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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

happy campers......

Part of the fun of the blog is documenting the what is happening behind the pictures...the rest of the story.... So why happy campers?

1st- the picture posted to the left- Peter captured after delivery and making of his cot in his tent at Camp Greenbrier.  I also love the one Clare snapped after they loaded his is the scoop: 

Notice the yellow trunk- his choice- Michigan color, we will get M Sticker for it. There is a Denison sticker though...and sure enough counselor asked the connection- we shared. Turns out there is a DU student counselor two tents down from Peter.  Love his shirt too- always working on Denison visibility.  But look at that face- he was so ready to go and he was happy to get there.  He is in good hands. If anyone wants to write to him:  Camp Greenbrier for Boys, 100 Camp Greenbrier Dr, Alderson, WV 24910- he'll be there until July 16th!  I'll let you know when I get my letter!

Second- I'm a happy camper. 
It was great to deliver Peter to camp- thank you Clare for encouraging Peter and us.  I love what these camp experiences give our kids- time to be kids, time to be outdoors, play, relax, make new friends, get dirty...not get boys! I'll be a happier camper when I get the other two to camp (thank you Mom and Dad) and get letters from 
all 3!

And the whole Stoner family is happy campers today as good news about our Dad- his blood transfusion for his myelodysplastic syndrome went well today. Last week we had a scare.  His cataract surgery went well too- he reads a book a week- during the transfusion time- so this was important. So grateful it was a good day!

CampNanaPap is a pretty fun camp too....and that is where I've spent a few days and the girls are now.  Schedule included:
-breakfast at the white table- 7:30 start, as you wake....
-swimming at FHCC and even golf and tennis- walking to the club is part of the fun!
-cocktail hour promptly at 5:30
-TV time included this summer: Olympic Swim trials, Nationals baseball, College World Series...5 for 5 happened during this time as well.
-Ping Pong ladder matches throughout the day.

It was hard to leave the girls in Maryland but as you can see they are in great hands. I'm so grateful my parents look forward to delivering them to CA and helping us out!! I so hope all goes well and Camp Alleghany's plans can be executed for a delayed opening this year....the girls love it lessons galore as we go with the flow, roll with mother nature's wrath....The song "you can't always get what you want" by the Stones is in my head...we wanted to have three in camp by now, and a Greenbrier weekend....instead...maybe we did get what we need...ed.....time in Maryland was lovely. I actually did get work done at my parent’s table and on the porch.  It was fun to see childhood friends and my kids with their kids. I even golfed with Peter at FHCC!! I had contemplative happy camper walks and my parents are giving Clare driving lessons and cooking with Sally!

I'm a happy camper as I sit back in my perch on Newark-Granville Road thinking of my happy Camp NanaPap and Camp Greenbrier.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Best laid plans...thinking of WVA...home away from homes....

The best laid plans...rerouted....greetings from Hagerstown and not the Greenbrier!  Greetings as the mother of three living with my parents, not an almost temporary empty nester!

Here is the scoop.  The kids were supposed to be delivered to their West Virginia Camps today.  We were supposed to all be at the Greenbrier with my parents catching up with my niece who finished a week of Mini-Camp. My sister was to have a special day at the Greenbrier with Greg, who had never been before we all arrived and I was to have a large group gathered in the main dining room with formal dinner and dancing....oh well- the horrible flooding recreated our plans and here is where are now.

Sarah is on her way to Hagerstown with her happy camper. Camp Alleghany kept the young campers and staff safe, dry, happy.  We can't wait to hear more details!  They were delayed a day due to road closures, access across the river (they go by barge- part of camp charm!) and who knows what else.
Sarah had to retreat to Lexington, VA- she found another Mom in a same situation....she and Greg enjoyed the college town as best they could while missing their dear daughter.

