Okay- trick-or-treat is over and so now I can embrace November. Trick or Treat is suppose to be on (or if you live in Ohio) around October 31st. Due to bad weather it was rescheduled for last night- Nov 3rd. I love the the idea of trick or treat, and luckily I have a brain that can overlook the challenges that accompany it and recall the beauty. Never mind it is always a rush and challenge to get out the door and costumes are never quite complete, and they come off or cause great annoyance to the "beggar" and last night in particular was cold and dark fast. My life on Newark-Granville Road has a side walk on the other side and houses spread out and up hills....so few beggars make their way to us. So we embrace the going out...leaving candy on the door step for those that want it. Some year I will join us with friends in the village and help give out candy there or just walk and observe- I LOVE to see photos. I asked Sally if she wanted the village this year- nope- she was happy to stick with tradition and make her way with friends through the sub-division across the street and into the planned community with easy to access landscaping. We're grateful for the social time and the kids are grateful for the candy. Check it off and welcome November!
Church is always a good way for me to start me week and starting the month is extra special with communion at FPC. Yesterday I was pleased the kids didnt' want to miss communion and were with me in the balcony. We had special moment of coaching, coaching I received as an Elder in my 30s. When the bread and wine are given to you, you say- "thanks be to God"....when serving someone else- you can say: the blood of salvation poured for you, the bread of life, body of Christ for you....it is the for you that I love. The kids embraced this - they take communion seriously and with delight. Yesterday was a moment that couldn't of been planned and was a gift.
John Weigand did the children's moment and gave us a gift as well. He had chairs representing all the "generations" as defined by ?? who does define- gen x, y, baby boomer....hmmmm- I have some homework to do. And I do- I left church yesterday wanting to know more about what my children will face as they mature and lead. John put people representing the generations in the chairs and it was an impressive group- Janie Drake, Don Wiper, Barb Martin, Eric Miller, Amelia Anderson and Sally Leithauser. John asked Sally as she was running into church. She did a great job. She is gen Z...Amelia gen Y....I learned that Clare is the end of gen Y...Gen Y is going to be larger than the baby boomer group. And the most common last name in America is or soon will be Rodriguez, not Smith. All things to help Joe and I prepare our children. Nothing I didn't really know - I've heard- but yesterday I listened and I want to apply it a bit more intentionally. The big thought for John's presentation tied to All Saints Day and how the saints of yesterday and today are preparing the future generations from a spiritual perspective. We're grateful for those that have gone before us and the work they have done and are doing- saints are among us- heaven is on earth- the gifts we are giving our children- not just those that live with us, but our neighbors, community and world children. My life on Newark-Granville road is guided by this thought and yesterday's reminder and lessons were beautiful. November is off to a good start- I hope the same for you.
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