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Saturday, November 28, 2015

shopping local

What a lovely day of shopping local yesterday for us!  While on holiday with the Stoner family we followed my mother's suggestion and headed to Greencastle, PA- the town we've driven through for years.  A population of 4,000 (smaller than Granville) it was an impressive offering of shops to delight the Stoner women!  We made it a girls trip with my sister, sister in law, Mom and me. Let Christmas shopping commence!  The ELM Men's store- old school department store- had just what we needed.  For year's I've struck out when shopping for my Dad- not this year! 

We also had the best lunch at an organic cafe- Pure and Simple. We shared a shrimp bisque that was incredible, a roasted Chicken Salad wrap and pizza that were quite tasty.  The smoothie and juice selections quite tempting and impressive. Lots of space in a renovated store front with tile and tons of charm.

The stationary store has added a gallery and coffee/tea components.  Fantastic offerings of cards, gifts, novelties- we all purchased there!  Inner Beauty, antique shops- one with added greens and arrangements provided much inspiration!  ELM Shoes has kept the kids in shoes for years- Nana always delighted us by making sure the kids had good shoes when they visited for an extended trip. No longer offering kid shoes- the adult shoes selection combined with the service made for an exceptional experience.  No need to take a number- we were treated with care and it was delightful! When was the last time I had a clerk put a shoe on my fit and help me think well about fit.  Ahhhhh

Shop local- not only on Shop Local Saturday everyday- where ever you are at home or away.  I look forward to fine tuning my Christmas list and enjoying what Licking County has to offer!  Life on Newark-Granville Road encourages you to support those wonderful entrepreneurs supporting our communities and making a shopping experience like yesterday possible!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

"Home"...the home we know so well....

So a Denison video appeared on Facebook at a very interesting time. There is SO much to say about this video and I will not take the time to explore, share, journal, reflect, transition the rapidly firing thoughts, memories, emotions that dance in my head when I watch or even just think about this video. But I will share it here, put it here for preservation and safe keeping and tie it just a tiny bit to this exciting day.

In a week of gratitude this video is a gift for many reasons. The video is a Denison Admissions Video from 1989!  And it shows- our hair, clothes and the campus- check out the road behind Slayer! Amazing amazing people are in this video- dear friends, inspiring colleagues and classmates and some I didn't know.  Yes, you can go to a college of 1900 (statistic at the end) in a small village and still not know everyone!  It captures Denison so very well- not just visually but the essence and script/copy ""Denison, yours to Discover"  It is ours to discover or rediscover....through the eyes of our children looking at college, through matured eyes recognizing just how special the foundation our friendships of four years on this hill are and the routes to friendships beyond our classmates.  I am indeed grateful for Denison.

Foreshadowing? In this video my head shot is with the village- the downtown scene- and I'm talking about Denison being "home", a community that gives to and receives from Denison.  A thought I've been mulling around as my deep regard and knowledge of Licking County from my time at The Works travels with me up the hill to this new role- how does it all work and fit together?

But for today the video is about home and how lucky I am to call Granville home, Denison home- literally. To be here raising children with Joe that will always refer to Granville as home. Today I leave for another home- Hagerstown. The video says Altoona and that was home for awhile. It was a wonderful home and I'm grateful for the friendships and foundation it served for an important time in my childhood and upbringing. Today I will be welcomed home by my parents and united with my siblings on Thanksgiving day. I'll visit familiar and fun family, friends and places that I hold dear. I'm filled with gratitude for his trip home and the trip home via the video.  I'm filled with gratitude to return at the end of the weekend to a full life and my home on Newark-Granville Road.

Here is the video- I would love to talk with you further about this- call, email, Facebook me!

Denison 1989 Admissions Video: Yours to Discover

Sunday, November 22, 2015

A day of prayer, praise and thanksgiving...

A beautiful way to spend a day in my life on Newark-Granville Road…going to church!

