with Denison Welcome and great colleagues. A treat was time with Terry and Mark Morowski- Denison alum alum couple and parents- one grad and one current- their messaging to the new families was spot on and worthy of repeating- oh that is too bad, what are you going to do? The reminder to me and all of us to listen, we're here, we're listening.  Joe was with me on so many of these trips and I'm lucky to have his light and ear, hand to hold.

Yes 2024 was a summer of travel and coming home the best part! Coming up is Portland, Oregon to watch the Big Red take on Linfield in Football! Chicago and Michigan will round out the season in special ways. The pull of wanting to be home and away a constant in this life on Newark-Granville Road. The transition time- back to school and fall sports, vs summer's pace and call- the fuller house and the empty one. I type with Lucy snoozing in the morning sun, the windows and porch all open with cool air and bird chatter- this is summer and it is wonderful on Newark-Granville Road.

I added people into the title of this post, summer provides much light and energy, opportunity and place but it is the people that make it special. The people that host, open homes, welcome, share, reflect and care. It is the people I've spent time with on Newark-Granville Road in July and August that I say thank you for making the light all the brighter.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Continuum of Feelings Today- Peter Launched

 August 3, 2024- historic day- the day Peter left home for his full time work.  Peter is driving to Indy to see friends and then tomorrow checks-in for a year long commitment to work in Sports Information at Central College in Pella, IA.  We're proud of him for discovering the role, being hired and navigating this exciting time.  He will be compensated with a stipend, free housing and meal swipes - it feels like a great way to tranison into the "real world"!  One might say he is "adulting" however I don't really like that term- the activities associated wtih this term are just responsiblities we all must accept as we age.

And age we all do, or hope to do as this is living and life is full of beautiful wonderful things that improve as we age!  As sad as I am to say farewell to Peter, I had a good cry on the evening of our last golf game at Mounduilders together, I am also thrilled for him, and excited for these new stages for all of us. The power of And in play, the continuum in action- happy and sad at the same time- but the overall feeling is great peace knowing we're where we are all suppose to be.

Typing this entry helps me process. Sally's arrival home from camp is a happy cure for the glumness connected to sharing goodbye.  I'll be motivated to plan the trip to see Peter in his new surroundings.  Visiting college towns is always a delight and 'Pella feels like a great destination.

**Sally is indeed home safely and had a wonderful summer at Camp. I'm proud of her too- good day to be a mamma on Newark-Granville Road. Pictures on social media- having some tech issues with Blogger.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Election Season is Here! Friday August 16-Bryn Bird Fundraiser

August 24 Update:

Keep spreading the word- election day is November and early voting starts in October- details here:

Thank you to everyone that attended, donated and is indeed spending the word! My biggest take away from helping Bryn is the need for everyone to understand this is a county election, this is about the office that impacts how our larger community will develop the timpacts are own smaller community.  Many people do not understand the role of the County Commissioner, even i know only the minimum. What I do know is we need leaders like Bryn- committed, smart, involved, knowledgeable, engaged and ready to serve us, represent us and help us evolve in a healthy way.

July Post:

Let's talk- truly, I hope you will read this blog and:

  • Sign up immediately- you want to attend and learn more!
  • Recognize you need to know more, why are Susan and Joe hosting an event? So you give me a text or call, or stop me at work or in the IGA (Ross Market)- and simply say- tell me more
  • to learn more, register for the event, make a donation, help in other ways. While considering the donation I hope you'll talk to me or Bryn or the other hosts.
Campaigns are expensive. We're raising money to make sure we reach all 120,000 registered voters in Licking County. 

And some may say, Bryn Bird, the Granville Trustee- is this a re-election? The answer is no, our dedicated, smart, committed, thoughtful public servant is running for  Licking Country Commissioner, the election is in November. This is the most important role in our local government, the way Ohio is structured, commissioners have more impact as we navigate the changing landscape in our community.  Bryn is the right person to have at in place at this time.

Joe and I are both involved  (Granville Chamber of Commerce & Granville Village Council) and seeing first hand impact on zoning, development, growth, policy and funding and so much more- it is our quality of life that we love living on Newark-Granville Road in Licking County. Framework put a spotlight on need to collaborate, support, and address the partnerships across jurisdictions and the requirement of strong leadership at the county commissioner level. 

Bryn has been with us every step of the way- educating, caring, challenging, advocating- she knows her stuff and wants what is best.  Her roots and current work with the family farm provide an important perspective and network to get things done. Her professional work with government, nonprofits and businesses interacting provide the experience we need in our county commissioner.  I'll stop there- let's talk, read her website and make a commitment to learn more about Bryn as we prepare for the November election. I'll post more here as we progress, in the meantime:

  • Elections are expensive- sponsorships matter- help Spread the Word Bryn Bird!
  • Plan to attend Augusts 16- Friday night 5:30-8:30
  •   to donate and register 
Questions about this exciting happening on Newark-Granville Road, let me know- I look forward to talking to you, seeing you around town or chatting by phone!

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Let us Eat Cake!

 Happy New Year to Me! Birthdays- how do you celebrate, honor, recognize the milestone? In Life on Newark-Granville the answer depends! Cake is important- regular readers will find many an ice cream cake as part of a birthday capture.  This year I was honored with a few special cakes!

1st- Blueberry with peach buckle by Ann Leithauser as part of our Apple Valley gathering. It is always a wonderful treat to spend part of the holiday and often my birthday with Westerville Leithauser's. We've created some amazing traditions and have so many fond memories.

2nd- one of those traditions is our swim across the lake, again captured a few times here, and grateful to include it in this post. Merilee Wagner you are something else! The spread you put out for our turn-around break is aways appreciated. This year you out did yourself with the china, coffee and coffee cake that was warm and delicious!

3rd-Boston Cream Pie- on my actual birthday for my birthday dinner at beloved MCC- baked by Brian Fuller. Brian's culinary contributions are becoming epic in my mind.  I always enjoy hearing the behind the scenes process that produce the cake and how fortunate to be a benefactor!

4th- MCC pals had delicious cupcakes on Sunday to honor Debbie and me for our weekend holiday birthdays- what a happy surprise "meeting".

2024's birthday for me was quite lovely- it started with the swim- always a treat. The photos captured are included and beautiful- we have before, during and after to share the energy and tradition! The day continued with delicious meals and time on the golf course, and a few toasts!

The whole weekend has really been lovely- the 4th in Granville is produced by so many- Kiwanis take the lead and are the work horses, Rotary, village, townships, police and fire all deserve kudos and gratitude. The day started cheering runners on the alternative path for the Firecracker Five on NG Road. We walked to town to embrace a new role- Joe as dignitary, breakfast reception at the Inn and walking with Village Council in the parade- he loved it, just as he is loving the role and opportunity to serve at this important time in Granville's history.  I watched from the beautiful porch of dear friends and took in the moment to watch our town in all its glory.  We then made the walk home and prepared to escape the heat for a cool dip and dinner at Apple Valley.

Granville's Fourth of July is such a touch base time with so many people. The hellos around the parade festivals, the music and activitivies at Fair- what isn't to love! Speaking of Love....

Love was in the air for 2024! We kicked off the special week with Will and Caitlyn's wedding in Charleston (Sunday)- pure magic- what a treat to be away and celebrate their love.  Last night (Saturday) was a figure eight moment watching Simon and Kristen unite in matrimony in true beauty. We were honored to witness both and had so much fun dancing, toasting and taking in the multidimensional love.

I've had a lot of cake in my life on Newark-Granville Road this year and I've loved every bit!