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Saturday, April 13, 2013

our technology world!

I'm trying to remember the day "mac" came into our lives on Newark-Granville road.  I of course had heard talk of the i-phone, we'd certainly seen it in action with art our graphic/art friends, neighbors and in our professional worlds for me the PR folks, at that point Joe and I were pretty PC based.  When we were working before kids and even when Clare and Peter were babies we both had work lap tops for travel.  Our cell phone- the one I loved was the EnV I think??? It slid open and had a full keypad vs the number pad for texting....others had Razors...I smile at that time in my life.  Then I stopped working when Sally was born- a big decision and one I'm sure I've blogged about before.  It was as much a financial decision as anything- childcare for 3 young kids with my non profit salary didn't make sense, in addition to work life balance, pace, being able to achieve what I wanted to professionally, yada of my "conditions" to staying at home was the need to buy a computer.  Joe was ready to bring the mac into our world then, I wasn't ready. We went with the PC desk top in the kitchen and made our plans to always have it there so we'd be able to watch the kids activity on it.  ( he he- just like our parents ease dropped on our phone conversations as we wrapped cords around doors, I'm thinking of buying a phone like that for our house!)

The other thing you need to be aware of just because he is an IT professional doesn't mean he LOVES being my default technology support person. People also assume he is a techy guys with lots of "toys"....he isn't.  He's old school on many levels.  His least favorite phone calls are the ones that have me on the other end with a frustrated tone about the lack of work I need to get done with my technology- be it phone, PC, etc...  On the other hand I think he does value having the opportunity to be my complete hero- when he set my calendar at The Works to sync to my phone- my whole life was incredibly more manageable and happier.

I believe it was my birthday, but it may have been mother's day...we have "video" ....The kids used the camera in the gift to present me my gift- I'm pretty sure it was was a Maclap top- a Macbook.  I wasn't sure I wanted it but it didn't take long for me to figure out all the benefits.  Joe also was pleased with the reduction in frustrated calls that I made once we made the switch.  As I look back I think very fondly on my time with that macbook- all the pictures I've downloaded, uploaded and created into photobooks.  The songs, play lists for preschool Valentines events, birthday parties- quack quack, waddle waddle- hmmm hmmm hmmm. I 've not figure out the video thing yet but I will get there no doubt wtih Sally's help. The volunteer work, my resume to return to work....the places its gone with me- the beach, spring break, my parents house. It has not traveled internationally- the iphone did that....but lately its home has been on my grandfather's desk in the living room.  It hasn't held a charge so it has stayed there most of all with its limited mobility....and it has been fading away, slowing down in processing, lagging in kicking into gear....The kids have made their way to it as well (that original PC is now in the basement and lap tops have their own counter in the kitchen) and I know that has had an impact on performance. So the other night it gave in- the screen went to blue and the spiral under the apple sign is its permanent place...we'll diagnosis its plan and harvest the hard drive and welcome the next generation of mac lap top into our lives.....I await with happy anticipation its delivery! Joe thrilled me with the news that the refurbished via apple store- mac air is on its way.  (Yes we buy used cars and used technology- we love a deal and to do the math.)  In the mean time the ipad, i phone and work PC will connect me to you my blog supporters, my facebook friends and my email isn't as easy- I like my figures do the talking and I'm glad you're listening. 

1 comment:

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

Oh how exciting!!!!!!! I am waiting for all the details. Enjoy! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart