Now I know how the idea of "freezing time" came to be. There have been several moments this week where I've wanted to just.....stop the world and just live in the amazing, joy, contentment and happiness in these moments.
Last Sunday- hosting the woman who grew up in this house and her husband and some friends for a dinner party was amazing. There were so many reasons it was a truly beautiful night. Clare's tour was precious and the good energy from the stories and memories still fills the whole house and each of us.
Yesterday's FPC 4:30 service (thank goodness, as at a point in the afternoon I thought it was 4 pm start and I paniced!!) was beautiful. The children leading worship in all ways was incredible. Thank you to all those that made this happen- watching Clare and Peter ring chimes with friends- something I'll cherish and carry with me forever. Sally and the other under 5 years olds belting out "go tell it on the mountain" as they turned and swayed for the benediction- all I can say is AMEN! Each child radiated what we all strive for peace, love, hope and joy in their own special and unique way.
And now- can I just freeze time right now. What a beautiful morning. How blessed we are and I'm grateful, so grateful. Santa exceeded the Leithauser children's expections and delivered a Wii. I'm so happy he did. I appreciate all of those that listened to the reasons I didn't want one and shared why they enjoy theirs- mostly the intergenerational play. (Our kids already asked if we may pack it to take to MD when we visit grandparents!!) Joe and I were reminising on how we remember the "pong" christmas and the fun that brought our homes. Good news- now my children say they can share more at The Works since they have their own....ha ha...looking forward to exploring more easily other exhibits with them!!
Some fun "overheards on Newark-Granville Road" today:
Clare: "I'm so happy with Santa on SO many levels"
Sally: "How did that Santa get that big (mommy's antique) bike down the chimney?...hmmmm....maybe Santa got daddy's stolen bike back and painted it for you mommy!" (future blog topic by the say- you'll have to tune in February!!) Peter- uncovered the Nationals jersey immediately and screamed with delighted enthusiasm- "Dad-Dad-Dad- it's Zimmerman's!! It's Zimmerman's" later he told Joe- this is my first jersey of a player that still plays for the team!!
Joe- sitting reading on the couch looking at his stocking-"do you know the restraint I used, not to dig into my "baseball forecaster" before today!!"
Watching all 3 kids help Sparky Anderson into his new "crab" dog collar- darling. The girls gathering their new dolls and old dolls together to introduce them and make them all look "bue T ful".
I sit here looking at the beauty of a white christmas on Newark-Granville Road, listening to the kids play nicely with their new toys, enjoying coffee in a gorgeous pink and green mug, eating YUMMY homemade sticky buns (thank you mary) and reflecting on how we got to this place- so much support, love, hope and joy has created this peace and happiness- I am blessed.
I'll savor all the joy today will provide with the hope of fun tomorrow- addressing and preparing our holiday cards!! I enjoy this process and look forward to taking the time to do this in my "vacation mode" which I'm loving!! Here is what we're sharing, based on the fabulous artwork by our friend Carlo! If you scroll down you learn much about the year as well- the letter barely covers all the good times on Newark-Granville year and beyond in 2010.
2010 Christmas Letter:
Yes the Leithausers are feeling a bit like our life in 2010 was snow globe- but all is beautiful and filled with fun! See if you can find:
Susan dressed for work! In May Susan traded in the volunteer badge for a full time position in Development at The Works (!
Joe in his plaid pants! Fun Pant Fridays delighted his Cardinal Health co-workers!
The Granville School bus. In the fall Sally went to KINDERGARTEN!!, Peter to 3rd grade and Clare headed out to 4th grade at the Intermediate school!
Sparky Anderson- (spaniel mix) - misses the family but is happy to report a successful Turkey Trot run this year!
The Terminator Lice Comb- yup we got em…just wanted to share this must have if you need to deal with this annoying menace.
Clare (10) the ballerina- another great year with the COYB Nutcracker performance- she added puppet, Chinese and party to scene performances!
Peter (8) ready for action- baseball, basketball, sports camp in Maryland, swimming, and even violin recital in his cleats!
Sally (5) never far behind- keeps up well with everyone and cared for by fabulous helpers in our village including her St. Ed’s preschool’s enhancement Kindergarten program!
Vote sign- the family thanks everyone who helped the Granville Library levy pass in 2010!
Chinese characters- these represent Susan’s trip to China with the Licking County Chamber in April 2011! Exciting times! Please note this will put the annual derby party on hold in 2011.
We wish you Happiness, Harmony, Peace, Fortune, Joy, Tranquility and Love (these are what the characters symbolize!)
For a larger picture of this wonderful artwork by Carlo LoRaso, pictures, stories and to stay in touch send us an email!
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