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Monday, April 29, 2013

includes cows!

One of the things we love about living where we live- the cows.  It reminds Joe of his home town which is a small western Ohio community.  The cows remind me of my great uncle and aunt/cousin's farm in Maryland near Funkstown.  So today I walked Griffey down toward the bike path and two cows came to see us.  And then one more, then three more and slowly but surely we had 19 cows at the fence just watching us.  We all just stood and took one another in- I found it interesting.  When we turned to walk home, they followed up, some romping along the way- again interesting.  I'm not going to even attempt to understand or analyse or explain- I'm simply sharing as these are things that happen in my life on Newark-Granville Road.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Pomp and Circomstance..

I posted on Facebook- "It is a beautiful day in the neighborhood"- on Saturday and indeed it was. Not just because the weather was gorgeous, but ceremony, tradition and Sunday best were everywhere to be seen!  It started with the Opening Day Ceremony at the Ball Park in Granville. Granville Recreation District did an awesome job and all the volunteer efforts paid off.  The fields looked beautiful and the kids in their bright new uniforms made it all the more special.  The beauty was just on the surface, the mission of this program was alive in well as each child was enthusiastically introduced. The only time it happens during the season, they were able to run and give the Columbus Clippers Mascot a high five while running over home plate- all ages enjoyed it- the t-ball preschoolers (I sooo remember and loved those days) to the big kids- older than Peter....we're not out of this yet!  It was my first time being able to attend this gathering and I loved seeing friends, the food that was provided- Yay LMH and City BBQ plus the GRD staff.  We'll be spending a lot of time at the ballpark- at least Peter will be his team plays 3 games a week and he is participating in the new Sunday League.....we'll see if I'm as happy and positive in June! he he....

While doing some errands I had the good fortune to catch a glimpse of beautiful brides maids at the UCC church downtown and see their faces as the bride arrived for the photography session. What a sunny fantastic day to get married in Granville.  The next stop was a quick meeting with a friend who was loaning me some items and we decided to meet at St. Ed's Catholic church....again luck was on my side- it was First Communion Sunday....ahhhhh beautiful kids- hopeful and proud of themselves- the Spirit radiating in all directions- the pictures in front of mother Mary, the carriage ride (how smart mom!!) filled with little girls in white with friends and family....even the cutest, most mischievous kids in town were glowing in job as they peaked out the minivan to say hi!  I was feeling blessed indeed.

We wrapped up the night with Town and Country- dressing up ourselves with a time period of the 50s-60s and New York flair.  Joe's white dinner jacket and tennis bow tie were a hit.  He is so dapper and makes my heart pitter patter every time we get to enjoy these date nights! I love a full skirt and high heels- the scarf over my head, applied red lipstick and a ride in the convertible I was transported back in time and feel quite glamorous.  The group honored Pete and Jean Ullman as they led their last first dance- it was bitter sweet time.  My parents treated me to dinner dances like this with The Assembly Club and misc events growing u- ahh Mrs. Burtner's dance class in middle school- what a delight it carries over into my adult world.  I'm grateful for the leadership, commitment and structure that continues to allow old and new friendships to take in this pomp and circumstance and enrich our lives on Newark-Granville Road.  Saturday, April 27th was filled with a reverence to the past and a hope and preparation for the future and it was beautiful.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Run for the Roses Party!

Yes our annual Derby Party is back....our Valentine Card with invite had a typo- argh!  Derby Day is Saturday, May 4th- how is that a week from tomorrow? Wow!  The photo to the right shows our weekend this weekend....needless to say all the of the "before Derby" projects are not going to happen. Oh Well!  We host this party to connect with friends and connect friends to one another and kick-off summer as best we can!  Once invited, always invited....We hope you will sip a julep with us....bonus points if you wear a hat!  Bite size food is a nice to bring- we'll have juleps, Yuengling, and lemonade....some wine of course too. The weather forecast at this point is sunny but cool so dress appropriately.  We have two bands under the tent this year- woo hoo!  How nice is that- people who want to share their talent at this gathering!! Still figuring out details but know we'd love to see you with or without your kids- your call.  Our kids love to host their friends. We will have some sitters to help keep things happy.  Warn your kids  no pony rides this year....stage and tent take that budget item.  Love watching kids bring their lax stix, play with the riding stick horses, etc...

Lots of good work is going on that day to benefit our community and Janet Gregory- thanks to all involved in that and the Great Granville Yard Sale.  We admire your work and look forward to welcoming you to break time and toasting the effort with a beverage!

Derby started well before our life on Newark-Granville Road did!  I started this with Ellen in Omaha, it continued in fun forms in each city. The arrival of children took it to new places and the reality is each year is unique!  Can't wait to see what this year brings...cooler weather in the forecast- one year it snowed...everyone think blue skies and bright sunshine!! Friends and family included, someone new to town- please bring them- we'd love to meet them. Parking is tough consider walking/drop off/bikes...let me know if you have other questions...and again- Saturday, May 4th (not the 2nd darn typo) the 139th Run for the Roses!!  anytime after 4pm!  Have something else come late, we're here until Sunset....

