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Friday, March 1, 2013

Rabbit Rabbitt Finding the Luck....

Did you ever say Rabbit Rabbit as the first thing that you said in the morning on the first day of a new month?  I never embraced that one....but hey it is the first day of the new month- welcome March and Easter and Spring Break, spring training baseball already started- yay!!  It is also the kick-off of  The Works Membership Drive!! Woo Hoo!!! You all know work is more than work to me, I believe in The Works so very much and membership is an amazing way to stay connected, support a key downtown licking county facility....this week's efforts with PEAK/ Call to College inspire my efforts and I invite you to be part of the impact!

OKay- back to to hear what yours are- I don't say Rabbit Rabbit but I do not walk under ladders, I do go out the same door I go in, when I enter a house for the first time, I do knock on wood....I do put the salt down before passing it to someone else- never hand hand to hand, I will toss that salt over my left shoulder if I spill some to ward off a fight.... he he....However as much as I do these things I also believe this quote:

“I'm a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it” 
 Thomas Jefferson

Wishing you a lucky and happy March- our lives on Newark-Granville Road are embracing this special new month!  Science Fair fun on Sunday- join us!!


Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

Yes I have thought and said this before....but my favorite is "Tony Tony turn around...something lost must be found!" Peace be with you...we are pope-less do we get a free ride from sin?????????? Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

SSLeithauser said...

Thanks Mary Helen- didn't know that love my dear friends praying to certain Saints- the one for lost causes....only when you really need something you've lost and have tried everything else.....she would joke about a parking lot prayer in the mall at xmas- lost cause...ha ha....