Usually I blog from my perch at the antique desk looking out the front window- love that spot. However tonight I couldn't be inside. I had to be outside as much as possible. I picked up the kids from their golf clinic- how nice to sit in the shade and chat with lovely people including Clare- while I waited for them. I made it home for a run- trying to keep on the training plan...5K will be here soon....eek that is August?? Then I cooled down and read the paper...the real topic of the blog tonight...but before getting to the paper subject I wanted to share my surrounding with you- the literal part of "Life on Newark-Granville Road"....Being on the patio continued to be lovel with Chinese take-out for dinner. I needed to check email, really just delete as much as possible, send a few needed notes/replies so I brought the laptop out here. Is is one of the longest days of the year after all and one needs to soak it in the daylight! It is 9:09 and it is light out! Tomorrow night I won't be blogging- I'll be soaking in the long day at the pool- woo hoo! And then enjoying this incredible weather by sleeping under the stars at MCC- can't wait. This is the day my mom always said would be a great day to get married- the day never ends. The summer solstice. The fairies will play and the great mounds with ancient trees will host quite a few I believe! Sally and I will lead the hunt, the fire flies will light the way.
Blog topic tonight-a big shout out to The Granville Sentinel! What a delightful evening to be able to sit with Joe and just read the paper. What a delight to see so many positive articles- literally. The article about good people doing really good things at the LC Dog Shelter and on the baseball field! And what mom doesnt' like to see great young athletes adn their coaches get the recognition. I happen to know the wonderful behind the scenes mom and wife (april!!) that did a wonderful write up. When Clare saw her picture she oohed, then she read the article outloud and paused, smiled and possibly blushed, when reading the details. Take a look here:
but go further-a log on or pick up a paper to read about Shelley Meyers and Steve Doty too. Well done Chuck and Sentinel staff.
I hope you enjoy these extended hours of sunlight, the cool evening happy summer opportunities as we are on Newark-Granville Road tonight.
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