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Monday, September 8, 2014

just in time…book club book for October!!

Another wonderful evening at the dining room table on Newark-Granville Road.  An amazing, literate, articulate, caring, fun, smart group of women gathered to make "the list"…the reading list for 2014-15! It isn't just a list of what we'll read, then discuss the first Monday of the month in the Cherry Valley Lodge Lobby.  It also contains the books that don't get picked that become the "recommended"..these books might make the list in the future or may just help someone pass some time on a beach or a car ride!

And book night on Newark-Granville Road isn't just about the books on the first Monday (or Monday after Labor Day) in September. It is about catching up, sharing great treats (my kids will have happy lunches tomorrow!!) and enjoying our process that takes us places, puts book in our hands we'd never pick up on our own and allows us to enjoy well beyond the page turns and internal review.  For me the extrovert the book discussion makes the reading of a text all the more meaningful. This is showcased in my top ten books that have stayed with me…..this was a facebook ask so I obliged and now I share. Most of these reading experiences are thanks to book club!!  My life on Newark-Granville Road is all the richer because of this group!  It was an honor to host them around the table.

My top ten books that have stayed with me….
1. Lets Not Go to The Dogs Tonight Alexandra Fuller
2. Under the Tree of Forgetfulness Alexandra Fuller
3. Blessings of the Skinned Knee- Wendy Mogel
4. My Stoke of Insight-Jill Bolte Taylor
5.Manic, A Memoir- Teri Cheney
6.The Last Chinese Chef- Nicoles Mones
7.The Distant Land of My Father-Bo Caldwell
8.Telex from Cuba- Rachel Kushner
9.Cookies- Bite Size Life Lessons- Amy Krause Rosenthal
10. Make Way for Ducklings- Robert McCloskey

Looking for the book club list?  Tune back soon- I'll post it….but for now know I need to get My Antonia by Willa Cather- our classic is up first! I finished the book I put on the recommend list- Barbara Kingsolver's Prodigal Summer last night- happy to have a year's worth of books waiting for me! Want to read and discuss with us- join us on October 6!!

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