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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Get Tickets.....

This is a wonderful piece of advice I learned from a self-development class at Denison for employees and I've always been grateful for the nugget.  I know I've passed it along on the blog before as it does create a nice way to share philosophies of my life on Newark-Granville Road!  It also gives me a chance to plug events that I'm happy to know about and therefore want to share.

I love the arts- always have- I grew up being exposed to wonderful programs, music, theater, art. My dad is an architect and both my parents value what the arts provide in our lives- inspiration, entertainment, education and community building.  A favorite arts experience for me was summer stock theater in Brandon, Vermont.  We saw a number of Gilbert and Sullivan shows those Naidni years.

A bonus of my drive back to Columbus on Friday was listening to WOSU/NPR with Christopher Purdy and an interview with Nannette Maciejunes from the Columbus Museum of Art and other art leaders including Shadow Box Theater and Opera Columbus.  Not only did I get to hear wonderful descriptions with insider descriptions about upcoming programs:  an art exhibit with music created just for the art- a rock opera perhaps??- CMA/Shadowbox.....OSU and Opera Columbus- Madame Butterfly...newly aquired art!   Now on a Sunday night my tired brain isn't pulling it all out....regardless what I was reminded of is the wonderful art experiences right here 30 minutes away....of course The Midland Theater, Weathervane and Denison provide the same easy distance...30-45 minutes for most of Columbus and only 15 for us.....We all need to get tickets.   Back to the advice...when you have tickets- you go to the show.  If you don't get the tickets the chance of buying and attending goes down...and you might miss out completely!  Buy tickets not just for the art experience, but also to support these organizations and artist.  Buy tickets so you get a date night with your spouse, child, parent, friend and time for yourself to sit and enjoy life the old fashioned way- live!  Here are some websites- check out the schedules and make plans now....and keep me posted- maybe Joe and I can join you....or Peter and I....or I'll just tag my life on Newark Granville Road I need to follow my own blog advice and get tickets!

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