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Wednesday, April 17, 2013


A few bonuses in my life on Newark-Granville Road lately:
-Kyle Baker's Senior Concert at Denison- WOW!
-Beautiful blue sky, sun shining- being able to sit and see active beautiful girls playing LAx at Bryn Du, friends to chat with, dog's greeting.....
-Texts and emails from Boston about friends in Marathon
-Joe getting my new computer up and running PDQ- it is a Mac Pro- and has an amazing key board!! Just a few photos to track down.....but most are on shutterfly....
-Lunch at a lovely downtown coffee shop with dear friend and coworker
-Lots of hand holding with Sally....
-Kisses from Joe while walking downtown, accidental family meeting in crosswalk- two groups en route to Whit's
-4 pm meeting came at 3:30 making my evening schedule achievable
-call from dear Dennison friend on her birthday
-Daddy answering the phone- always nice to hear his voice, nice update from Mom this morning
-text from my sister
-text and phone conversation with my sister in law
-message from my brother- movie recommendation- movie set in Senegal!
-start of baseball season...5 pm game which meant cocktail time....
-email from past intern
-watched the sunset from Pau Hana Farm on Sunday in the presence of deep beauty

1 comment:

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

My dear are living a soul's journey into gratitude. I love these simple but promising gifts. We are so blessed. My friends at doing as well as can be expected in Boston. Bea had just left the corner because her grand daughter Riley had to go to the bathroom. Riley has ear drum damage...and still wants to be held. I can only pray... and make ART with my tiny Messy Monkeys!!!! Thank you for sharing your joys. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart