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Friday, March 4, 2016

make a petal at a time...


This is the message for me today it has been delivered in a few ways I'd like to share:

1st it was a Facebook video posted by Carol Apacki.  How lucky am I to have met and served with Carol in my life on Newark-Granville Road.  Although we don't see one another as often as we did during Mission Committee co-chair days I benefit daily- today directly.  The video was Michele Obama surprising children and adults working on public and school gardens, learning and excited about feeding themselves, caring for the earth and one another- good stuff.  It touched me. Gardening is hard work and matters- one person can make a big difference.  One first lady can inspire with visits to inner city schools and engaging with people making a difference- ripple effect!

2nd a NPR story after driving kids to school (which I love now- bonus time with them)  I LOVE this-it brought me to tears...again!  One boy, with the beautiful Italian accent, creates a new word and the linguist from the keepers of dictionaries encourages him- allows him to go through the process-she wants him to learn the lesson that language is fluid, evolving- that is what made me cry. Liberal art education is everywhere!

The quote above came to my mind and ties to this new word- petaloso! Our acts unite like a petal on a flower-together, petaloso (filled with petals) they unite to make a flower, bring beauty to the world and keep things moving. Flowers play a key role in the life of a plant- each petal matters.

These are the stories I carry with me off of Newark-Granville road today.  An exciting day filled with special opportunities- I can't wait!  And I look forward to sharing with you and reflecting on how it all connects and ties together.

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