It started with Clare, Charlotte and other confirmands from FPC, sponsors and our Associate Pastor, Trip Porch attending a Vineyard Grace Fellowship in Heath. A wonderful component of the confirmation class at FPC is to visit other churches/worships/faiths to understand our own. I'm fortunate to be a sponsor and learning with these 9th graders.  We were warmly welcomed at VGF and given background information to help us on this journey.   Due to several of the girls, including Clare, we only stayed for the worship component of the service. We were sorry to miss the sermon, although due to its length Clare admitted to appreication for the return to FPC.  The 25 minutes was Spirit filled and I do hope to return another day.  I am drawn a traditional service as part of my Sunday preperation- yet I welcome the energy of praise music.  I also value the opportunity to learn and walk in the footsteps of others of faith.  Yes- more opportunities for blog post materials as these confirmands explore their faith.

Back at FPC this morning we were delighted with the return of Karen Chakoian to the pulpit. I knew it was happening, but forgot- so was happy to be in the pew for this.  A beautiful sermon, heartfelt, healthy, introspective, personal, meaningful.  A message of gratitude at a service of gratitude in a day of gratitude.  All fitting as we started our weekend grateful for friend time, celebrating Leithauser thanksgiving on Saturday and being in a place to thank the one who makes is possible.

And finally the evening service united our community, our village churches coordinated the Ecumenical Thanksgiving service.  The middle school and high school youth from the churches gathered ahead of time to make pies for St. Vincent de Paul and enjoy pizza pie- happy our children embraced the idea and attended.  Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I soak in anything connected- an ecumenical service all about community- perfect!

The only thing that made the day better- friends of course!  Sitting with a friend I don't see often at the service, finally stopping by to pick up a generous and beautiful gift from friends and sharing a drink, surrounded by wonderful women at a friend's gratitude party, catching up with friends in between these services and while sitting at Sally's basketball game. I'll wonder across the street for a Sunday night tradition my heart saying a prayer of praise and thanksgiving.

If you are reading this and need a prayer, comfort and/or someone to share good news- know I am here and can help you to connect to others.  There are so many caring, devoted people and churches in our communities to help you find a fit. Or like our comfirmands, help you as you explore and question to make your way. God works through all to show Jesus' love and compassion, the Spirit strong and united- life on Newark-Granville Road shares and connects, thank you God.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

west coast wow, inspiration and learning!

The beautiful scenery was only part of the wow of the west coast visit.  The fantastic Denisonians engaging with me about supporting the college, sharing their stories and perceptions of their children's education- wow!  I am very fortunate to work for such a school and community- a community far reaching beyond Newark-Granville Road.

All of the parents I met embrace Denison's goal to increase our brand and visibility as well as the goal to prepare Denisonians for the future. All have active roles with the college in ways that match their work and life styles.  I had the privledge to meet one woman, a co-founder of Lean In. Org and learn of her quest to increase Denison's brand and the pursue the common mission for all to understand compstuer science. The method-  Hour of Code - please visit the website- take the time to understand the co-founders admirable and important quest.  We can all play a role.

I so admire this woman's willingness to introduce me to her neighbor- the co-founder of Hour of Code. He clearly explained the "why" hour of code, understanding computer science needs to happen- beyond just job and career preparation, understanding the world we live and how things work. He aligned it to the liberal arts, what we did at The Works: Ohio Center for History, Art and Technology.  It demystifies, unveils what a small part of the world understands. Education is the answer to the world's problems and this is an important concept for everyone to learn.

Thanks to this Mom engaging with Denison's president, professors and staff Denison is embracing Hour of Code- more coming soon. One way for those of us in town to get involved- bring our kids- Sally is signed up -   Monday, Dec 7th- The Works is coordinating at Denison- Hour of Code!!Register today!

