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Sunday, June 29, 2014

a trip below the Mason-Dixon Line…...

I'll share the why, the photos and the details soon…for now know I've strayed back to my homeland for 24 plus hours and am back…..I delivered Clare to Camp Alleghany for Girls in Lewisburg, WVA and am better for it.  WHY?

I got out of town….it is sooooo important to do this.  There were many many things I wanted to do this weekend in Granville/ licking county….but duty called and plans were made so I went.

I love the South!  the manners of the south, the vegetation- zone X- the laurel, rhodies, grass- it is lush….

The mountans…West Virginia…Mountain Mama…Country Roads…take me home…Mom and I sat and listened to this beloved tune….coincidence I think not…..

Girl time!!! Mom, Sarah, Louis, Clare…yes key Stoner girls missing…next time!! I loved being with the girls….

I deserved this, I needed this….I know how to care for myself and with this darn broken ankle I needed  the luxury and TLC that my sister, mom and The Greenbrier delivery.  The bed alone was the best care for my ankle….

More later but know I'm very pleased with the care under the MDL could provide, straying from Newark-Granville Road is important. I'm happy to be home too!

Monday, June 23, 2014

supporting Pelotonia

Tonight's blog comes to you in the color Green to help promote Pelotonia!  I type this so grateful for the advances in cancer treatment and research that benefit my family and friends. However we've lost too many to this disease and cure must be found and can be found! But it takes support, it takes passion and that is what Pelotonia provides!  I logged on today and supported a few riders and a volunteer. I want to financially support everyone but that isn't possible.  But I do support each and every rider and volunteer involved- thank you!!  The cool thing is there are many ways to support this cause- Joe bought Peter a bike this weekend and the proceeds went to Pelotonia!  An amazing pancake breakfast we attended raised funds for Pelotonia! These riders are getting creative and they deserve your support too! Life on Newark-Granville Road is inspired by the Pelotonia effort and results!  

Saturday, June 21, 2014

sharing day….and happy Summer Soltice!

WELCOME SUMMER!!!! I love summer and want to celebrate it! You will see lots of goodness happening tonight on my - join me for these events- part of the blog. I will not be at either event but instead be celebrating love and family at The Works. I'm very fortunate.  I also took today to post a new photo on the back. Since I didn't "throw back Thursday" this week on FB I found a favorite photo from past summers.  This one seems perfect for my blog title and today's 1st day of summer!

A few things from my life this week I want to share…..

1st- Read this blog today and loved it and knew I had to share on my blog.  Appropriate timing as I was able to attend my first swim meet of the season this week- I LOVE SWIM MEETS! This week's was harder for me due to the broken ankle but the cool things about MCC is we all help each other and I was very supported! And so were my kids- thank you MCC swim parents and swimmers and coaches. I could blog and type all day about the swim meet but won't- instead read this- very well done. Thank you Kara for sharing!!  I think I'll spend some more time on this blog- quite a few chuckles from a quick glimpse!

2nd. Finished WONDER  I loved this book! Peter is reading it for summer reading so many of you have read it or have children that have read it.   FANTASTIC Message/ messages in this book!  I read it on the i-pad/ kindle ap but I will buy this hard copy book to have and to share!

3rd. I was reminded the beauty of garden and gardening this morning. It is no wonder that I type from our sun porch with a wonderful view of our greenhouse. I'm particularly grateful to our helper Barbara for keeping things healthy and happy in there. I see a beautiful hosta with a bloom! The green and white of this particular plant is indeed so happy and calming.  I see my pink and red geraniums smiling- Emerson said "the earth laughs in flowers" I love this!  I even get a little garden love myself by deadheading begonia's next to me!!

4th and finally I write today on this summer solstice!  It is the most wonderful time of the year and so much to soak in and appreciate in a way of gratitude! So much to celebrate! I've blogged often on the 21st of June.  I recall sharing a photo of Sally in a fairy costume as an accompaniment one year. This is indeed a day and night with magic and love all around. I hope you will feel it too! I've felt it all morning as stated above and have the fortune to continue to feel it as the day is long today- life on Newark-Granville Road is blooming in many refreshing ways with the arrival of SUMMER!

Monday, June 16, 2014

on a Monday….

Monday-Monday….doo doo….a lovely Monday indeed. Here is how my Monday has gone in my life this June 16th in the year 2014.  I woke up after a great night's sleep. One of the things I LOVE about summer is outdoor time and windows open- I sleep the best that way. Baseball game, pool time, screened in porch dinner- lots of great outdoor time this weekend. However I wake up around 5ish and start to worry-all the to-dos go through my head.  Don't worry about me- it isn't an ulcer or rapid breathing kind of panic- just my brain doing what my brain does- thinks, plans, anticipates. Instead of getting up to go exercise (not really likely with the ankle anyway) I try to go back to sleep. This works a bit, sometimes I remember to do a mediation/prayer thing and that is good.  Usually the best strategy is to talk to Joe about it, his cuddle and reassurance is to keeping things moving in the positive direction.