We left Joe behind in Ohio. Clare and I are like minded and had the expectation to leave town on Saturday. When we heard the Greenbrier was closed and knew camp would be delayed it didn't change our desire to move on with a trip, an escape, and reunion with my parents!  We thought about other hotels- Berkley Springs, The Homestead....where else?  We knew we needed a place to set up camp to wait for delivery time, wait to see Louisa....etc....We made the call to just go home- go to Maryland!  As the news came in on Friday I knew where and how I wanted to be processing all of this...sitting on my parents screen porch with a scotch!  Instead I went to MCC and had a martini.
Yesterday- Saturday  Joe loaded the car with the three trunks, golf clubs and dress up clothes for dinner (left over plan) and I headed east over the beautiful Allegheny mountains....we sang camp songs and had a great drive.  Once I hit the mountains a bit of melancholy hit of the state of things further south and our need to redirect. As soon as I arrived at my parents’ I went right to the porch!  Mom put a glass of ice tea in my hand and we chatted nonstop.  Emails and texts continued to arrive and plans were formed- Peter goes Wednesday to camp- I'll take him from here.  The girls go next Sunday- my parents will take them.  You see the to be empty nester Leithausers are flying to Colorado on Saturday.....hip hip hooray for Mom and Dad!

We had a lovely dinner at my parent’s club- looking over their dry pretty golf course. It wasn't the same but it was so very nice.  Grandparent time and parent time means the world to me and I'm so grateful for time like this...and the reality is I needed it.  Today is a low key relaxing day in my life on Newark-Granville Road.  Home- how do we define home?  Special places that call to us....West Virginia is one, Hagerstown another....Denison and Mercersburg...future blog post topic....for now I share that I am happy at home- on my parents porch...anxious to welcome Louisa, Sarah and Greg home!

West Virginia weighs on my mind....the damage, economic and health wellfare....we will do as able to support...grateful a special home away from home is moving forward with summer plans...although altered. Grateful for communications to keep us connected.....more on this later as well.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Hello Today, Today support Denison

Friends- I hope you'll view this video- 90 seconds.  A wonderful Denison parent, alumnus, friend, volunteer created this and I love the message.  I met Marty Jones when we served together on Alumni Council- lucky me. We didn't attend Denison at the same time, but that is party of the Denison magic and network- it extends far beyond one's four years on campus. It is exponential- it truly goes to infinity and beyond.  Each year I make new Denison friends and each year I reconnect and pick up where I left off with beloved college roommates, sisters, pals.

I am in a special place to see firsthand the wonderful impact Denison has on:
-young people's lives
-fellow alumni
-our community

The students are in an important formative time in their lives and Denison indeed provides the knowledge and skills for success. It does this through relationships- friendships, mentorships, formal and informal.  And as mentioned above it continues to do so by the network it provides, the connections we have to the place we love so well!

I invite you all to watch:  And yes consider a gift. The Annual Fund dollars matter and make a difference.   We can all give something.  As my Dad said- do you like the magazine, being invited to events? (Yes you all are invited to campus for sporting events free of charge, concerts, plays, art exhibits, and the dining hall (yes some fees but think about what isn't covered in that small fee).  If you like the invite, access, mail, email...then support it with a gift to the Annual Fund!  (Do you think when he told me this as a child over and over he had any idea he was creating a fundraiser?)

So consider a gift to the Annual Fund at Denison. 
    -Denison parents, grandparents- thank you for helping me do my specific job!! 
    -Denison Alumni- thank you for helping us with our participation rate- every gift matters, it affects our national rankings- alumni participation is measured!  Now is the time, today is here- lets rally around our fair college on the hill!
    -Community friends- your gifts are appreciated and valued too! Think about what Denison does for our community- the jobs, culture, industry, tourism it brings to our beautiful licking county. Help us today with a gift to the Annual Fund.  Now more than ever Denison is engaged in our community-supporting my beloved Works: Ohio Center for History,  The Granville Inn, downtown Newark, Columbus.  I can go on and on but will stop.  Thanks for recognizing and considering becoming a friend of Denison. Is where you can give and learn more!

Thank you- regular readers you know how important Denison is in my life on Newark-Granville Road, how much I value it. I am who I am because of four years and beyond at Denison. I'm grateful and want to share the opportunity to engage. Thank you.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Fathers from my Dad...

Fathers Day snuck up on me......I'm sorry Daddy!  Your Fathers Day token will be hand delivered next weekend.  I'm really looking forward to our time together.  I'm so very lucky we have such good memories and times together.  I'll take this moment to reflect on the gifts you've given me!

Gifts from my Dad, Michael W. Stoner:
-Love of learning.  You taught me to be curious, to explore, to find an answer. I remember fondly playing the dictionary game at the dinner table.

-Family time.  Said dinner table, vacations, Sunday hikes, drives.

-Game playing- you were teaching, entertaining, passing time and sharing time when we: passed the VT drives with the alphabet game, the hide in the back seat and guess where we were loved to drive us through the alleys, the hand slapping game -not really a slap, more a tap- all about quickness.  The guess what I'm drawing and you'd strategically sketch and item making it a challenge to uncover the answer.

-Appreciation for music- bluegrass in particular but also classical, classic even made this into a game..."name the instrument you hear" in the concerto! You gave me my lullaby- Edelweiss.  Yes this is why we danced to this at my wedding.  I can't hear The Country Gentleman and not think of you.

-Great dance partner- you were the first person to dance with me and I learned to follow.  Looking forward to a turn on the dance floor with you this weekend!

-A good love to share the Rotary jokes and have quite a witty sense of humor.  You taught me how to short sheet a bed!

-Love of the outdoors- picnics and hikes.  Mom- thanks for taking care of Daddy today and packing a great picnic this Fathers Day- I'm sorry not to be with you.  Sure I didn't always love them. My teenage years in VT were tough...but I got there. Joe and I hiked Abraham eventually!

-Love of trains.... a spike at the shooting range today made me think of all the spikes I proudly collected to show you.  When I'm stopped by a train at a Railroad Crossing I smile and think of you, same goes for a train whistle and love a train ride.  The NY trip was pretty special for Spring Break 2015!

-Appreciation of Quotes- the serious and classic one below, but even fun ones like Ogden Nash'- a door is what a dog is perpetually on the wrong side of!

-And as I said in my toast at your 50th Anniversary to Mom- what I love the most is the quote you love to share and have lived your life by.... the best gift a father gives his love their mother!

-You taught me to be confidant and go into the world alone- coaching me to learn to go to the movies by myself and not be afraid to introduce myself to strangers.  All the places I've been a thanks to that advice and coaching.  And you've always been there to hear the story, chat about the outcome...

-You took me to the SAT and told me to get good nights sleep, and took me for a good breakfast.  When I had a challenge with an automotive test at Federal-Mogul you shared the same advice.... but then called me back ten minutes later with the E Encyclopedia book and we went through the engine step by step. I received a B on that exam!

Those that know me and my life on Newark-Granville Road know I love a good adventure and I thank my parents for that gift.

I'm sorry I didn't send a card this on Fathers Day I know how lucky I am in my life on Newark-Granville Road to have you as my Dad.  I love you.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

reading blogs....going without my flashing....

So many good blogs out there, had to share..... one...  Have to try the recipes from here...thank you Maureen for the recommendation!

There are others but gosh if I can't put my fingers on them right now...will do in the future! So adding a few other notes for this post....

Last night I left my phone at work....and I liked it.  It was good to be at the swim meet without it. I talked to people, engaged and didn't miss Facebook at all.  When I picked up my phone at 9 am I had missed calls-nothing urgent or that couldn't be figured out without it.  I had missed texts- but same as the calls.  I missed Facebook posts- it is the nature of that ap- no way can I be in the know with all my friends....I don't understand the algorithms that put some folks in my feed and not others....

And today I truly feel as my life is flashing before my eyes...I have had two friends send me pictures via text from the past.  One friend sent Omaha days pictures of people I have not seen in over twenty years- wild! Another friend sent pictures from my wedding rehearsal dinner and then pictures from senior year!  Good times...a special Throw Back Thursday personal style!  Nice to be thought about in Chicago and Omaha today.

Life on Newark-Granville Road with technology and without it....snapshot of my life.  Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Summer Dinner.....

Summer...I know we still have 7 more days until the true welcome but summer is summer when the fireflies fly, we wear white, we swim, we don't go to school and juggle who goes where when all hours of the day, when we make iced tea (stomp the lemons), drink tonic, go to baseball games, pick berries, spend as much time outside as possible?!  What means summer to you....