Thursday, April 25, 2013

summer is calling.....

Summer is calling to me...what does that mean to you?  For me it means longer days (June 21st is one of my favorite days of the year), warm ground, cooler air in the evenings (hmmm maybe why I LOVED the feel of the Senegal desert), warm dew on your toes, the rich colors- things sparkle- the blues, the reflection of light off water, the deep green of trees, the many shades of green (more so than spring which I love now- the greens are popping!!) it means carefree time, learning something new, relaxation, more friend time, more time to just hang out and have those wonderful conversations that develops friendships.  It means mowing the lawn, the sound of multiple mowers is like a concerto to me. It means floating, exercising more- I prefer to exercise outside, hot pavement, tents- at camp, and for camping.. it means TENNIS...ahhhh....I could go on and on....

Where do these thoughts take place.....the back yard, the lake and on vacation....but for me most happen at MCC. Moundbuilders Country Club.  I'm so happy we met wonderful new friends one evening at The Works HATSOFF Event in like 2004....Craig Baldwin met Joe Leithauser in the courtyard and talked to him about the many wonderful things in Licking County- including MCC. And the rest is history.  The next year for reasons I'm not going to take the time to blog about we joined and I've been grateful ever since.

It isn't perfect.  It isn't the club that I grew up- FHCC is pretty amazing but not perfect either. It isn't the Lakes where Joe's brother's family belongs with highly successful swim team, tennis and social events, not to mention sophisticated and luxurious golfing....but know MCC provides all the things mentioned above and provides a summer home that I adore.  I also enjoy it year round (love being greeted by staff that are friendly, know my name and embrace the kids)  but the nature of my life on Newark-Granville Road is to love it all the more in the summer.  I'm a huge fan of swim team and so grateful it is something that "is still offered" home town club had it gone for awhile. Again I could go on and on about the beauty of what summer swim leagues offer but I'll stop.  If you'd like to share a drink or a phone call with me I'll explain more.

I ask you to consider joining MCC.  There is a wonderful promotion happening right now to make it a great time to do join.  I'm happy to give you a tour myself, arrange for someone else to give you a tour. Lets meet for lunch or a drink and give you a taste of our fun.  There is an event on Saturday, May 18th- Spring Fling- non members are welcome to attend and experience the warm, social, happy atmosphere we offer and meet others that enjoy MCC.  We'll tell you the truth, give you the reality but also let you share the joy that calls to me each summer.  We'd love to have you at our table.  If you're not interested in joining, but want your child to have a swim team experience non members may swim-my hope is you'll reconsider and want to join after the first week- but know there is a meeting May 1st in the evening about swim team.

My amazing Tuesday evening reminded me of my happy summer days...thanks Lori and Nan....MCC friend's our time is coming soon!  Interested in learning more or joining- let me know!!  Past blog about communication gives you details on that- you can always call me at The Works- 349 9277 ext 234- I think I forgot to mention that...Lets continue to enjoy Spring and not wish it away...but summer is calling on Newark-Granville Road.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Communication with me....

I was a communication major at Denison and it must explain why I find the way we all communicate today so fascinating.  How many ways can you reach me?  Phone- land line, Phone- cell, Phone- text, Phone/Computer- email- work and home (home indeed has 3 different email addresses that will find me), Phone/Computer-facebook....reality is Twitter and other apps/social sites are not ways I utilize for "communication".....I'm talking you need to ask me something and I need to respond.....oh yes old fashioned mail and of course the tried and true in person conversation.  Work phone and work email are really for work but good in case you really really need me between 8:30 and 5!

So life on Newark-Granville road reality- here is the reality of the effectiveness in communicating with me via these ways:
1. Phone land line.....reality is our land line hard ware is on the way out- we can only use the one speaker phone in the kitchen so actually talking to us is a. a small chance you'll actually talk to us live. b. difficult to hear.  We did manage a nice conversation with my parents Monday night and it was fun to hear Peter tell Pap all about the plays of the weekend's baseball game.
Oh and if a child answers the phone they are suppose to say" Leithauser's residence, this is (name), may I ask who is calling please?  Let us know what you get...they use to be soooo good!!!
2. Phone land line- answering machine.  It may be days until we get the message- hard cold reality.  I did manage to pick up a message today and respond- woo hoo and it inspired this blog entry....
3.Cell phone- no doubt the best way to reach me live and via message...probably the same for Joe- want our cell phone number- leave a message or track me down in one of the ways described here...not going to post here because alas telemarketers now finding their way to that number- arg....
4.Email via phone and computer- I still prefer to read my email on my lap top at home..but having it available on the phone is handy....good way to reach me.
5. Cell phone text- pretty good- but they can slip through the cracks and I'd love help in identifying people who are texting that aren't in my contact list...or are doing it via email and it comes up all funky...Text from 7469181751-want to run tomorrow?  How do I reply-  maybe if I figure out who this is?  Your number isn't identified to me, who is texting please..... Love to know what ya'll are doing....
6. Phone/Computer Facebook- not a bad way really- probably higher odds to reach me this way than land line voice mail... he he.....not always reliable though....
7. Letter- pretty good chance it will make it to us- but no if you send us an invite and we havent' RSVP- good chance it got lost in the papershuffle of our lives on Newark-Granville Road....amazing.  However I do really appreciate the old fashioned letter. I received the most beautiful card yesterday and I'm grateful for sooo many reasons.
8.In person- love these- love these- it is one of the reasons I like to get out and about...I love the person that stops by and we chat....usually I'm on the run but know I value the in person high- the pause to talk via the car window.....
So there you go- I need to get to work- it is a special day- tonight we thank our volunteers- it is National Volunteer Week and I have a lot of people to thank!!
In the meantime keep talking and communicating with me- it is what makes us as humans so special and it is the secret to all success!!!  All these ways will be applied to invite you to our Derby Party on May 4th when we enjoy those in person catch-up and chats!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Time to cook the sausage.....

OAAs..standardized tests.....Joe woke the kids up with "remember the 2nd a is for Awesome!"  He is the one who started the ritual of sausage and coke for breakfast on OAA days....he did this while I was in guess what the kids look forward to this time of year and these rituals.  The sausage is cooking and they're happily bantering in sleepy voices.  It makes think back to exam week at Denison. I loved the change in schedule and pace. The study days and reflection and review of what had been learned and if I got it I loved the chance to test myself.

I hope everyone has some awesome in their day and has some sort of ritual to kick off the day.  And that is a little glimpse into our life today on Newark-Granville Road.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Lets Do it Again.....

What an amazing weekend, so little of it actually planned.  We had the basic structure- Denison event, kids sporting, church but none of the nitty-gritty.  In fact some of the nitty-gritty was mixed up....I had hoped all 3 would be singing in church this morning but it wasn't to be baseball tourney success put Peter back on the ball field and a birthday party slumber party let me be the nice Mom for Clare and it all worked!!

I had quality one on one time with everyone including Joe and even me!
Here are the highlighted take aways:
Sally- we had quality church time.  "Tend my Sheep" was beautifully joyously sung by the InJoy Choir with two flutist, Ryan on the piano- it warmed me from head to toe to see those angels- each and every one of them- not just Sally singing that piece- heaven is on earth and it felt so wonderful.  The whole morning was lovely at FPC but it was singing the piece with Sally leading me in the car on the ride home that will stay with me and I will do over and over again in my mind.
Clare- Lacrosse- she loves it.  She had a good first game- didn't score but made attempts/shots, hustled, ran - you'd never know she was on silly happy girl sleep deprivation.  While I was packing up ready to go so we could depart to do a one car family trip to Peter's game- she ran across the field with an excited anticipation and hope the same in her voice when she asked: Coach wants to know if I can stay to play in the next game?  The answer was "of course" and with that she turned and flew back across the field almost skipping. I settled back in the warm sun and chilly air comfy in my Ugg boots and winter coat and scarf to watch these active strong confident girls put a win on their record with Clare on the team.
Peter- I posted it on facebook and will repeat myself here.  Peter left Saturday morning at 7:45 (OK 7:50 we over slept- eek) for Dresden and baseball, played an afternoon game as well with exciting plays and activities and wins.  Sunday was another early chilled game at 9 am with a return to Muskingam County for a 4 pm game and 6 pm game.  I made it to Peter's 2nd game in the 2nd inning- they lost but rallied and kept spirit and performance up for the 3rd game.  At this point Joe and girls had departed for meetings, homework, week ahead tasks.  I cuddled up and watched him where he loves to be- on the field, with his team, accepting coaching corrections and encouragement.  The 2nd game resulted in a win with a medal and all but the happy moment for Peter was remaining behind to watch the last game of the tournament- the championship game.  He wanted to see the strong team that had beat his team go on to win the whole thing. He watched and cheered with a quiet contentedness and respect that touched me.
Joe- quality time with Joe was a simple dinner out at the Granville Inn on Friday night. Friday night was wonderful as it included the reverent Mitchell Center dedication that put us in touch with Denison pals near and far, old and young. Sitting in the pub savoring the delicious new and special menu items and catching up like we use to do with much more frequency was exactly what we needed and launched a wonderful weekend of quality one on one time.
I capped it off with a little quality Susan time- a warm tub complete with fizzy LUSHbathbomb, fun book and Yuengling in a wineglass.....ahhhh....the weekend wraps up on Newark-Granville Road relaxed and reflectively happy.  There were a great deal of other happy interactions with friends and coworkers and places - the weekend was full but these are the highlights.  There were also some stress moments but the cream rises to the top and these are worth sharing on the blog tonight. Thanks for reading.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Extra Bonus

So on facebook I shared the bonus of Joe getting Sebastian- our convertible- Saab-green- a car with a great story I must of blogged about at some point......out yesterday.  I am so glad I took that car to return to the event at the Works- makes today's rain just fine.

