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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Leithausers Unite- Moms Weekend, Basketball Energy

Lucky me, I saw all three kids in their natural habitats this first quarter of 2025! I posted about Peter and Clare time, so now, it's Sally's turn!  My first Mom's weekend at DePauw.  Make that my first Mom's weekend! We have loved family weekends, tailgates, Monon Bell, lax and field hockey games...but this was the first- Ladies Weekend hosted by the Alpha Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta!

I felt like I was such a winner! As soon as Sally gave me the date I booked the room at the DePauw Inn. As soon as I saw the agenda and dinner was on our own, I made a reservation for a group at Bridges. These are things in the past I've missed when planning visits.

It really was a great weekend and we continue to know Sally is in the right place. She has great friends and it was fun to get to know them better. It was great to just hear about happenings and see Sal in action. And bonus- fun Moms (and one great Dad)! Here are highlights:

  • impressed by the coordinator, who actually could not join us- she is on the basketball team and they were away for tourney! They won the whole thing and we were able to say hi and great job when she arrived home late Saturday night!
  • basketball fun- Sally connected her lap top and we watched both NCAC tourney games in the comfortable room at the house- Friday and Saturday. And yes was watching the DU Men's game on my phone!
  • Yoga- ahhh a really great class taught by a that same great room
  • Fraternity parties- three- two specifically for us...these young men were a lot of fun- we danced, played games and enjoyed the time with our daughters and engaging. We had tours and I felt like I was back at Phi Delt or Sig or KZ in 1988 at Denison.  Saw Denison era friends' children- always a treat!
  • Just fun hang out time- really enjoyed the Moms that Sally connected with me for a family lunch, pre party, late night walks back to the Inn.
  • Painting activity- creative time, hanging out time....
  • Great play lists at the house and at Phi Delt- so Mom oriented!!

Thank you Sally and all the made it possible and spent time with me. It was certainly a highlight this year in my life on Newark-Granville Road!

Basketball energy continued- so fun to have Depauw win and Denison win! Peter also texted that Central Won- he went to that game in Lincoln, Nebraska! On Monday the NCAA brackets revealed DU and Central in the same bracket- Wash U hosts this Friday in St Louis- too fun!! Peter will attend for work. We're busy here, fun full Granville/DU weekend, but excited the dancing continues!!

Thanks for reading and sharing the happy on Newark-Granville Road!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Journey & Adventures

 This is the word that keeps finding its way into conversation, presentations, lessons...

I start this entry on the Sunday of a really special weekend. Denison's Family Leadership Council Spring Semester Meeting, aligned with Denison's Bluegrass Festival, aligned with Anniversary/Birthday fun! Regular readers or social media post observers will recognize Joe's birthday is two days after our anniversary, so love is exponentially celebrated in February for us!

The chair of the FLC, Mike Trigg P'25, has done a fantastic job in his role. It has been an honor to share the journey! During his excellent interview with Nan Carney-DeBord '80 facilitating lessons and relfection at this time of Nan's retirement for students in regard to career advice...he reminded us it is the journey not the destination. I met this morning with the incoming co-chair, Margot Brinley P'27, and was was reminded we're on a journey together, and again it is an honor to be so!  

I bought this card AGES ago and finally remembered to give it to Joe for our anniversary. As I reflect on our 26 years, celebrating our 25th with quite an adventure (see the December post about SE Asia) Our marriage has been filled with many chapters- babies, various jobs (or not), empty nesting, various sports, you get the idea..I do think that has been the success. We both do view it as an adventure and not just a journey. I pause now to reflect on MW's definition on "an undertaking usually involving danger and unknow risks, the encountering of risks, an exciting or remarkable experience, an enterprise involving financial risk".  Journey is "something suggesting travel or passage from one place to another".

There are risks with marriage, jobs, change, isn't any journey an adventure? Just something I'm thinking about with you in my life on Newark-Granville road!  Today was an adventure in making my first from scratch angel food cake and with the price of eggs it checks definition four with finances!

For the record I've also loved the adventure of work travel lately, I'll chronicle it here! I feel the year has a coast to coast theme!  I've already shared the DC/MD, San Fran Bay Area trip. February brought Florida coast to coast time! I'm grateful to the alum/parents that hosted us for golf in Florida, prompting me to check my clubs for the first time! It was an adventure and I loved it! Two amazing work events on the east coast, followed by a journey west to Naples for an event and some friend time! I'm so fortunate to be inspired and energized by these relationships that do require travel.

It was the same for the weekend, a full weekend that required and provided energy, becuase Denisonians are special and being in Granville, in this life on Newark-Granville road is an adventerous journey!


