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Monday, March 23, 2015

love the weekends…..

It was one of those wonderful weekends- so many great things were experienced! The fish fry this week with the wonderful Krebehenes- wow! What a treat to spend time with these dear fabulous people in our lives- all of our lives- we're all connected. Figure eight, full circles- Laura was our summer Nannie when Peter was all but six weeks old and I went back to work at Denison!! We walked carrying sweet Freeman and skipping with terrific two year old June!  Joe and I watched a great move, the kids all had fun over night activities- great kick-off!

Saturday was egg casserole delivery to the church, yoga, exercise all while seeing friends and saying hello. Service project with church, kids to birthday parties, learning more about mission in a far away place- Peru! Soup supper- getting a peak at Rev Karen making the bread in the morning was neat and I believe it made the bread taste all the better.  We wrapped up that evening sitting in the balcony listening to the Newark-Granville Symphony- wow! The first two pieces were festive, fun and so well done. The Youth Symphony Orchestra joined them on stage and it was amazing.  Hearing Beethoven's 5th Symphony is always wonderful.  Sure it is well known- but only a small part- the 1st movement.  Beethoven has always been my favorite and it is the later parts of these well knowns that take my breath away. I get lost in such contentment listening.  Saturday night took me to the musici listening room in the library at Denison. As a music major I spend a fair amount of time in there- checking out records, putting on the headphones to be transported.  Hmmm I wonder how students do that now- download their own?  Joe and I capped off the evening with a beer at the pub reflecting on the weekend.  This extrovert enjoys those opportunities- hence the blog!

Church yesterday was great- beautiful music- beautiful. Clare and Peter in the youth choir. A duet by young women I've watched grow up brought me to tears. The piano and flute and hymns that made me smile.  Sharing and caring, welcoming new members that are already friends- FPC is in God's place- I meant to type good place but God's place works.  I stopped in at work for some zumba with the LMH Medical STEM day- how lucky we are to have LMH in our community.  No one wants to go to the hospital - but it is an important part of our lives- we need a good hospital, health care provider, health care partner and LMH is exactly that. What good friends they are to the community and yesterday at The Works was an example of that in deed.  Joe worked on taxes- humph. I'm glad we were able to escape to the movies...

We made it movie night on Newark-Granville Road- Joe took Sally to see Cinderella and I followed through with the  Rear Window Plans.  Kids went to Cane's for dinner, Joe and I to Tora for Sushi.  I love sushi. I don't really know what I'm ordering. I always try new things and I always like it! I did get some miso soup that I crave!  We all had a good time. Clare is so teenager- but paid attention to the movie. Peter snuggled in and said he liked it. Joe and Sally had a magical time.  Yes a full weekend on Newark-Granville Road- memories made, satisfaction found while serving, caring and taking a break.

Friday, March 20, 2015

first day of Spring's lessons…..

Welcome Spring! I'm fine with the rain as I have new rain boots- not just one set but two! Why two? Because I can share with Sally!! We are the same size!  A darling, tasteful friend on facebook showed me the way.  These boots are not Hunters but they are nice- fit well, have fun selection of colors, patterns. Sally and I went with navy blue- nice detail in the back to help put boots on and with splash of color.  When the navy worked we selected another set that were available for free shipping a price we like. Today I wear drab green with horse and riders- perfect for Derby! And to welcome the first day of Spring!

So here is the lesson I had to document- I know I haven't posted a blog entry this close together in ages!!  Sally did a power point for extra credit. It is really good- does things with transitions in pages I don't know how to do. It is on elephants- we love elephants around here and it was great to learn more as well as reinforce the knowledge we do have.  So the power point had to be emailed to the teacher. I forgot to do it last night. So this morning I asked for Clare's (14 year old) help.  Sally constructed said power point on the kid computer. So we had to get the power point from that computer to mine so I could email.  of course we were rushing to get Clare to school so I said- just put it on a memory stick (I called it a magic stick and Clare said she didn't know what that was.) Clare looked at me and said- memory sticks are old Mom- we don't do that- we use MWPHOFRTC…..actually I think she said something to do with the cloud.  Oh my this cloud technology makes me feel so old…I don't comprehend it yet.  All I know is we ended up with both a memory stick loaded and an email to me (thank you Clare) and then I emailed Mrs. Pleasants.

Back to Spring fashion….the boots feel great.  I know not the most professional wardrobe item but I LOVE them, they are me, they are practical. I found the perfect scarf to wear with them today- a scarf that hasn't been worn enough- was going to be donated but I couldn't do it. A dear friend gave it to me and I love it- knit, soft, pretty drab green color on me….voila- add rain boots, need to keep the chill off on this early spring day- perfect day for the scarf!  I also swapped out the wool purse. I adore that felted, coat inspired bag I've carried ALL winter…but it was time to go.  I found the only spring purse i truly have- most of mine are summer purses. it makes me smile- it too is very me. I'll be on the look out for a new one but for now what I have works.  That is the lesson for today on Newark-Granville Road- old and new work together well.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

where do you plan?

