-swimming in the ocean- yes we are, despite shark summer! We're being smart and not going way out, swimming together but we love the salt water, waves and release the ocean provides!
-sitting on the beach- catching up, walking, talking, reading, sleeping, playing- 1st day activity, 2nd day activity….
-dinners, breakfast by Nana, amazing lunch options. Nothing is perfect we had to "coach" kids on too much sand in a shower, clean-up expectations, teamwork/ supporting one another- Peter was locked out, Clare's phone taken….but so many fun times together!
-this year we added sailing. Pap loves to sail and wanted to introduce the grand kids to the activity. I have fond memories and confidence in a sleuth thanks to those times. This morning Matt with two bigs and Daddy and I with Peter took the bay in catamarans- good times! We put the kids in captain roles and helped them get a feel for rudder and sail- making memories, building skills. There really is nothing like it, it came back pretty easily if I do say so myself!

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