Joe is the hero on NGR (newark-granville road) he walks the dog, makes Peter's lunch and today he had my coffee waiting in my car for me.  With the crutches carrying the coffee to the car is a challenge. Joe left early today and the extra steps helped us get where we needed to go.  3 kids 3 different directions, everyone needing a ride at 9 am…..sooooo I took Clare to Cross Country summer running  (awesome group of kids, casual and so productive- great way to taste CC, stay in shape, get in shape, get the wiggles out….Peter is doing this too when not at camp, let me know if you want details- MS/HS) I ran home- parked in the front yard for limited steps and a quick breakfast and kidsitter check-in/schedule review.  She was getting Sally up for swim team. Then I took Peter to Coach Ghiloni's Basketball Camp at Denison- we love this camp.  I enjoyed seeing some other parents at drop off and Peter comfort with the coaches/students.  Sally was picked up by friends (yay!!) so sitter could pick up Clare.  I went on to work.

I love Mondays at work as we plan. One of my favorite meetings is our calendar/ prioritizing pow-wow.  And yes I'm at work on Mondays even thought the museum is closed- we're there- we will answer the phone- I'm ext 234- you may push the extension when you hear the recording.  We reviewed this with a beloved volunteer today.  After the meeting I jumped right into to work and was quite successful. We're having our HATSOFF invitation stuffing on Thursday and all sorts of great volunteers will be on hand to assist! I think Monday mornings are great days to call volunteers-98% were home!

I won't bore you with all the nitty gritty details of the day but I type in a happy mood thanks to crossing many things of the to-do list, time with good people doing good things in this wonderful community. I'm sitting with my foot-up resting under a cool fan. No AC right now in this house- we're working on that connection to the sewer project!  Great to have all 3 kids under one roof (a Jeanne Stoner preference) and interacting with their Mama. I hope your week is off to a good start and the rain provides what you need- the new grass in our front yard is grateful and an evening of no activities is just fine with me.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

good night's sleep!

We're going to sleep well tonight because:

1st and foremost our neighbors a few doors down are sleeping well- Bets is home in her own bed! Miraculous, amazing- so much grace and gratitude. Many prayers are answered.

2nd is simple- fantastic evening with friends in a beautiful location outside- fresh country air!!!

3rd- the new I wanted- my break is healing well, the incision is too- by Saturday I'll shower and swim in the pool! The boot is for strength and stabilization and I may put partial weight as I make my way.

I hope you sleep well, I hope your prayers are answered and there is comfort, love and happiness in the summer air.

Good night, sleep tight. Cue the lullaby…..for me it is Edelweiss.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The busiest week of the year….from the back seat.

I've spent more time lately watching life on Newark-Granville Road go by…..this is the week I usually go from point a-b-c-back to with a whole bunch of planning, teamwork to make it work. I'm sad we're not at VBS but I'm enjoying hearing all about others engaged! Tonight is the first swim meet and it is unfortunate I can't be with Sally but I'll get the scoop and be there next week.  I'm grateful to Joe, the kids, the sitters and our friends making sure the kids still get to a-b and c and back home.

I'm sorry I'll miss the Granville Art and Wine Festival down the street on Newark-Granville Road- this is always excellent and the stories are wonderful.  I always pick up something special at Pearly Vine- the cute clothes with patterned cuffs, collars, neat colorful scarves and accessories!!  I'm looking at a favorite piece of art I picked up from Kathy Anderson a few years ago too- supporting local artist is sooo important- take the time to support Granville Rotary and these artist this weekend!!  For all the details!!

What I won't miss is the first MUSIC IN THE COURTYARD!!!! YAY!!! Extra special this year- Grow Up Great Mobile Learning Unit!! Very cool opportunity for kids 6 and under to engage in fun career dreaming, inspiring ways…..10:30-2:30 at The Works!! Music in the Courtyard is 11:30-1:30 with glass sale, yummy food, or picnic spot and great live music…plus Velvet Ice Cream.  It is a favorite of mine but only as good as the crowd- so please join us!  Members of The Works receive a gift too!! Bonus to our lives on Newark-Granville Road!

Life on Newark-Granville Road has a great view from the sidelines, backseat, or couch as I type.  The lawnmowers sounds wonderful it is really feeling like summer.

Friday, June 6, 2014

wrapping up a great week because…….

1. Charm bracelets are back and the girls are so happy! They were so sweet looking at them, sharing the why they have what they have, thrilled to be able to wear it- we added links to Clare's. Pugh's Designer Jewelry does an awesome job for us!! I love the photo not only as it brings back memories and makes me smile but when you dig in to you see what we're wearing- I love my girl time with my girls!

2. WEATHER- what fantastic weather- couldn't be more gorgeous!!

3. I'm toughing up….Tuesday was a tough day but it has been uphill ever since.

4. GREAT work week- really good! Productive, positive, and fun- Wednesday's Member only event to the theme of Rhinehart Scheidler was awesome- big thanks to co-workers, volunteers and most importantly MEMBERS!!!! Really happy with our newest member Tiffany and intern Taylor!