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

January Family Time Around the Country

 Or maybe I call this, mixing work with pleasure!  Last week I was in Baltimore and DC for work and was able to see my mother and Clare twice! I also stayed with the Christophers, which was just wonderful!

Since the blog is about chronicling life on Newark-Granville Road which means also off Newark-Granville Road, I feel compelled to share or maybe it will be seen as a brag about my Mom.  In her mid eighties this woman is amazing and last week proved it.

1st- she went to visit my brother and support him with eye surgery- yay and thank you.  Matt is making progress and in good spirits!  Lucky me- we ended up flying in ten minutes apart from one another to BWI and were at gates next to one fun to greet her as she disembarked.  We snapped a pic and walked to baggage claim together and she went off to find Mike picking her up- independent, active, happy..saying see you Thursday for dinner!

2nd- dinner Thursday...after bowling in Hagerstown she hosted Clare and me for a yummy dinner- crabcakes, corn pudding, ceaser salad- all from scratch..applet cake for dessert! And we were late due to traffic and my work, she was cool and calm, no worries...we'll eat like the Europeans late...


The 2nd visit with Clare was for lunch on Thursday.  I ended up having time to work in my hotel, and then realized Clare's work was around the corner- literally- we texed and made the call to meet for lunch!

AND on the way to Sarah's I dropped in for holiday delivery for Will Leithauser in nice to see where he is...proud of him and his good work that was based on excellent work wtih Co-Op at Univ Cincinnati!

A colleague reminded me to share that this travel isn't always fund...our hotel had no water...Friday happens!

This week, I am headed west for Dension Everywhere. Excited for a full schedule of visits and engagement in the Bay Area!  I took vacation time to make a stop on the way in Iowa to see Peter! Peter is working for Central College in Pella.  I cannot remember the last time I was in this true Midwest state, but I'm enjoying it very much.  Peter showed me around the college, his building (athletics), introduced me to colleagues- I like having his lay of the land.  I then took time to just explore Pella!

A fun connection to Denison.  Every year a generous alum sends pastries...I've always enjoyed them.  Well they'r from Pella! So my first stop was this bakery...and then the 2nd bakery I heard about as well..I had to do my own taste test! I prefer the alum's gift and now knowing the source!







Small liberal art schools are important in our life on Newark-Granville Road, this trip affirms this. We're grateful to Central for this opportunity for Peter. We're proud of Peter for his willingness to move west and the work he is doing. We also value the role athletics plays in the college experience and are pleased Peter is playing a role to help. It also reminds me how fortunate we are to have what we have at Denison. With the news of dear friend Nan Carney-DeBord's retirement worthy of a future blog post, we're reflective of the role of leadership and so grateful for Nan's partnership and friendship to put us in this place in our lives on Newark-Granville Road!

Back to my time in is important to go explore, see new things, even in small towns like this! There are many lessons and inspiration on the personal and professional...and volunteer level.  I stayed at an old fashioned bed and breakfast- what a treat! I slept so well- the bed was a dream and embraced a yummy breakfast being served to me and catching up with my host! I picked her brain about economic development, history and a few other things.

Now I'm sitting in the simple and easy Des Moines airporst ready for my next work advenure with my Denison family!

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Celebrating Shirley Hale

Shirley Hale- our Granville Grandma, the House Mom for Pi Phi during my Denison tenure, a dear friend.

Here are the stories about Shirley that we've told for years in life on Newark-Granville Road but have not written them down, today we rectify that!

1. Shirley saw me at church my freshman year (I went once) and she said- Susan Stoner would make a great adopted granddaugther for Beth! That was a wonderful introduction.  It was a relationship that was a foundation and launch to time with dear Shirley! We would have tea parties and dinners and Shirley was part of that amazing group of women: Margaret (Theta House), Woodie (Tri-Delt), Janie Drake, Colleen Pitt to name a few.

2. As I would return to Granville for Denison visits and ultimately with Joe to raise our family, it was this group that welcomed me home and continued to host me for gatherings.  The relationship deepened as Shirley was was the anchor.  When looking for churches she looked at me and said, do not bother visiting other churches this is your home. Thank you Shirley.

No doubt a beautiful tea party and table was set in Heaven on Wednesday and this group was there to welcome you.

3. Shirley was our Granville Grandmother and went to school grandparent days, joined us at concerts and games. She was independent and busy but made time to celebrate and honor all of us. She was Clare's first babysitter- came to Columbus. She hosted Joe and I for a beautiful 25th wedding anniversary dinner - delayed due to her stroke- but a very special dinner for us. Her cross stitch pieces works of art that will always be cherished.  She came to Derby Party when she was celebrating her 90th birthday!