Bonus- exercise today and with a friend..I so appreciate the rides, texts and friends I see when working out- makes it all the more possible.  I need to commit and make time for exercise in my life on Newark-Granvlle Road.  The YMCA plays such a key role in our world- they are always so friendly in their greetings and provide a healthy environment on all levels- I need to visit more often.

So why am I writing about these little things in my life.  They help me.  The tragedies around us take have an impact. I've shed tears a few too many times this past week.  Grant's suicide, Boston's scares (dear friend was way to close to the bomb site) and just keeping up with all these responsibilities in my life.  However friends and sharing and these amazing things that keep on happening despite bad make my life good.

One more: a bonus at last night's event- seeing friends from 100 plus women supporting the YES students and one with her son- wow! What a polite, sweet, giving young man (and mama)- introducing they young YES club artist (who reminded me so much of my Peter with his innocent enthusiasm and pride) to this young cub scout- both boys were beautiful in their attitudes and regard and respect for the evening and I'm grateful.

Today will be filled with many other extra special moments- enjoy them and I'll soak them all in on Newark-Granville Road.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


A few bonuses in my life on Newark-Granville Road lately:
-Kyle Baker's Senior Concert at Denison- WOW!
-Beautiful blue sky, sun shining- being able to sit and see active beautiful girls playing LAx at Bryn Du, friends to chat with, dog's greeting.....
-Texts and emails from Boston about friends in Marathon
-Joe getting my new computer up and running PDQ- it is a Mac Pro- and has an amazing key board!! Just a few photos to track down.....but most are on shutterfly....
-Lunch at a lovely downtown coffee shop with dear friend and coworker
-Lots of hand holding with Sally....
-Kisses from Joe while walking downtown, accidental family meeting in crosswalk- two groups en route to Whit's
-4 pm meeting came at 3:30 making my evening schedule achievable
-call from dear Dennison friend on her birthday
-Daddy answering the phone- always nice to hear his voice, nice update from Mom this morning
-text from my sister
-text and phone conversation with my sister in law
-message from my brother- movie recommendation- movie set in Senegal!
-start of baseball season...5 pm game which meant cocktail time....
-email from past intern
-watched the sunset from Pau Hana Farm on Sunday in the presence of deep beauty

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

has its own escape

Often my escape on Newark-Granville Road is a good book, but at least once a week it is the aroma of the green house.  I'm not true green thumb, however I'm grateful for the opportunity to keep my beloved geraniums alive all winter long.  I love the warm, earthy, musky scent that humidity, captured sun and photosynthesis provides off the sunporch.

Spring Derby Prep will happen soon and we love the opportunity to get going on getting ready to be outside.  Window boxes are a favorite part of the house's appearance - accessories for the house in many ways and maybe this year well reuse some of last years flowers.

It is a peaceful place, my sanctuary at times, a place hat makes my life on Newark-Granville Road all the better.  PS it is also where we place derby party left behinds  a nice collection is there!!

Monday, April 15, 2013

oh the decisions on how and when to give....

I've been trying to figure out how to write about all the options in the fundraising world.  I want to share that even I get overwhelmed.  And am sort of in that place right now....I could be making sooooo many donations right now- a day doesn't go by without an ask for money, or time. And it is because there is so much need.  I admit it is magnified for me as lately I'm doing the approvals for what The Works donations- passes, glass, support organizations raising funds. 

The last time I remember feeling like this was when the church mission committee mailed me a menu of volunteer opportunities.  Note it was a menu of mission options- not even the volunteer opportunities in the church.  I remember feeling like- what are they expecting?? I can't possibly help in all these areas.... I was a new member to the community, new to the church, working with babies.  Somehow I got the message-part of it took until I was on the committee as an Elder that they were not expecting anything at all- only providing options and avenues to serve.

I'm trying to apply that same reasoning now but often it takes a personal talking-to- to get it.  I'm an extrovert and typing is therapeutic.  As I type and think I realize I approach the multiple options The Works provides in giving in the same way- we don't expect anyone to support all of our efforts and we realize that for some none will work- it isn't a fit.  We focus on helping  people match and connect in their philanthropic approach, their community support, in their own legacy leaving by donation, time and connectivity to art, history, science, life long learning,workforce preparation and strengthening where they live and work. Our annual report for 2012 went live today and it is inspiring and humbling to see all the support we receive in so many ways!! I'm so lucky to see the impact those donations make every day!!  I use the analogy of when one walks into the bakery- or maybe a healthier analogy is the produce section- no one expects you to take one of each- you pick and choose what meets your needs and wants at the time. It is hoped you will return and become a loyal customer and tell others. 

