The memories and people returning to me during this #homewelovesowell challenge:
are wonderful. I did find the photo alblum- pictures below. The smiles, the music, the food, the chats, the downs and ups, the confusion, the mistakes, the happy successes, the older students, the classmates, the younger students, the fraternity boys coming to live in Shep, the independent men living with us, the deliveries- Papa Chang egg rolls in a cooler, the crushes, the support and love- oh the love....the relationships thanks to "the home we love so well".....
And I love hearing your stories- your home away from home experiences. This week in particular from Denisonians- 1990-Mark and Lauren- thank you, Elliott- wow, Julie, Makiva!! I know why I work at Denison- it is a call, my home to support in many ways- but it only works when we work together to support our home away from home in my life on Newark-Granville Road. Thanks to all engaging in this challenge to build participation and support of the Annual Fund in a really fun way!

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