I'm struck by the way Joe and I connect and want to document it, reflect on it, share the internal giggle it provides.  This week we paused in our cars- one leaving for Lax practice turning right onto Newark-Granville Road, the other turning right from Newark-Granville Road onto Fairview returning from a kid drop-off.  The plan- how to finish the crock pot dinner that was started in the morning- there was a final step to be table ready.  We didn't want that final step to wait until Joe returned from practice with the girls- it would be late and they would be hungry.

We made our plans in our cars, talking through the windows. Joe bringing the recipe up on his phone- it took a bit to load- the phone was still picking up a weak wireless signal from the house.  We agreed I'd coach Peter as I'd be gone- we made our plan. I'm pleased to say I believe it was executed.  I see the one container of left overs in the fridge.  I heard it was good, Sally says the pasta (tortellini) was REally good.

Last night I brought my out line and preliminary work- done at the dining room table and via some emails through out the day- with me when Joe and I met about an upcoming trip.  We met at the bar in town. It was St. Patrick's day after all and what a great place to share a beer and talk through what we want to see in NYC with the kids and my family. Those are my favorite nights at the pub- nights we have a purpose, leave with things accomplished. The relaxed atmosphere sets the tone and makes it fun.

Life on Newark-Granville Road is fun with Joe. We make our plans- they'll be altered and we'll be okay with that but we have a starting place for moving forward.  Where do you plan?  As you can see we plan where we can and that makes me smile.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

the ultimate Pi Day…..

A day like this needs to be documented.  Not because we really did anything extraordinary but it was a day I'd like to remember how it was spent!  The ultimate Pi day….March (3) Fourteenth (14) 2015 (15) 3-14-15….and the time 9:26:54 (ninth hour, twenty six minutes, fifty four seconds) 3.141592654….Anyone that loves math will love this day. We love math in our lives on Newark-Granville Road so we embraced.

I first learned of pi day things when I met Dr. Joe at Denison and he talked about the Chemistry runs on pi day- running a 5K today would of been great.  Yay to those that did- the CTEC math teacher that had the Greek pi letter in hair on his head, he was bald- was running it!  So we've had our own pi day in past years with with pizza pie and round foods but not really made it a thing.  This year we made it a thing.

At work on Thursday was had a pot luck - the challenge was bring food with a diameter. I made a quiche.  The middle school math department did ultimate pi day Tshirts- Peter and I ordered ours and wore them twice- today and earlier in the week.  My nephew Will shared pi to the 100 digit- wow- at family dinner last week- we ordered him a pi shirt to celebrate his birthday and great skill. The Middle School had a Pi contest- Clare came in 2nd for the 8th grade girls- went to the 54th digit- yay- cute prizes.  Sally wore my pi phi lilly scarf-shhhh you are not suppose to wear letters unless you are an activated member.  She's still young enough that I thought it ok.

On the way home from yoga I came up with the plan. I woke the kids up and made them join a circle in the upstairs hallway at the exact ultimate pi day moment.  They were not thrilled but they played along- I want to remember that forever- so I'm documenting it today, here on the blog. I want them to remember their mother that made them hold hands at ages 14-12-10 and I'm 46-on day that matters in the math world.  Joe is out of town for fantasy baseball draft- fun to do on a math day like today. His team gets a math name this year.

The evening was spent at the museum- The Works. The MIT Alumni Club rented the facility and hosted a gathering. They got it- they did it well. Lots of Pi Tshirts, pizza pie was served and some other fun math components.  I learned about Tau and its use in the math world. It was familiar- felt like a part of my brain had some dust removed.  It was great to see the MIT alums loving the Works so much- they were thrilled to see so many components and offerings.  I appreciate the members who hosted the event that knew they'd "get it" and they did.  The kids engaged well, helped host and clean.  There was some very creative play- Clare married the skeleton, Char married the Howard sculpture, Peter married the nurse in the WWI exhibit- I still need to figure out Sally's groom.  They made wedding and engagement rings in create lab.

We wrapped this ultimate pi day at Cups-felt appropriate- cups are round, have diameter.  An ice cream treat for the kids since they pulled it together. They fight too much on weekends like this- lots of together time. Lots of folks were out having fun with pub crawls, St. Patty's day, fundraisers. I feel a bit like I did when I was on call in the residence halls/ dorms.  Nights like these are good for me. I value the time and opportunity to celebrate something fun and simple. I hope they remember. I hope I will remember this day on 3-14-15-from my life on Newark-Granville Road.