5. Newark-Granville road no longer has a moat, a rock garden or grooves from backhoe- yes the Sewer Tap project is making more progress!!! IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF HELP WITH THIS KIND OF PROJECT- let me know- I wish I had someone to help me through this!!

6. The kids are doing great and so are our sitters!!!  Math homework, reading, games, strawberry picking, to-dos - camp, swim team, supply shopping- all happened and I'm so pleased!!

7. Yummy meals- good place!

8. Special plans- we celebrate niece Alicia's graduation from High School tomorrow!!

9. Lax and Baseball- kids are happiest playing their thing and Sally and Peter take to the fields!

10. And best of all good news about dear friend's brain recovery- woo hoo!!

There are so many things to be grateful for on Newark-Granville Road- my life has ups and downs but it all comes around to the positive!

Monday, June 2, 2014

theory and reality of school summer vacation.

Those that spend time with me know I love to do the "theory and reality" comparison/conversation. And I use my hands- can you see it- me standing and making a gesture with my left hand doing a counter clockwise movement from 3 to 9, stopping at 9 with palm up saying "there is theory and then there is"…I pause while moving right hand from 9 to 3 clockwise….stopping at 3 saying…"then there is reality"

I do this at work, when volunteering…hmm I wonder if I do it at home? Do my kids know this Susanism?  Do my kids know the advice I love to use at work- theory and reality? start with the end in mind? Focus on the positive- oh yes they know that one!!!

So here are my thoughts about summer vacation.  It is the 1st day and looks like we survived. I'm crossing fingers and toes, saying a prayer and hoping sooo much by typing this I'm not cursing myself…hoping the Summer Sitter comes back tomorrow!

In theory- things I love about summer:

-kids get to play, be outside, so do we- more outside time!
-pool time- I love to swim and my kids do too- any pool will do too- or lake or creek! I'm partial to MCC and FHCC- where we know there will be friends and help.
-break from the must-dos- school
-summer means vacation time with family- OBX here we come!!!
-baseball- Leithausers love baseball
-grilling out, eating out- it all tastes better outside!!
-nature in a beautiful state- flowers, grass, trees
-going barefoot  and flip flops
-summer cocktails- tonic means summer to me!

In reality about these things in summer:
-due to working- love love love my job but not being able to do all of the above all the time is hard.
-paying someone else to do what I want to be doing- that said- let me tell you it is a hard job-  I did it for 5 years- kids were younger.  I got 3 calls today from the kids for guidance on activities…3 is a great number compared to previous years!!
-at school I know they are safe, a bus picks them up and returns them at home. I get notes and progress reports.
-vacation time has to be prepared for and caught up from….
-we do love baseball but seriously there is so *)(*& of it!
-camp isn't just the old fashioned go away and play camp- we have baseball, basketball, tennis, lax, academic camps and getting the kids to them requires it's own manifesto  (and in reality I wouldn't be at the pool and playing tennis if I wasn't working I'd be driving them to camps.)
-not only do we pay a sitter/driver, we pay for these camps- I make no money in the summer….but I do love my job!  But camps keep my kids occupied and with friends- I get a big F on play dates! The other things I love about school- they see their friends!
-nothing to complain about with nature for me- other than trying to maintain it- the darn weeks are freaking me out, Joe mows and takes away from point 1 in the what I love about summer.  Kids have to mow this year!! And Joe's allergies…periomenopause seems to be having a positive effect on my allergies.
-flip flops- finding them because the kids leave them all over the place
-sundresses- need to get in better shape to truly enjoy!!

HOWEVER you all know me- I try to find the positive, my natural way….and here is what I will tell you the reality is what puts in perspective and allows me to embrace the good when I do enjoy these things in the good ole summertime!!!  I don't get all the pool time in the world anymore but when I get it I LOVE IT!  And being with my 3 is hard work but rewarding and wonderful work. I do embrace our time together- even watching a movie with Sally and Clare yesterday was lovely.
I love watching them love what they do- I may not like the fact we're not sitting down to family dinner but Peter LOVES to be on the ball field and Joe loves being there with him- and he is with friend and so are the girls. And the girls are developing their sports and staying active and I'm so proud of them for wanting to get up early and take vacation time for these camps.  The summer is worth every penny I make to put into their fun and growth and progress in new ways.   Summer offers soooo much to do we have to prioritize and make decisions- we can't do it all.

The reality is I need to "sit loosely" "ride the wave" take a dip and embrace the realities life on Newark-Granville provides. Summer gives us the very best.  It is my favorite season and what I look forward to all year. I type with my foot up under a fan windows open. I woke up to the thunder and rain setting a peaceful last few minutes of morning sleep.  Dinner in the oven delivered by a dear friend and Joe and the kids at the baseball park.  Life on Newark-Granville Road likes vacation!!