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Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Today's lunch with amazing Denisonians affirmed my decision to return to hill to work and how much I love when alumni visit our beautiful Granville!  What a treat to walk through town with Marty Jones- I met via our volunteer time at Denison- Alumni Council. I met his wonderful daughter last year thanks to Facebook connections.  Haley is a rising junior- wrapping up a good sophomore year at Denido! Brooke Datz- local alum- and I get to cross paths and it is nice to share this connection with these great visitors from Portland.  Although Haley is in Ohio more than Oregon and will spend the summer interning Cleveland.

Life on Newark-Granville Road enjoys a great visit and looks forward to the Class of 1990 25th in 2 1/2 weeks!! The whole Reunion Weekend will be special as it is great to connect with friends we've made over the years- we can't wait to see who is back, May 29-31!  Alums and parents in town for commencement- enjoy- it is a very special time.  Marty, Haley and Brooke- I look forward to the next time and seeing you soon. Thanks for the time and great catch-up in Granville.

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