I have to apply the same logic to my own giving- take my own medicine.  When I wasn't working I gave my time to those organizations that benefited the children of my community- not just my own children-  I also like to work on behalf of organizations that helped me be efficient and effective in my time and efforts and where I feel happy, at home and make new friends.   It is how I ended up volunteering and engaging and ultimately working at both Denison and The Works.  Another thing about me is I like to connect people to projects and other people.  It is extremely rewarding to see matches work and I'm not talking romantic- although that is cool too! I'm also one of those folks who like to share my opinion- positive for sure and constructive ways to improve too. When I was single I was notorious for letters to organizations, surveys, etc...So put that all together and you get tonight's blog.  The blog is to say "why" not just what is going on in our lives on Newark-Granville Road!   As Joe and I make decisions in our lives on Newark-Granville road that hopefully fuel young artists and scientists, entrepreneurial efforts, creative, important educational approaches, downtown arts, families in need, and important research we appreciate your support as we discern what we can do at this time.

So tomorrow will be day in Granville where we feel the positive energy giving creates and we join in - Styx for Six- HS Lacrosse on the Granville Football field will be an amazing!!  Girls JV game at 5:30  Varsity at 7 pm- 50/50, sales, concessions- all sorts of way to help the Greggory family with house renovations to bring Janet home after her tragic sledding accident. I love I will do this with my Clare and Sally and their teammates- they're both playing Rec Lax this  year!!
100+Women Who Care- amazing giving circle that makes contributions have exponential impact meets tomorrow, celebrating it's first anniversary!! If you don't know about it email me at, or visit  I always learn about more ways connect and see the amazing people caring and spreading the word to move their cause forward- amen and thank god for each of them and all those efforts that keep me thinking and something to support and give to in my own ways.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

our technology world!

I'm trying to remember the day "mac" came into our lives on Newark-Granville road.  I of course had heard talk of the i-phone, we'd certainly seen it in action with art our graphic/art friends, neighbors and in our professional worlds for me the PR folks, at that point Joe and I were pretty PC based.  When we were working before kids and even when Clare and Peter were babies we both had work lap tops for travel.  Our cell phone- the one I loved was the EnV I think??? It slid open and had a full keypad vs the number pad for texting....others had Razors...I smile at that time in my life.  Then I stopped working when Sally was born- a big decision and one I'm sure I've blogged about before.  It was as much a financial decision as anything- childcare for 3 young kids with my non profit salary didn't make sense, in addition to work life balance, pace, being able to achieve what I wanted to professionally, yada of my "conditions" to staying at home was the need to buy a computer.  Joe was ready to bring the mac into our world then, I wasn't ready. We went with the PC desk top in the kitchen and made our plans to always have it there so we'd be able to watch the kids activity on it.  ( he he- just like our parents ease dropped on our phone conversations as we wrapped cords around doors, I'm thinking of buying a phone like that for our house!)

The other thing you need to be aware of just because he is an IT professional doesn't mean he LOVES being my default technology support person. People also assume he is a techy guys with lots of "toys"....he isn't.  He's old school on many levels.  His least favorite phone calls are the ones that have me on the other end with a frustrated tone about the lack of work I need to get done with my technology- be it phone, PC, etc...  On the other hand I think he does value having the opportunity to be my complete hero- when he set my calendar at The Works to sync to my phone- my whole life was incredibly more manageable and happier.

I believe it was my birthday, but it may have been mother's day...we have "video" ....The kids used the camera in the gift to present me my gift- I'm pretty sure it was was a Maclap top- a Macbook.  I wasn't sure I wanted it but it didn't take long for me to figure out all the benefits.  Joe also was pleased with the reduction in frustrated calls that I made once we made the switch.  As I look back I think very fondly on my time with that macbook- all the pictures I've downloaded, uploaded and created into photobooks.  The songs, play lists for preschool Valentines events, birthday parties- quack quack, waddle waddle- hmmm hmmm hmmm. I 've not figure out the video thing yet but I will get there no doubt wtih Sally's help. The volunteer work, my resume to return to work....the places its gone with me- the beach, spring break, my parents house. It has not traveled internationally- the iphone did that....but lately its home has been on my grandfather's desk in the living room.  It hasn't held a charge so it has stayed there most of all with its limited mobility....and it has been fading away, slowing down in processing, lagging in kicking into gear....The kids have made their way to it as well (that original PC is now in the basement and lap tops have their own counter in the kitchen) and I know that has had an impact on performance. So the other night it gave in- the screen went to blue and the spiral under the apple sign is its permanent place...we'll diagnosis its plan and harvest the hard drive and welcome the next generation of mac lap top into our lives.....I await with happy anticipation its delivery! Joe thrilled me with the news that the refurbished via apple store- mac air is on its way.  (Yes we buy used cars and used technology- we love a deal and to do the math.)  In the mean time the ipad, i phone and work PC will connect me to you my blog supporters, my facebook friends and my email isn't as easy- I like my figures do the talking and I'm glad you're listening. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

includes ART!

How do you define art? How does art factor into your life?  Do you have interest in helping promote the arts in Licking County via The Works, being connected to a group that will?  Fun questions to ponder....and a blog gives me a place to explore and inquire and share, I hope you will respond and provide input as I work on this at work. And here is some why and some of my answers and why.....