4. Shirley was a force at FPC! When I was Family Time Director she was the hero- we had no budget and really wanted table cloths to set the tables. She found sheets and made them into table cloths- they were fantastic. This action is classic shirley- her commitment, talent, frugality all roled into an important legacy!

I'm struggling to find photos- probably because we really didn't have phones to snap out or even at all durn LOGOS and other church moments. It is okay because the memories run deep and we have stories to share from time together. Shirley loved us, she was my special friend. And the best gift of all we said this to one another two days before she passed, before she want to see God.  Shirley's faith was beautiful and important. Shirley's faith and relationship with God, church and life was a gift and inspiration.

Monday, January 6, 2025

On the 12th Day of Christmas We Launch the 2025 Blog (and HB Sally!)


On the 12th Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...our third child! Sally joined us on my grandmother's (Gaga) birthday. It was the winter of the 12 day without power ice storm! No wonder we all loved the adventure of celebrating Christmas this year in 70 degree plus weather on Key West (see Christmas post). So today we say, happy birthday to our youngest who is not as young any more! We love you dear Sally and loved our time with you this holiday break! We're so proud of you as you embrace sophomore year at DePauw, celebrating your day as J Term launches! Field Hockey, Management Fellows, Theta, Psych Major, Camp Alleghany Leader, darling daugther, sister, cousin, grandchild and friend- Happy Happy Birthday!

You are a light, epiphany is about sharing the light and that is a goal of 2025- bring the light, be the light, keep it light in our Life on Newark-Granville Road!
And...happy snow day...snow day here, snow day at DePauw!  I'm writing this in a very quiet office. I found the Granville roads just fine and I like working at the office.  Good thoughts to those that have ice and not so great weather. Congrats to Alexa Minton for her National News Debut with CNN live coverage from Lexington, KY last night. What a treat to see it live.  Granville gal with a WHIZ launch, way back when!!
Thanks for reading and sharing Life on Newark-Granville Road in 2025 with me.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Happy New Year- Welcome 2025- Join us for Derby!

Welcome to our annual holiday post!

For regular readers you are in the know and the location of our "then and now"photos will make sense. Much of the year has been savoring time at Moundbuilders Country Club.

One of blog's purposes is to provide the rest of the story, the behind the scenes happening.  And with me there is always that story! Where to begin?

The idea for this then and now, sitting at the bar at MCC where we can see the computer photo of our family in the system.

Do I wish the idea to recreate this photo had come to me sooner, yes...Spring maybe..not chilly November?! But the reality is having all three kids home to recreate the photo has not happened this year. We're in that stage- with two kids "launched" we're not together as much.  Which makes when we are all the sweeter.

So Thanksgiving Friday was the day and we ventured out. Dear Charlotte met us to snap the pic. Thanksgiving eve we were talking about what to wear and the fact I didn't have the photo, so I thought. Hiding in plain sight it was.  The kids were like- Mom- that photo is on the stairs! And voila they produced the photo.  Is this a message to slow down, know your world or what!

I'm grateful for a family that gets together, and goes with the ideas for Mom. Over the year the holiday card taking picture days are never the best. In fact I think at one point Joe declared it his least favorite day of the year.  We've matured and they all made it happen with little protest, not much joy but I have enough for all of us. I love this picture!  Because I love these people and this place.

So....what are we up to, the 2024 recap:

  • Clare is in 2nd year of DC living and loving her job with the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). She travels for the role and visits friends and dear girlfriend Caroline as much as she can. Caroline spent the summer with her seminary requirement at a hospital in DC so they've had sweet together time. Joe and I love exploring DC and connecting with family and friends on these visits.
  • Peter graduated from Wabash in May! (Details in May post) We do love the graduation weekend experiences and were happy to have Nana with us. What did we all do before Air BnBs! Then in August he drove 10 hours west for his post college career launch. He is working in Sports Information at Center College in Pella, Iowa. It is a great set-up and experience! (Susan will visit in January)  He stops to see dear friends in Indiana as he makes the trek.
  • Sally's sophomore year at DePauw is all it should be. Field hockey games gave us opportunities to connect- playing at Denison and OWU (twice) was a treat. She lives in the Theta house and has great friends. She is declaring psychology as her major and is enjoying the Management Fellows program. She'll return to camp this summer in a leadership role on the riffle range.
  • Susan and Joe are enjoying empty nest status and declaring all trips in 2024 a celebration for 25 years of marriage!
    • Susan continues to find her work at Denison rewarding, her role expanding as family philanthropy partners with new colleagues! The Granville Chamber Board time has come to an end, work with the membership committee the focus in 2024.  We hit our goal and have over 300 members! Individual membership is a key way to support our community, thanks to all those that have joined and are active members!
    • Joe's work has shifted, as he stepped away from Infoverity. He has started a new company and looks forward to helping his clients solve data and technology problems. His time working with Village Council is very rewarding, and has been active with the MCC transition.
    • Travel is key to our good times, usually weekends away to see family or share an escape with friends. The trip to SE Asia, see post, was excellent! Being away for two weeks is something we have not done in ages. It was so good for the soul!  We also call this empty nest syndrome- we said yes to many invites!
    • Golf time is enjoyable to both of us. In the summer months and even on 12/28 we enjoy MCC time, often wrapping up a Friday with chowder and a scotch after golf. We're both in leagues that help our games and social lives.
    • Life on Newark-Granville road has us often saying, "another magical night" on our way home from the club or Granville Inn....all connected to friends and family we have spent time, thank you to those that make this so.
  • Lucy- yes dear Lucy (not in the photo above) is doing great! Two years post amputation surgery in February. We're grateful for the partnership of Granville Pet Sitting so we can travel!

We're healthy and happy in our lives on Newark-Granville Road and grateful for the places we call home and those that support our family and bring the magic then and now!

2025- welcome, welcome! Consider yourselves invited to Derby Party- we're working on details and will share more later-but save the date for May 3, 2025- the first Saturday in May- the tent on Newark-Granville Road (thanks Kiwanis!)  This card took a then and now approach- the year our family became the family of five at Derby.  Past posts have Derby history!!

Lucy says:
Thank you for reading and sharing our Life on Newark-Granville Road, Happy New Year!

Friday, December 20, 2024

Hảo hạng! our SE Asia Trip was EXCELLENT

 More to come on our truly excellent adventure to SE Asia! We learned, connected, explored, caught up and took in so much beauty! Highlights were the time with friends, Teall and Keith and Keith's daughter Alex and wife Kim!! The trip would not have happened without their support and encouragement.  

Why SE Asia- in our lives on NG Road- because we were invited! The Schultz and Edds were at the Inn- a great dinner (they're DU parents as well as alumni) and they said to us- when are you coming! We said- when should be come. They said it is coolest in December. So, the trip was put together with Zoom calls and emails, recommendations and brainstorms.  Joe was the coordinate of all flights and stays and did an Excellent job!

Here is our itinerary. More commentary to share as I have time to post but wanted to share!

We flew direct from San Fran to Singapore (unfortunately our connection was missed getting to SFO on the Sunday of Thanksgiving, not great care by United but ultimately, we arrived).

Day One, Two and almost Three, - we lost a day- took off on Sunday, missed a connection, took off for Singapore on Monday morning - 17 hour flight and a 12 hour time change and landed on Tuesday evening!

Day Three we landed around 8, Singapore had the easiest immigration process and enjoyed wonderful catch-up time with Teall!

Day Four:

Singapore- time with Teall was amazing!  A late start due to a late night. Enough said. We walked many steps exploring:  

This city/nation is impressive with its development, we appreciated the history and lessons in how and why at this museum!

  • Lunch at a Hawker Center
  • China Town
  • Gardens by the Bay
  • Marina Bay Sands Hotel- the lobby alone was great, the mall but yes Spago at the top was worth it- the views, the pool- impressive place! A fourth tower is being built, we were in the middle!
We finished with a beautiful dinner on Orchard Street that included carolers!! Yes, it was hot, muggy, but you are near the equator! AC was plentiful and again Teall, we can't say thank you enough. Carolyn you too- we missed you!

Day Five- headed to Cambodia, flying Singapore Air, there were wreaths on the plane! We were picked up by our most delightful guide. We checked into the historic hotel (Raffles Grand Hotel) that we loved! A late-night swim and appetizers for dinner in the bar.

Day Six- temple day- Angkor Wat for sunrise- it was cool, quiet and very special. The change in light was a show. We were the first in the temple and learned so much as we continue to be in awe of the carvings and architecture. Angkor Thom was a favorite.  Other temples showcased the reconstruction and repair- the Tomb Raider temple with trees growing through are quite impressive.  Home for time to rest by the pool was nice. We found a great bar and restaurant and ended the night in market area with a Kick Boxing tournament! Oh yes, I enjoyed a wonderful foot massage at our hotel's spa!