I also went home with the new book by Sheryl Sandberg: Lean-In for Graduates.  Wow! I'm right back to my Mom and AAUW and the mantra "only she who attempts the absurd can do anything"….we still have work to do for equality and an equal playing field. The book explains why things are happening and encourages us to own the solution with our actions- lean-in!  I hadn't embraced the book and concept-- but to be honest I had not read it.  I so enjoy the Lean-In Facebook updates and what is shared there. I will explore the Lean-In circle concept for myself and share with the Denison community.  I'll keep you posted.

I learned so much on my trip to the bay area!  I'm inspired, learning and equipped to learn more, exploring and as always sharing.  Thanks for not just reading but engaging with me in this important exercises and resources!  Life on Newark-Granville road- computer science/coding plays a key role and we're learning more of the how, I hope you will too!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Brain on Blog...thoughts from the flight to California....

Brain on Blog…..
I’m sitting on the airplane wanting to nap but as I close my eyes my brain lights up.  My brain wants to process, share, document, capture, explore what I’m seeing, thinking about, experiencing. The place and way I do that- blog.  I don’t journal- I’ve tried that but never keep up with it.  It must be the extreme extrovert and accountability of posting that makes blogging work, appealing.  Maybe also the closure part of my behavior preference- get it down, capture it- move on.  The J in me for my MBTI friends.
Early flight- 6 am, which meant a 4 am alarm, out of the house by 4:30, parked and through screening for 5:30 am boarding- bonus, time for coffee. But should I have done the coffee- it is wake up, get going routine. It is delight and comfort too.  I liked the dark drive, the quiet shuttle- but the airport was wide awake, very bright and bustling.  Now the cabin lights are dim, the Midwest below dark and peaceful.
I do like to travel.  This seems to be the biggest question people have about my role at Denison.  I traveled for Federal-Mogul- the company I worked for after college, ten years, and four positions one with travel at its core- training and development with Columbus as home base- I went to the facilities needing my support- Tennessee, Mexico, Bradford in the UK, Southfield, MI.  Working for an international company, moving to a place where I knew know one- all meant travel was part of the package if only to go home for the holidays.  And then my first role at Denison with the Alumni office- planning events around the country- that too was focused on travel.  Joe’s work post Denison was all about travel as well- but now he is happy to have Dublin, OH and Granville for his work focus.
So my brain is on why I like to travel.  I’m a why person- again with the MBTI- my ENtJ is showing.  When I see something I like about travel I capture it- my brain says- oh yes, this is why!  Sitting on a plane just getting to think, contemplate, taking in this peaceful beautiful site from up above.  The lights of a sleeping, resting, night time/early morning city are beautiful.  I really do like window seats when time allows and I’m in the mode to get comfortable, taken in the sights below. I love takeoff and landing and finding my position. Lately we fly over OSU a fair amount when landing at CMH and it is cool to see the stadiums- baseball, the shoe plus it gives me my bearings! 
After reading the Jerrie Mock book Three Eight Charlie (while flying!) I pose the question to myself- do I want to learn to fly myself?  If I am so enamored with the activity?  I don’t think so- I think I like to be flown.  If Joe wants to get his pilots license I’d fly with him.  I love the fact that Jerrie talked about writing letters, typing, while in the air- wow, I didn’t think about her having the time to do that while in the air.  I heard at some point the recognition of her introvert- being able to spend so much time alone in a plane aligns with that behavior preference I’m not sure I could do that being the extrovert I am. I also have no desire at this time to learn something so complicated. Maybe in the future- the learning I’m doing now for my new job is rewarding, fulfilling and time consuming enough.  I like the idea of learning how to fly- I’ve just really come to understand the physics of it but my brain goes to the magic of it-fabulous concert. Hip Hip hooray for all those that figured it out and have developed, innovated us to a place that I can be sitting here x miles above the ground sitting and typing while sipping coffee!( And hooray for the innovation of computers and lap tops and the ability to type instead of write!)
Changing topics- traveling in the dark….I believe I am a natural night owl.  I get energy to do things and can stay up late. I really don’t wake up naturally and ready to go….that 4 am alarm was tough. But something about getting up in the dark, the quiet of the house, the darkness feels quiet, peaceful- not always- sometimes I’m over tired and lonely- the darkness is not a comfort but allows me to sleep and bring a fresh new day.
So this is where I am, where my brain is – this is what my brain wanted to share instead of resting, napping in the quiet darkened cabin of the plane propelling through the night/ early morning sky.
Other points to note- to coat or not to coat.  Great forecast for California this trip- grabbed the coat to be comfy in the car- Granville morning was in the 30s per the car temp- glad I did!  Was thinking I’d leave the coat in the car….am I glad I didn’t! The plane is chilly and I love the blanket feel as I tuck the coat over my lap.
Cheers for Southwest- I am so pleased to be experiencing a direct, non-stop flight to Oakland! A Denison parent raved about this new addition to SW’s offerings and I agree! Last week’s flying west to go east and plane changes making a whole day of travel out of what should been faster does make me pause.  I don’t think of the “line up by number” as a cattle call- I see it for the good process it is. I love how we exit the plane in order too.  I feel flying on SW is fun and civilized- a positive regard for taking turns- but fellow travelers and great snacks!  These 100 calorie snack packs make me smile.
We’re not even an hour into the flight- I’ll check back after 4 hours in one place- I might not be so Pollyanna about this opportunity/component of my work.  The reality is I embrace that my desk will always have to-dos, my house, my kids, my body- we’re never caught up and we don’t want to be- that is where the challenge and growth happens.  However travel lets me sit and type, think, work, read- while being active- moving and going somewhere to be with good people, connect them to good things. Yes I like to travel and I’m glad it works in my life on Newark-Granville Road. I’m grateful to all that make this possible - Joe, Clare, Peter, Sally, my colleagues Kelly plays a huge role and I’m grateful for the support and partnership and time to contemplate and explore my thoughts.

What a gift to travel like this just before the holidays.  I can take it in to prepare, ease into when I’m ready to go all out Xmas. I love November for November and Thanksgiving- but the world gets into gear so those of us who do Xmas in December can jump in. Those uber planners, get it done early- jump in now or sooner. Our neighbors next door have their tree up, the kids love to tease me by selecting the Xmas music station on the radio- I’m quick to get it off and that makes us all giggle and smile- how I love time with my kiddos like that!  Nice memory to bring back as I depart from them for a few days….the hardest part about my travel but thanks to a great husband, care providers, friends, relationships that matter- I can do it.  Technology helps too- texts and calls- not so much face time….maybe I’ll try that this trip although time zone differences have an impact.
I’m loving the sunrise from the sky- another bonus of this early morning flying thing. It makes me remember back to early exercise days and the reward of dawn.  Leaving the house to exercise in the dark was hard but all worth it.  When I went to bed for five hours last night, I went back to the place with babies.  When they had to eat in the middle of the night- setting expectations – realistic expectations is key to our happiness, planning with room for wiggle and adjustments.
Just read Oprah’s December O Magazine – some good things, quick take a ways to capture. If I had my journal with me- I opted to keep it at home this trip…hmmmm mistake or not?  Still figuring out what to pack and how- look forward to getting it down.  A big help is my new travel purse. It is small enough to fit into my carry on- SW can get serious about only two.  It goes across my body and makes keeping/finding what I need- driver’s license, credit card, phone fast east. Gives me a place for receipts and cash. Colleague recommended this and made all the difference. I welcome travel tips! Hmmm Maybe Oprah should do that…..

Bonus- whole row to myself….not just a window seat but the middle for my stuff..and I love to use that tray table. Also two easy escapes to the rest room with no one in the aisles- lucky me!  I’m getting my daily water intake in one flight

Saturday, November 14, 2015

choose people….

