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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Derby Party 2012

Top Ten Reasons Derby Party is back for 2012…

10. What else would we do on the first Saturday in May?

9. We love to watch the kids pick-up games and activities in the yard.

8. This year’s Yuengling is from OHIO and we need to celebrate this- thank you Matesich’s!

7.  We appreciate-Common Thread and The Last Resort (friends who offer to provide live music ROCK - really). Making plans for bluegrass this year from Denison students!

6. We’re hoping to entice our niece and goddaughter Louisa from Maryland and get her to bring her parents and grandparents!

5. My father was able to produce his Wager Poster before retiring and turning 70!

4. Once invited, always invited so people may arrive with empty julep cups.

3. We’ll get the window boxes and yard in shape faster!

2.  A good friend will soon be launching his brewery in GRANVILLE- you want to meet him!

1. We enjoy taking time to connect with friends and family in a laid back festive way!                 We hope you can join us:

When:    Saturday, May 5, 2012  4 pm start, race is 6ish….we go until sunset…..

Where: 1142 Newark-Granville Road, park where able and walk…

What else:  bring friends, family, a dish to share if able- dessert/appetizer and your hat! More info on party on Susan’s Blog:

Hosts: Joe, Susan, Clare, Peter and Sally  (and possibly soon to be named puppy)

RSVP to Susan at 587 0435

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