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Friday, October 9, 2009

Signs of Fall

Thank you to those that have told me how beautiful the tree in front of our house looks.  I truly hadn't noticed- but it does.  The orange/yellow color is fabulous on this tall tree that moving west commences a
gorgeous canopy that makes Newark-Granville Road so pretty.

And with the changing of leaves in the trees and in the yards- so pop campaign signs!  It is fall- November's election will be here before we know it!  First- thank you to anyone who runs for election- I appreciate the timeless effort this requires.  Community service is near and dear to my heart and those that will help govern our communities deserve a big thank you.  Second- don't be shy about asking us-
why is that sign in your yard?  Joe and I don't say yes to a sign without a willingness to say why.
We want our friends, neighbors and aquaintances to engage in conversations- we may not all agree but
that is the beauty of life in America- not just Granville!  When we talk, we learn and that is what it is
all about- so thanks for reading and I welcome your comments and questions.

We just put a sign in for Mason/Jenks for Township Trustee. Bill Mason has always impressed me in his service at Denison.  I've enjoyed working with Paul Jenks on the Pathways commitee for Granville. I hear amazing things about his work with GRD and the township.   Joe and I met with Paul and we were both impressed with his passion, depth of knowledge in current issues in the village and township and his sense of business.  We hope you'll help us introduce Paul Jenks and Bill Mason to others in our community so they may determine for themselves that a vote for Mason/Jenks will benefit where we live now and into the future.

We also talked with Paul Jenks about the Granville Rec Levy- please visit the website to learn more and vote yes for this levy that will benefit all generations of community members.

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