Monday, March 9, 2015

something to blog about…..Rear Window!

One of my all time favorite movies- Rear Window- will be on the big screen, in a modern day movie theater and I'm taking two of my kids- the big ones!  I love this movie and want them to experience it - this will be the best way. They don't have to love it, just experience this classic well done movie!

Want to join the fun?  Tickets are available and more info is here:  We're going to the 7 pm Gahanna show!
Joe and Sally will do something fun on their own that night- it is movie night and I've got tickets!!

I've blogged about that before- the advice I heard at a wellness seminar- get tickets! Tickets get you out and to good things. Tickets can mean a planned ahead date night that you won't let something else take priority.  So I've got tickets to do something classic with two great kids- yay!  We don't go to the movies that often so it is a treat- they'll enjoy the experience at least!  I use to go to the movies a lot more- I'll go again in the future.  It is a treat to go and seeing this film this way will be a delight.

I love Jimmy Stewart- he went to Mercersburg.  I love love Grace Kelly. I love her clothes in this film- whenever I find something remotely like the full skirt and vneck solid top dress I buy it.  To think they use to dress like that in every day, visiting my boyfriend way- wow.  If you know me well you know I was probably born late, I belong in an era that required hats and gloves. The whole cast is superb and the story and cinematography is my favorite Alfred Hitchcock.

It is a great night on Newark-Granville Road, in fact it has been a good day and this is the icing on the cake to make these plans. Something to blog about so if you too are a fan you won't miss the opportunity!  I'm also living the mission of the blog- to share fun things in the community in my life- Rear Window on the big screen is exactly that!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

a family that does math together…..

Okay- so it was a Kids Tech class on statistics…math is a component- we did percentages, and counting. But today's blog post isn't about that- it is about my joy in having my family with me at work today.  The Works coordinates Kids Tech- 9-12 year olds get to college campus', get into labs- learn and have fun.  The lunch time is usually the "favorite" but I watched the fun happen in the classroom too! Today we were at OSU-N and had a lecture that included great graphics and clickers for polls/answers to make sure we were on track, the kids were getting the topic- they did!  Then after lunch they did stat activities to apply the lessons learned- use it with fun, real life statistical needs. What is the make up of various colors in a bag of skittles!!

So the fun of working at The Works and being at work- I was able to bring the whole family. Peter and Sally enrolled and participated.  They made new friends with kids from all over central Ohio.  They learned about statistic in fun ways on a college campus.  Clare helped and engaged as did Joe.  I took it all in - my family under one roof -helping, connecting, doing, learning.  Life just down the street from Newark-Granville Road was very good today out of 5 out of 5 of us engaged in math today!

It would be fun to have a crystal ball to see into the future. What will the impact of our declared love of math be on our children's futures? Will we have forced it too much? Will Clare be an accountant? We just want them to know it is important and they are capable- very capable- they have Joe's math brain- it comes honestly and can't be ignored. Math is connected to music and art - things I adore and we value in our lives on Newark-Granville Road.  What will the future hold- we don't know. We do know that next week is Pi day- a great one…. can't wait here on Newark-Granville Road.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Here is what is really happening…..
-kitchen a mess this am- made pancakes and sausage- test day…had to clean kitchen, unload dish washer at same time.
-want to watch more House of Cards new season…pacing myself…
-want to keep watching on netflix- Hart of Dixie- it seems really sweet and nice now that HoC is back.
-want to start next book club book-Desert Queen- The Extraordinary Life of Gertrude Bell, Adventurer, Adviser to Lawrence of Arabia by Janet Wallach!

-because it sounds warm that book…..because I want to finish the book on time!!

-want to reread last month's book- I really enjoyed it- but I rushed to inish for great discussion last night- book - The Homestead by Rosini Lippi

-It is time to get start seriously thinking about Spring Break…..Palm Sunday, Easter….

-we had salmon cakes, mac n cheese (homemade- made by Clare) and broccoli Again- it is the go to meal- we all like it.

-happy to be back at Yoga- but 6 am is coming early tomorrow…Place Called Om- yay!

-thankful for friend who motivated me to get to gym Monday night…I finished book while cycling- not my best workout but better than sitting and reading.
- proud of Clare- basketball banquet tonight- love each and every girl on both 7th and 8th grade teams- woo hoo!
-proud of Joe- coaching Sally's Lax team
-looking forward to baseball- Reds, Peter's middle school team,Clippers, Nats, I can taste the peanuts.

Really these are the thoughts going through my mind on Newark-Granville road right now.