I probably have a pretty traditional moving to the side of very open view of art.  My father is an architect and my parents valued art, creativity, color and design in my upbringing. The value modern furniture and blend it well with antiques. We talked about art, we practiced it- fond memories of playing "guess what I'm drawing" at the white table, during cocktail hour while waiting for dinner to be finished or in restaurants father would draw objects in strategic ways revealing the subject slowly.  We also loved brain teasers by the way...I took a few art classes and think I was pretty good- I won a contest at the mall for painting a beautiful bunny on an giant corrugated egg- I loved that bunny.  But something happened and I stopped doing art....there wasn't time for everything and I was certainly involved in "the arts"- music, dance, theater.  I think it may have to do with patience....

So I've always enjoyed having art in my home- my apartments as a single person- Maysville was a great place for me to acquire- a few favorite's by Stephen White.  I remember buying prints from favorite pieces found in museums- the DIA in Michigan was a great place to spend a Saturday.  I moved to my Federal-Mogul cities and didn't know people. My early years the museums and libraries were my company and places to not be alone.  My parents have given me a number I adore that bring my beloved Mason-Dixon line area to my life on Newark-Granville Road and recently we've collected a few Kathy Anderson- even more special to know the artist and count her a friend.  The piece purchased for me by dear friends when I chaired HATSOFF 2006 inspired the pallet for our brightened up living room and touches my heart.  Joe values art too and early conversation when dating was his regard for the Spanish artist (we revisited this with Kristine to prepare her for her trip to Madrid!) and Picasso's Sabine is now a favorite.  To build on our original collection we started with small selections and are happy to have Jane Heller, Don Gunnerson and Joe Sinsabaugh's works in our book shelves.  Jay Young's work we bought at the very first HATSOFF! and it was if we knew it would fit in so many places in our home- little did we know it was the where Works' founder Howard LeFevre raised his family.  I remember visiting Jay's small studio to purchase my parents 25th Anniversary gift.  I type and look around at other pieces that inspire me and I'm grateful my parents set this example.  We've enjoyed picking up pieces on travel and I'm thrilled with the oil from Cuba we just had stretched and framed- its new home will be the dining room- look for it at Derby!

So I started this to give some details about the picture I've posted of my latest art acquisition- a Jeny Reynolds.  I've always been drawn to Jeny's work- her colors and abstract landscapes.  When I first met her I wasn't in a place to hang the work- silly me.  Once I brought the bold happy colors to the house I've craved updating the art, rearranging the favorites and now happily welcome my Jeny Reynolds Vase.  She is so creative and innovative and upbeat. She keeps creating and sharing her talent and I'm grateful SunBear Studio had this piece waiting for me when I picked up the Cuba piece.  I encourage you to take some time to visit SunBear in Alexandria- take a class, find unique gifts and quite possibly find special art that will make you smile too.

I could go on and on but I'll wrap up for now and hope you'll engage with me about art via email or the blog or facebook- or better yet in person!! Best yet drop in to The Works to see Joanna's incredible show before it is gone this weekend....she is innovative and so talented- you will be glad to say you saw her when.... My dear supporter Mary Helen is an inspiring artist in my life and such an encourager of this blog and the work we do at The Works!! Art Does Save Lives- we know her perspective well!! I get to see her for Messy Monkey's and that will make me smile as I engage with parents and grandparents and 2-4 year artist!! My life on Newark-Granville Road includes art in so many forms- thank goodness- thank you to all those that make that happen.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

loves baseball!

How much do we love baseball?  As I type I can hear a game on in the kitchen and I admit I find sports chatter great company.  The shower is running, we're just home from the Denison baseball game, and the kids are dusty.  The gorgeous warmth of the day called to us - come to the diamond!! And on top of that Nan Carney-Debord  (DU AD) gave us the heads up Denison was providing free hot dogs for community day connected to NCAA Div 3 Sports Week!!  We enjoyed our evening chatting with friends, hearing the crack of the bat and ball in the glove, soaking in the setting sun, dropping temp and bright lights- there is something about the color on the field when those lights come on and the sky is still blue.  We ate our peanuts and enjoyed our first real feeling that spring has sprung.  We're all crying "no rain no rain" for Thursday when we head to Columbus for the Clippers opening day and we'll be ringing our bells on Newark-Granville Road.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

is better when giving.

And the kids do get that- not every day but we were able to witness it first hand thanks to the visit to the orphanage in Dakar.  As promised here is a blog entry on that afternoon visit- it deserves its own- it is a special place for many reasons and was truly the highlight of the trip.
When asked this weekend what was the favorite part of the journey- all 3 kids have answered- going to the orphange!

We learned about this orphanage from Kristine. I believe she visited on her first trip to Senegal and shared the details with my family. We were all drawn to her experience and have paid extra attention when she has shared return visits with her family on her blog, through Guy, etc...At Christmas time this year we joined with other families and collected toys, books and some clothes for the orphanage on Christmas Eve.  Sally took it a step further and instead of having birthday gifts she had items brought for the package started Christmas Eve.  We mailed the box, however Kristine kept the box with the plan we'd deliver in person during our trip- this thrilled the kids!!

