It has been years since I've donned a hat for Easter. I'm feeling the need to dust one off for this beautiful morning! What a lovely Easter weekend we're having on Newark-Granville Road! Each Easter is unique on Newark-Granville Road. It is a holiday that doesn't have set traditions in regard to celebrating. We've done a number of things over the years- this can be difficult to me. However I am a gal who embraces "sitting loosely" and all turns out well. This year is no different.
The kids will tell you our traditions are- an egg hunt somewhere, somehow, going to church, getting candy, Easter dinner, sugar cereal in our basket…..they do remember Easters in Maryland with Zion Egg Hunts, being in Baltimore and often Eater in conjunction with Spring Break. "The Country Bunny" is a big tradition and they love Nana having it memorized! I'm glad church did get in there! I have fond memories of Easter Sunrise services, walking all over town very pregnant with Peter in early labor- he arrived the next day- opening day of baseball. I also have fond memories of egg hunts at cocktail hours.
This Easter weekend included baseball- making Peter very happy and honestly this momma bunny. I love to watch him play- with 3 kids on 3 teams it can be a challenge to just sit and take in baseball. The game was moved yesterday and I'm grateful all the kids and parents made it happen- a 2 pm game was delightful way to spend the afternoon. Yesterday I attended the St. Luke Episcopal Church's Easter Vigil service to attend a baptism of friends' daughter and support her Godparents. What a treat. The service was full of scripture, music and old traditions (cantor) I don't experience often- a meaningful way to spend Easter Eve. The homily and baptism divine- life on Newark-Granville Road embraces baptism and the community/congregation's role with a baby's baptism. Accepting the vow to support as a non-church member, family member was touching to me. It reminded me of the dear children and families Joe and I are connected to in this way- we've very blessed on Newark-Granville Road. St. Luke's really is a lovely church- they are having an Easter Bonnet parade today, they have quite the celebration on a Saturday evening after a the Vigil service and most importantly beautiful people gathering to serve the Lord, a wonderful community of faith that supports this community and my life on Newark-Granville Road. I came home for Easter Eve wrap up to a happy house hold- the Columbus Blue Jacket overtime play-off game…and they won! The good news is the late bedtime allowed children to fall asleep fast!
Stephen Applegate's words really touched me last night- we all know Easter is about new life, everlasting life, celebration of God's love and promise…..but the connection to our baptism, how we all are reborn in baptism and reminded when we celebrate a baptism and each Easter. Fresh starts abound because of our faith in Jesus Christ- the trinity surrounds us to lift us up and comfort us with this very very good news. I take this to heart on Newark-Granville Road and today life is about celebrating, smiling and soaking in that promise delivered….Allllehlia………can you hear us singing "Christ the Lord has Risen Today" that is what is happening on Newark-Granville Road right now. I hope you'll enjoy your Easter Sunday.
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