The tent is down, the derby glasses washed and put away but we're still recapping the night. We so love the chance to hang with friends and play up tradition. Highlights from the party this year:
-Clare asking if they (the kids) will carry on this tradition?
-Joe saying- up to you- might be nice if one of you gets married on Derby day.
-Introduction of all the babies….and so darn cute! Gracelyn had her Derby debut and was quite cute, happy to introduce her to Freeman- parents too and Ms. Harper's crown of flowers put her at best hat. I did love my monogram hat and appreciate the compliments.
-The amazing soccer game- lots of lax throwing but this year it was a soccer game that carried the day. FYI- Peter's top moment of the party.
-Kids singing at the end- great voices and they were so happy.
-Kids "playing" in the sun room- tea party with mud….it smelled wonderful- earthy, happy- my new friend agreed! Yes new to town friends came and met new friends- derby love!
-Sister in Law Ann stepping in and stuffing the country ham in the biscuit and getting it exactly right- biscuits to ham….no science in this- I baked until it felt right, my mom sent 3 lbs of Country Ham….she told me the happy news while "happy" was playing- silly fun joy- derby love!
-bourbon and debrief in the dark- post party chat with friend
-happy wager winners….$2 bets got $15 dollars- can't beat that! Sharing the winnings is a hoot!
-friends carrying for hurt children, children caring for hurt friends- band aids are always on the shopping list for this party.
-amazing food presentations and tastes- the guac, benedictine, KY cheese, mint syrup, asparagus, I could go on and on…..Marcee's mint julep cup cakes were darling
-the fantastic Denison helpers- 1st year student team of 4 rocked and had great connections to party goers- figure eights!!
-the incredible bar tender- seriously what a great help- she is a professional and it mattered!
-impromptu babysitting for young friend meant impromptu date night for great couple
-arrival of guest on buzzing bike in bow tie
-Joe tying Denison student's bow tie
-Emily in Lily
-the great story for the winner of the 140th run for the roses….
-3 pm chat with derby party co-founder
-the way the sun was shining and everyone was so happy happy happy….
Okay I could go on and on and on……thank you everyone!! Pictures on Facebook!!
Ohhhh if you were here and left a dish behind- let me know!
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