I left my desk yesterday at 4:25 pm- walked away, computer on, folders open, projects started and not tucked away…it was time to (actually past time) get to the Denison Museum's event with the Vail artist,   Regina Carter.  I saw this opportunity on Friday morning and seized the chance.  A new coworker said- let me know when you are going, I'll go with you.  I'm glad he said that- it made me walk out the door.

I thought I'd go back and and wrap up the day….but the women's basketball game started at 6 and I went there instead- Joe joined me.  It was nice to sit with him and watch the game.  I had the great opportunity to meet Denison basketball parents for the men's program.  Kids joined us for the scrimmage and dinner. I met wonderful people.  I never got back to my desk.

8:15 this morning- time to volunteer at church.  I didn't do much- my role was to bus tables and greet, talk and engage with FPC's Presbyterian Women's Harvest Fest guests.  I can do that.  I shopped - crafts made by wonderful women, collectibles merchandised by fantastic women- people uniting to support mission. A church full of good people.  Thank you Marcee for inviting and encouraging me to start my morning in this way.

I juggled another stop-by with good folks doing good work. I reflect now and realized I missed some stops on my day of holiday fairs and markets- sorry!  I did make it to the high school girls basketball scrimmage and saw Clare on the court (she scored!)  More good people doing good things and quick catch-ups with friends!  I did go to the office for 30 minutes to wrap up yesterday, prepare for the new week- phew…..Taking in the game from the amazing view at our office building.  Then the roar of the crowd, called me down to be with the people.  Reconnected with Mercersburg friend- so much fun! Meeting parents and students looking at Denison- highlight of my job- future parents to engage!  Seeing Denison through their eyes.  Hearing about the fun and friends during M'burg's 30th reunion for his class- choosing people!

Denison won the two games on campus this afternoon- watching, seeing parents and players, fans and family- happy, shiny people…..and now family time- football, Vail concert and just being with good people that I love.

The tratedies in France remind us life is short and time with people matters.  People make differences and matter.  I took in the people around me on in my Newark-Granville Road today, people, good people.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

travel smiles....

The TSA Agent believes I changed my hair color- mother nature has an impact and probably photograph's lighting.

No TP in the potty- good thing I grabbed my tissues from the back of the car when I got gas- felt like I was back in China.

NY/NJ- pizza- yes- I saved all my calories and found a place for a slice- ate it in the car- couldn't wait to check in to the hotel.  And yes burned the roof of my mouth- but not too too badly.

Good thing I had checked out Joe's rental car- I knew to use the key fob push button start, not try to insert- but there was a key insert part??

Reading Jerrie Mock's book of her historic flight "38 Charlie" while flying- very cool...more on that one later- lots of lessons...I finished it on the return flights- cried, loved it!! Yay book club- thank you!

Mapping technology- wow- it got me all over NJ and CT- on time- wow!  I still miss maps and don't want to loose the ability to navigate on my own but WOW!

Hilton Member- I like the free water waiting for me at the hotel.

Coming home and knowing right where to go- no navigation....kind of like sleeping in my own bed.

This trip was another good one- love the beautiful New England architecture- charming and of course the fantastic Denisonians I spend time with. Special opportunity to reconnect with an old friend too in a beautiful place.  More to share there too.

Life on Newark-Granville Road filled with smiles while traveling this week, but oh so happy to be home.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

crying through laughter- thank you Truvy

It felt really good to laugh and cry last night.  I valued the opportunity to see a play I've always wanted to see as I LOVE the movie.  Steel Magnolias. I am grateful the timing worked, I bought tickets and went to the Granville High School production.  I'm glad I supported a friend and the great work she does with students. I enjoyed taking in the community that brings out a school play- all ages, people I don't see every day.   The show was wonderful- the acting, the set, all the support that executed a well done production. Lots of lessons were learned no doubt- the script alone teaches so much.  I am glad I was there.

Life on Newark-Granville Road is always in motion with lots of moving parts- the high school was the meeting place for us on a Friday night.  Joe out of town with friends and the play at started at 7. Peter's basketball try-outs ended at 6:45, Clare's basketball practice ending at 7:15.  Sally was with me to pick up (and learn the term will-call) the tickets and find our seats.  Clare ended up sitting in the back with friends watching the play.  Peter was next to me in the dark - both of us comforting the other. The disappointment of not making the team, and not having my child get something he wanted- both of us needed comforted.  Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion- Truvy Jones quote from the play/movie- was just what I needed on Newark-Granville Road last night.

And back to the theater-  So many quotes that make me laugh out loud and smile in Steel Magnolias- which is your favorite- see them here:  The story is a sad one and boy did the tears flow- well done students!! If you have time to go tonight- I would encourage you to do so!  I do love to escape to the theater!! Denison has a play right now too!  Best Friends by Jeff Daniels - opportunities through next week.

I hope you find laughter when the tears flow- life is filled with the ups and downs - and sometimes the best way to cope is to sit in a dark theater and escape to the theater.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

traveling for work… lessons.

The lessons of the road all came back to me this week.  I learned one of these lessons in high school and feel like I've shared on the blog prior. It is a lesson to repeat as it ties to life on Newark-Granville Road too!

As you can tell from my prior post- the scoop on my Denver hotel- The Art Hotel, which I highly recommend for those out of towners traveling to Denver or in towners looking for  meeting spot- go, now!  I thoroughly enjoyed my stay and hope to return.  However there were moments that it wasn't the case.  A 5:15 am wake-up to get to the airport on Sunday morning after a full fun weekend put me in a tired traveling state.  And when I'm tired I don't see things clearly and I found myself wanting my routine. Good company and great taste helped put me in a happier state of mind- but there were dips.  A great night's sleep (the room was so dark!) put everything into perspective and I woke happy and inspired to do my work.

It was an extended trip with a variety of work and a special event- Denison Connecting.  Many happy reunions, conversations and "ups".  On the other spectrum-another late night and time zone shifting again found me cranky and blue at times.  The advice I gave myself- get out, find fresh air, call a friend,  embrace the support of coworkers, focus on the good, exercise. Self talk of the lessons of the road, the learning all around and privilege to be where I was with such beauty and inspiration (art in the art hotel) a city of growth supported by good people-  couldn't  allow me to stay down for long.

I do like to travel, and I love to come home. Ups and downs are everywhere- the road far away, and right her on Newark-Granville.  The advice is the same- talk to friends, get a good night's sleep, get out in the fresh air, reflect on the good and beautiful- it is there to comfort and inspire.

When in Denver….Art Hotel- this week's home away from home- lucky me!

What a treat to stay at the Art Hotel while in Denver this week!  Denisonians made this facility available for the fantastic "Denison Connecting" event- Denver style! And how lucky this was part of my work this week and tied to meeting with very special Denison parents!

So the hotel is amazing for many reasons.  Not surprising- the art!  Every step you took, including your room was like being in a gallery.  And having spent five years at The Works, being in a gallery daily, I was right at home.  The art delighted me - the car entrance lighting- spectacular.  The lines, lighting, fixtures and material- every where beautiful.  You enter on floor 1, floor 4 is reception, lobby, restaurant, amazing out-door/indoor event space and banquet/meeting space- all intiment, yet inviting. The large horse was certainly a delight for me and not to be missed.

The individual hotel room was spacious, comfortable, clean filled with extra touches- a luxurious shower with big thick towels and cozy robe.  The turn-down service, dark comfy sleeping, snacks and beverages- even a bottle opener and wine glasses for my sparkling treat last night.  

The staff at every step- parking attendents, check-in, servers, housekeeping- attentive, kind, encouraging, accomodating and happy to be of service, genuine and pleasant.  I worked, rested, relaxed, networked, caught-up and connected with my Denison family at  The Art Hotel.  Life on Newark-Granville Road likes a good journey and experience and shares the scoop!