Summer to me means chicken salad with mac n cheese (homemade kind), olives and such to accompany the salad....strawberry shortcake for dessert.  This is the meal I made on Sunday morning and figured out how to get to the concert on the green in Granville.  It was a lovely meal if I do say so myself. We were surrounded by good people, we laughed and smiled and delighted in children's carefree love and joy.  We heard beautiful music that took us back and we could sing all the words...long live the 80s!  Life on Newark-Granville Road was summer love. I cook to show my love, to tribute the love from my mother- this is a meal she served me in the summer on Forrest Drive.  Yes comfort food....we needed comfort on Sunday. The far away real world with Orlando's horrible hate....the stress of comings and goings and juggling and dealing with anxieties and stress.  Life is so not perfect on Newark-Granville Road or anywhere in this world...but we have one another, we have moments and days to embrace and cherish and ways to show, feel and share love. Some times in a summer dinner.

Last night we had a new summer meal- twice now on a baseball night Clare has requested Indian Food.  They all like it and we love to support the dear couple that prepares the food from their country- Bombay Garden on 30th street.  Marcia Downs introduced me to it and I miss those lunches.  Now my kids request it for dinner....Clare was too sweet with this request.  As we wrapped up a lovely catch-up, chat-up, prepare for a trip to India to see my cousin Andrew and his family with Andrew and his beautiful family....Clare stated- can we pleased have Indian- we talked all about it and I now I'm craving Chicken Tiki Masala!  Sally and Clare were so up, happy, engaged, excited, thrilled for our upcoming adventure and this connection to this other place I had to oblige.  Thank you Andrew, Kay, Caulder, Adrienne and Sophie for the time, hospitality, experience and oh so right and appropriate approach to help us with this journey and adventure.

Diversion, looking ahead, happy times, meals and family...I need this in my life on Newark-Granville Road...Orlando, Facebook debates, friends' friends deaths, cancer, is all there, it is sad, depressing, hard and challenging...but we find our place, our way and dinner time helps and heals.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

My venture to the Denison Golf Course!

Saying a dream came true this weekend feels like putting an inordinate weight on a relatively simple outing with not much significance.  I golfed 18 holes at the Denison Golf Course at Granville. The beautiful course, designed by Donald Ross in 1924, some holes reformatted in the late 80s to make room for the Bryn Du subdivision.  A subdivision I'm in often if not daily.

So why is it a said dream?  When Joe and I bought our house on NG Road we talked how we'd carry our clubs and golf the course.  I was still in my "learning to play mode" and still am but now 15 years later I'm making progress.  I’ve now made enough progress to actually play 18 with other people. I'm not saying I'm good and every hole had a true score (we cap it at double par) but I didn't embarrass us and I kept up with my group.

My group- thank you Denison alumna Jennifer Williams.  It wouldn't have happened without you. You asked us to join you and Joe said- we always say yes to golf at Granville.  We knew we'd be tired but the tired worked in our advantage. The earlier hour, usually Joe and I play end of day, mid day in hot sun, was lovely...even the sprinkle of rain and overcast sky worked to my advantage!! And Joe- his encouragement, coaching and even refrain from sharing his wit (only once did he say after my third stroke, "three strokes and you're with my first"- but I told him- not appropriate.

So again why do I share this as a dream- it is a golf course?  For one it is a Donald Ross course. I put it into a category that was out of my league- I did it to myself.  The club where I grew up has a Donald Ross course- I've been hearing about them for years from people that are real golfers.  And also this activity was something that didn't get my time- I was on the tennis courts, at the pool, running, working, at the zoo.... but last summer we took to the links and I'm so glad we did!

I've passed that course for more than 30 years.... my first drive into Granville to visit Denison my senior year in high school- 1986! We drove by the course.... we missed the school, turned around in front of Bryn Du. I was taken by this beautiful road where I perch my life's view now even then!  Do I believe in love at first sight.... future blog post!  Anyway last year when Peter joined the Granville Middle School golf team I followed him on the course. An intimidating task as well the rules and etiquette- I didn't want to get in the way.  What a treat...what a treat to go into the course. It is pretty from the road but oh- back in the bowl - that Donald Ross knew what he was doing!  Wow!

And then yesterday I was able to go to the back 9 and see the new holes I've been hearing about for years and even Friday night during an alumni weekend reception!  I love design and layout- I'm the kid that doodled floor plans when bored in school. To see the layout, backs of these pretty homes, the course path was something I've always wanted to do.... and that truly defines a dream doesn't it? Something you've always wanted to do...

Maybe it was a day dream but a day dream come true in my life on Newark-Granville Road and I savored, celebrated and now have blogged it!