So many nice happenings on Newark-Granville Road this weekend. All filled with lessons, some deeper than others. Here are my musings…
-Friday night football- Peter's 8th grade opportunity to participate with the high school marching band. This put me with friends in the stands catching-up- sooo wonderful. Seeing folks I don't get to see on a regular basis and folks I don't know at all. Some nice observations- the other team cheerleaders being so welcomed by the Granville cheerleaders- love friendships that go beyond our school district, little kids playing football in the grass, kids catching and those that have caught the band-bug- not Peter but others. No doubt football Friday nights are community builders. A friend was surprised I don't love to attend football games. I explained it isn't always a welcoming environment- people are congregating that know each other well, see each other often and that can be intimidating to folks only there occasionally or new to the community. I learned of a similar reaction an individual had to a group I am part of and I can see his perspective. It isn't intentional but it happens. The lesson is the one we share with our kids - be kind- always be kind.
-Friday night fall bonfire to wrap up soccer party. Joe enjoyed connecting with the parents from the side lines, meeting new people, getting to know those we know from Sally's age group better. As usual I wanted to be in two places at once. We appreciate the hospitality her coach offered and her communication this season. Kids sports have their ups and downs and Sally's season at first glance may seem like more downs- no wins. However I don't feel that way. The girls improved their footwork, learned about this game, were active and connected to one another and had fun. Sally had a great season so that means I did too- the strong communication helped! Their parents cheered for great efforts and high fived from the side lines. Sally's had wonderful partners ride bikes with her to practice over the Rotary Bridge extending these same benefits. Thank you Electric Lamas for all the lessons sports provides.
-Friday night outing- to the bar…I asked Joe at 10 pm- want to go to the Granville Inn bar and see if we can find some Denison alums? I knew there was a good chance we'd run into alums in town for reunion planning and I was right! We met a wonderful Class of 2001 alum by herself at the bar, found two 1991 alum friends we had not seen in ages (although we are somewhat in the know with one another thanks to Facebook) and closed down the bar. While preparing to head home, we found a dear friend checking-in- the Denison chatter started immediately and we moved to the Broadway pub. Conversation passed the time and who knew we had the energy go close that bar at 2 pm! The lesson was simply confirmed- always good to reconnect and meet Denison friends and in person is best of all.
Saturday was another day filled with nice happenings and lessons, including:
-Cross Country is an amazing sport! I choose to be with Clare and Peter at the Licking County League final meet of the session. I watched Clare finish strong and run in her uniform (shorts and tank) in very cold weather and not complain. I caught up with the parents of these impressive runners and take in the energy of a licking county only sporting event. I also was able to be with our Godfamily and cheer for Nick's good race! Most Cross Country meets are packed with people. Peter made me smile and sigh. He walked through the central Ohio field with a Michigan blanket. He is a big fan partly due to an early allegiance of dear friends and partly to be the contrarian he is at heart. I admire his courage and individualism. However I learned he was out of uniform and breaking the guidance from coach with the blanket- sigh. I see the coaches point. The ups and downs in so many ways teach us lessons .
-Shopping with Clare. We're just-in-time shoppers and it was proven again as clare needed a fall outfit for Monday. When she told me her dress plan for the field trip on Monday (a summer frock) I quickly cleared Saturday afternoon for mother-daughter time at Easton. She was sweet- wanting to use gift certificates from her birthday and created our plan. When walking past Gap- she remembered we had success there in the past and sure again lightening struck twice. I admire the fact she won't spend money for the sake of spending. When we didn't find anything that fit right or make her happy at her favorite stores- no go. We came home with only what we needed- new jeans and two new dress up outfits. Lesson confirmed- Clare has great taste and retains my trust and respect. Life on Newark-Granville Road with teenagers is just fine!
-Back to Denison for quality Denisonian time! I admire my colleagues and their work all the more so understanding first hand the demands of our work cycles. What a treat to meet with these wonderful volunteers back to plan their reunions and bring Denisonians back to the hill in June 2016! Joe joined me- not really wanting to make the trek up the hill, however reflecting on the way home how glad he did.
-Sunday was a nice sleep-in- not by length of sleep in, but quality- no phones next to our bed! Neither Joe or I charged/brought our phones to bed so we wok up naturally with the sun. We contemplated a carefree lazy morning at home but could not miss church with the angle choir singing. I was glad not to miss Sunday school either. I so appreciate our book study this year- Sabbath In the Suburbs by MaryAnn McKibben Dana. We had the privilege of having this author speak at church as well as lead worship. Her message certainly spoke and continues to speak to me through the chapters and discussion at Sunday school. Once again lesson for life on Newark-Granville Road reoccur- slow down, savor, gather family, reflect, choose your perspective, sit loosely….and so much more.
I found sabbath time today with Sally. I knew I wanted to get to the pumpkin patch for a family experience and for the house to don outdoor decor for not only Halloween but Thanksgiving. Joe (yay) moved the summer flowers to the green house and our home was asking for orange company. Work was on my to-do list and when Joe took on the grocery shopping and dinner for the night- voila time to do both! Sally and I made our way to the patch to find it sold-out. No worries we took a country drive south to see our friends the Devines! What fun picking out an assortment of shapes, sizes and colors for the house entrances. Good times with my girls. We made our way to Denison- Sally reading, coloring and hanging out while I started the week with a head start on work!
I'm now ready to move to the dining room table and reflect on these lessons with the family. Life on Newark-Granville Road values the lessons life gives us and likes to share. Thanks for reading and sharing it all with me.
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