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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

learning more about good work!

Tonight I was touched by the wonderful women that presented and advocated for the nonprofits they spoke about at the 100 Women that Care Meeting!  Big thanks to The Newark Metropolitan for hosting! Big thanks to Kelly and Amanda for coordinating and all others that helped.... The three organizations we learned more about were:
GSVA- Granville Studio Visual Art- Jeannine Abbott presented
Hope Farm- Equine Therapy- Susan Ginese presented
Granville Sustainability Project- garden!!- Lori Conway presented.

I knew about all three before tonight's meeting. I've experienced them in person and I've seen their direct impact. I'm soooo glad the room full of women tonight now know more too! This blog is for me to say why and so I'll share a bit now about what touched me.  I'm tired so I won't go in to too much detail and will look to share more in the future!!

GSVA- always wonderful to hear a mom share a story about her child.  Piper Tell's work has always impressed me and Jeannine's information about GSVA's work with Piper touched me.  It was also wonderful to hear from a Mom about the way Christ Carlson Foundation and GSVA partner to support this family's needs with their cancer challenges!!

Hope Farm.  I've been inspired by Susan and her work since she started her organization.  It was awesome to hear the story of the child that couldn't ride a bike but thanks to good work with Susan, the darling pony Stormy (purchased at HATSOFF in 2006!!) and others the child now rides a bike! I think of the fun my kids had learning how to ride bikes at the neighbors yard while Mom and I caught up and enjoyed wine....I'm so glad there are people like Susan in this world providing wonderful care- thanks for the details and sharing stories tonight Susan!!

Granville Sustainability Project- the HS Garden!! Woo Hoo- Lori you were wonderful.  The heartfelt explanation of the great work Jim Reding does for our schools, students and community was awesome.  To hear about how the kids harvest the produce and bring it in to the schools to be incorporated into the lunch menu offerings! To hear the students reactions and efforts simply made me so happy.  I too love this effort and admire Jim and all involved- I'm sooo happy so many people know more about this effort- thank you for great presentation!!

We'll need to continue to spread the word about these wonderful organizations and the way they make my life on Newark-Granville road so much better because they make our community better!  Three cheers for Jeanine, Susan and Lori for the wonderful presentations!!  Stay tuned about this great organization and please join the group at the next meeting in April!!


Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

I wish I would have be able to attend...this sounds like a powerful union of women of spirit....Peace, Mary Helen

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

I signed up for their newsletter email...I am very interested! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart