When my parents visit I shop for them. Stock my shelves with things they like to have at their house so I have them at my house. Granville is getting ready for the Denison alumni and parents! I visited the Denison book store and was wowed with the offerings. Gingham check button downs, sweater vests, polos by popular UnderArmour and lots of others great items! Everest Gear- aka-Town and Gown- is a sea of Denison red! Fun selections among the beloved classics. Even CVS aka- Taylor's- said they are ready with extra staff. Granville adds extra shopping with the Robbins Hunter Antique Sale- always a find there!
On campus the tent is up with great events planned to delight all ages! Little Miss Sunshine will be shown- a great movie featuring Denison alumnus, Steve Carrell. I love this addition to the schedule. A full schedule can be found here: http://denison.edu
Life on Newark-Granville Road is excited to welcome and connect with the Denison parents this weekend. The fun of seeing their reunions with their students takes me back to the great parent weekends when I was in school. I am happy and proud of the efforts our town and fair college are doing to welcome the Denison family home.
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