I'm pleased to say with all the planning and to-dos in Senegal this was a priority for all five of us. We had thought to get there on Monday afternoon, however our earlier in the day plans took a bit longer than anticipated and we had to forgo the afternoon visit.  The physical disappointment was visable when we realzied this in the children's body language and even with some tears.  We promised we'd get there before returning home and thankfully we were able to follow-through on the commitment.  We went with the students, teachers and staff from the International School of Dakar in a van on Wednesday afternoon.  Sally was giddy and hopeful she would be able to carry the box into the school.    Part of the positive energy of the experience radiated from the confident students that happily chattered on the ride over and their quick exit from the car and upbeat entrance into the building.  Sally marched right in with the box behind the group going confidently and quickly. 

As we moved through the gate and into the entrance there truly was a peace and calmness that I hadn't experienced elsewhere in Senegal.  In those immediate moments a darling 2ish year old little girl greeted me with a foreign word- over and over again while pointing to my dress- she was saying pretty, pretty.  Of course this delighted me I was intentinally wearing my LillyP for these beautiful babes. To see such a happy confident child was a lovely welcome.  The students disappeared quickly and we were a bit on our own- a confident student said to stick with her and led us upstairs.  There everyone had to wash and donn a shirt/gown to help prevent infection.  We were delayed in our ability to interact directly as they were concerned about the spread of infection and we were obviously outsiders from the group.  This made sense to me and we all were fine.  I stepped back and observed, soaking in this peaceful place.

The kids were not able to go into the play area so they instinctively knelt in front and shared the toys that had been collected.  Babies immediately gravitated to them and pulled themselves up on the gate to engage and accept the gifts.  Our children didn't complain, they accepted the situation and made due- the reverence on their faces was something I hope I captured in the pictures I certainly felt it in my heard and hope to maintain the memory in my mind.  I can see it now as I type and it warms me.  Joe and I found our books that were being kept back for older children and started reading wtih the one little girl that joined us.  We started to pick up on her sassy spirit and a knick name was applied by Clare or Peter- baby boss. She seemed to have free run of the facilities.  She climbed into Joe's arms often and during story time insisted she was the only one to get his attention.

We were eventually able to go into the room for play time and play we did! We sang, bounced, rolled balls.  We were all amazed at the way the babies were drawn to us- babies in the US get attention, these children crave and demand it from the volunteers.  Know that it is the sweetest most instinctual healthy way and we talked about it as a family quite a bit.  The afternoon continued and we were able to assist with returning babies to their cribs and helping with feeding time.  We took some pictures and found children we'll pray for to stay connected in our own way.  The kids would squeel when finding a name or birthdate connected to a loved one in the states.

I've noted a few times since that visit that the Spirit was with us as we shared our time at this wonderful instituation.  These babes are well cared for by staff, volunteers, girls from the villages learning to be nanny/care providers- an internship of sorts- an apprenticeship.  The facility is spotless- possibly the cleanest place we visited in all of Dakar. Dakar has lots of grit and sand - it wasn't felt at La pouponniere.  The Sisters of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary have created a beautiful environment for these children that have lost their parents- often it is the mother that has died in child birth and nutrician including clean water is critical to their development. Once they are old enough they are returned to their villages or adopted.  Children found by police are also brought to the orphanage.  Happiness was part of the energy here and in my mind it is because of the beautiful gifts that surround these children.  The prayers and support that start with the sisters and radiate through all that engage has an impact.  Our children- Maggie and Simon included- were living our church (FPC's) mission to be the face of Christ in the world and the Spirit felt it and it was reflected in the stillness and grace all around.  We also were able to deliver a donation made by The Presbyterian Women of FPC- the Chloe Wells circle does wonderful mission work and it was an honor to serve on their behalf.  The leader was sweet and most grateful when accepting the donation.

It is appropriate I felt this way when visiting Kristine.  Kristine and I agree that our lives were especially good while we served our community and families with LOGOS.  We can't give you details but we both have expressed this as we reflect on that time that connected our families and friendship.  For me the call to serve and support baptism commitments was paramount to my call with LOGOS.  It connects to my job now at The Works in a different way as The Works commitment to education serves our community in important ways.  Seeing Simon and his confidence all over the city of Dakar was impressive- but it was stronests in a special caring way of grace at the orphanage.  He, just like his mother were beautiful in their care of the children and escourting us to engage in this giving way.  Life on Newark-GRanville Road took us to Africa and this experience at t  is something I hope none of us will ever forget.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

loves a good nap!

When I think back on some good naps in my life often travel is related- jet lag's catch-ups maybe?  The nap I took in Dakar the day we arrived was a good one.  I remember one in the house on Mulford on a spring morning awaking to the scent of lilac- we had returned home from a red eye from Seattle. The one I took today after a full and fulfilling work week post Africa trip will rank high as well.  The reading couch in the living room is a great napping couch- similar to other good napping spots.  Something about being so sleepy and having the sun warm and bright on your face helps define and create a good nap.