Day Seven- 
  • highlight- school time- learning more about Caring for Cambodia and one of the 17 schools the Edds support. These children, teachers, administrators are wonderful. It was great to visit.  
  • Then we headed for the mountain. Joe was in awe of the Buddha atop Phnom Kulen, often referred to as the Reclining Buddha, Preah Ang Thom- an 8 meter (26 foot) tall statue. The waterfalls were beautiful, but for me it was 10,000 Lingas- these ancient carvings in the river bead were beautiful!
  • Rest by the pool, a great dinner out and the fun of walking, exploring and riding the tuk-tuk!
Day Eight-we flew Cambodia air to Vietnam- Ho Chi Minh City HCMC or Saigon! We were picked up by Kim and Keith and taken out for a delicious traditional Vietnamese lunch- the food really is "yum" or Hao hang! 

We checked into the opulent Reverie- we explored the area and found a roof top bar with the perfect view of Teqball World Championships Closing Ceremony!  We always enjoy learning about new sports when we travel internationally!

Day Nine
- up the river to tour the Cu Chi Tunnels and further our understanding of the Vietnam war. Cu Chi Tunnels Tour by Luxury Speedboat | Les Rives If you're there this is the way to go vs taking the bus!  Neither of us really understood what the underground tunnels and shelter was all about- well-presented and experiential learning! I went 20 meters, Joe didn't fit.  We did not fire the guns, but the range added to all senses learning.  Back to the hotel for pool time before a decadent dinner out at Quince with Schutlz family! What a treat to enjoy this metro location- very modern and our conversation, the cocktails were a 10!

Day Ten- Saigon time that started with an American Diner breakfast! We explored town center- the cathedral, post office (still functions, reminded us of a train station), beautiful book alley where we found Denison alum James Clear's best seller- Atomic Habits! Then the formerly known as museum- American Aggression, now War Remnants. It was powerful, intense, strong and unsettling. The photos from Time. I've seen many but seeing it there, after being in the tunnels, after engaging with these good people, heart wrenching.  The Vietnamese of today is all the more impressive and admirable.

The good news the unsettling of the day was balanced by the evening's fun and yum! We took a Vespa Food Tour-Saigon Food Tours and City Tours Led by Women  Another highlight! The fantastic drivers/tour guides were impressive young women. The locations we visited outstanding and the food- all delicious and nothing we would have found on our own! Five stops, three food stops, and yes refreshing beer to help it all go down!  then we ended the night with rock'n'roll Vietnam style! (2) Facebook Acoustic- great place, great music - we loved it- thank you Keith!!

Day Eleven & Twelve flew Vietnam Air to Six Senses Ninh Van Bay Beach Resort & Hotel in Vietnam  This was the vacation time of the trip.  It rained and it didn't matter! We relax, read, explored. We swam, floated and just chilled! it is a special place and we're grateful for the recommendation!

Day Thirteen- two planes on Air Asia back to Singapore for dinner out and drinks with Denisonians! We met the Chaze- Caroline and Rene- student and parent- with Teall's pals- what a treat. Great to see Dempsey road area.

Day Fourteen- all day flying home....13 hours Singapore to SFO, then SFO to Chicago, then Chicago to Columbus- in bed by 11!

Nine Flights, Five Airlines- it was a lot. But I'd do it all again...okay maybe an extra day in Singapore before getting on a plane again- the back to back flights- 5- was too much and impacted the jet lag! We did have three evenings at Ninh van Bay but the math doesn't work with the added day/lost day....

Reading- loved the time to read, enjoyed:
1. Table for Two by Amor Towles- perfect travel companion as it is short stories- on my Kindle!
2. James- by Percival Everett- book club book
3. Bessie by Linda James
4. Vietnam - A History by Stanley Karnow (Joe read this one)

We continue to be in awe of this incredible trip and the lessons it provided. 
  • Relationships are not just about the long standing ones that make a trip like this happen. Relationships are also with the tour guides! Samedi in Cambodia that spent three days with us. The women that drove us around on the Vespa and shared their life stories. The care provided by people we'll probably never see again, yet had a profound impact on the experience and provided important lessons.
  • Life on Newark Granville Road- trips like this make it great to come home. We count our blessings and one of the blessings is the privilege to travel. Ask us questions, we love to share, check out the photos on social media or we'll make a Shutterfly book soon!
Cheers- we visited many of the duty free shops which is a treat of travel. We enjoyed lovely drinks at Teall's bar, liked Tiger beer and ba-ba-ba, as well as ....more on this. Joe dropped a bottle that made for laughs..The Singapore Sling isn't my drink but Joe did try it. I did enjoy the gin drink that was the special cocktail for the guest night social time! Cheers indeed to this Excellent opportunity made possible by Denison friendships!