I don't like to nap- I have to be truly tired enough to be willing to weather through the wake up feelings.  I don't want to ever jeopardize bedtime routine- my current hormone processing is doing that enough! However there are those days where you can't help it- a nap is the only thing that will restore energy required for the remainder of the day or your body just cries out for the break.  Today was one of those days, as I type I'm grateful for the renewed zip and perspective a nap provided making Life on Newark-Granville Road all the more pleasant.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

is full, boundless, expansive, big.....

all words to describe how I'm feeling about my surroundings after returning from Africa and my perspective on trip itself.  The trip was amazing and awesome for so many reasons.  The time with my family was priceless.  The kids rose to the occasion- we were proud parents.  Seeing the country from their perspective and how they embraced it was inspiring and motivating.  They loved it all- they soaked it in and asked for more. They embraced every part- the food- who knew Clare had such a taste for french African cuisine- they all tried it all.  Even Sally ventured off the chicken nuggets and loved the chicken croquettes!  The markets- they made a chant- "goat heads and pools of blood" with a smiling lilt. They were happy adventurers into the desert. Even the long van ride home was filled with happy giggles and silly games.  OK at times it got a bit out of hand but they rebounded and so did I.  Clare's car sickness from the speed bumps, exhaust fumes and traffic took its toll- good ole coke a cola and a front seat saved the day.   Mrs. Michael and I in full mother mode. Sally's anxiety and concerns faded away just after lift off and she never looked back- the pictures capture her happiness to be on such a ride.  Peter and Simon's friendship is a beautiful thing.  Simon was an incredible co-host, tour guide, translator and barter on our behalf.   He felt like part of the family- he is- all of the Michaels are. It was fun to see Maggie accepting this change- she is in her element- a teenager for sure- just as Clare is a preteen in her footsteps.  We were able to see Maggie at her wonderful new school and embracing the opportunities presented to her in this foreign land with friendships as the foundation. I'm pretty proud of my own adventure to the Rotary meeting solo. I'm grateful to Joe for taking us on this trip- he accepted the fact early on this was an opportunity we had to seize- and he was right.  And when he was the one who fell prey at 5:15 am to digestive issues- he still managed to send a messenager to update me that the stars were finally visible (we were really hoping for a starry night- cloud cover, smoke form the bonfire and the light of the almost full moon prevented great views- oh well- it was worth it.  Back to Joe.  Joe will tell you he usually isn't a good patient- however in Africa he made jokes and accepted this situation.  Who knew the desert is a good place to get sick- better than kitty litter like substances.  And Kristine and Guy's strength in all of their efforts to make this work is so admirable.  I so understand and value what they are doing for many reasons, reasons to see first hand make it all the more compelling.  The opportunities and experience is huge!!

So life back here also feels big, full, boundless. My lungs feel the clean air, the sky and landscapes are so spread out, the house is roomy and cozy- as was my parents house and the hotel room where we stayed in Maryland for Easter weekend.  Our opportunities to work, heal, advance- all the options in front of us on the small level- at the grocery store- and big picture as we consider vacations and career choices.  I've always known life is perspective and relative.  I'm feeling it on Newark-Granville Road in a big way.  Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Birthday Cake and Birthday Dinner

A quick break from Africa updates....tonight it felt so good to make dinner.  Peter's birthday dinner a day late and still being savored- cake will be for breakfast!!  He asked for the Leithauser usual- salmon cakes, homemade mac n cheese and broccoli.  I was off my game and forgot the breadcrumbs but used crushed saltines, forgot the stewed tomatoes and lemon juice- we survived and clean plates were at every seat- hooray!   With the store run and cooking cake went in late so I'll frost it next and let the kinds indulge in the morning.  I offered a store bought one but he wouldn't do it....sweet kid and sweet life on Newark-Granville Road.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Deep inspiration in Africa

Truly inspiring trip to Africa...../
This woman is amazing, as amazing as our own Craig Washka in town.....sorority sister of mind from Denison- her energy, love and hard work are making incredible things happen- I can't wait to follow her journey across the desert and the impact she is having on this disease.  Run Danielle Run!! Keep Running!! Just as Craig keeps crankin!

Sharing, okay maybe oversharing....

I just posted almost 300 pictures on my Shutterfly share site from the trip to Senegal!! Tee hee.....It is most of the journey and adventure.  There are no descriptions yet...I'll get there but pictures tell the story pretty well.  Many have asked so here they are...if you can't access this site email me at and I'll get you the access to the share site or I can email you the 300 photos- let me know your preference... Eventually I'll get more photos on shutterfly and I'll be posting for a good bit, there is certainly a great deal of blog inspiration in Senegal.

It was an amazing trip and those that want to hear about it- I'm happy to chat or show or over share- but what else is new- the blog can do that a bit is my nature I value communication and want to offer how I like to be treated.  However if you aren't interested in that much detail- stay tuned and you'll see bits and pieces with blog entries's photo is one that makes me smile....sunset, tent- I can feel the warm air and cool sand, and then the reverse, I can feel the softness like no other sand, see the movement like water- it was simply amazing.....thanks for sharing with me.