Another thing I LOVE about summer vacation is reading! Those that know me from the blog know I love travel for this reason mix travel and vacation add up to lots of reading time for me! Happiness is.....Reading in a low beach chair, feet in the water...ahhhhh...reading under the umbrella (thank you Greg).....reading after lunch before heading back to the beach.....Here is what I read while off of Newark-Granville Road in July! I was doing my research for a future book club recommend...or catch-up from past book club reads, supporting local book stores is fun too! I found a new favorite!
-Our Souls at Night- Kent Haruf- found this at the fabulous book store in Buxton- had a little note recommending it. I wish I could recall what the comments were that attracted me to this book. Then the owner of the store, when checking me out lit up when she saw this in my pile and said- it is a dear book. Then a clerk at a shop in Lexington, VA heard that I was reading this book and did the- hand to heart with an ahhhh- and said she loved this book. I finished it today and I will do something similar when recommending this book in September to our group.
-The Silent Wife -ASA Harison- recommended via text as a good beach read. Mine reflects that this indeed where I read it- little salt water never hurt no body....Bought this one on Okracoke!
-The Things They Carried- Tim O'Brien- this month's book club book- looking forward to discussion on Monday, happy to be ready!
-A Man Called Ove - Fredrik Backman- this was my favorite of my reads...and I will read other books by this author!
-Dear Committee Members - Julie Schumacher - read this in Colorado- really enjoyed it, sorry I missed conversation with Denison group.
-The Bookman's Tale- Charlie Lovett Another I read on the Colorado vacation- it was last month's book club read and we had a nice discussion. It was also fun to leave it with my parents- my dad devours books and he is enjoying what my friends did from book club.
-Dreamland, The True Tale of America's Opiate Epidemic - Sam Quinones- Joe listened to this and I felt like I had read it as he stopped to share the fascinating, sad, concerning points about black tar herroin, the abuse and exploitation of addiction
-Leviathan- Scott Westerfeld.....Peter's required reading, Clare's from last year and she did not like it. We listened to it in the car and I LOVE IT! I'm not quite done....Peter is reading it as well. I found this fascinating, intriguing and a great book- I get why it is a summer read! Can I attend the classroom discussion?
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Sunday, July 31, 2016
Saturday, July 30, 2016
thoughts from the road.....
So much to share from my time off Newark-Granville and conferences are inspiring, rejuvenating, fun and so much more. Here is a first go to record what was on my mind this July's trip to the south....
I don't need to buy souvenirs at this point but I do love the catchy sayings I found in a variety of shops...on a variety of items from Tshirts to ornaments. Here are a few:
One Person Can Make a Difference and Everyone Should Try- John F. Kennedy Glass tray at a store in the Greenbrier.
The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it- Ralph Waldo Emerson Cocktail napkins- same store above.
Advice from a Butterfly- Take time to smell the flowers, enjoy the beauty of each day, break out of your cocoon, catch a gentle breeze, take yourself lightly- Linda Harris. Art Gallery in the Outerbanks.
Advice from an Elephant- Make a big first impression, don't work for peanuts, know when to put your foot down, be gentle, no matter your size, charge ahead. Linda Harris. Same art gallery
Words of Wisdom from The Sun...start each day quietly, create warmth as you go, shine your light on others, end each day with beauty- Linda Harris. Same art gallery
The South- The place where... Tea is sweet and accents are sweeter; Summer starts in April; Macaroni and Cheese is a vegetable; Front porches are wide and words are long; Pecan pie is a staple; Ya'll is the only proper noun; Chicken is fried and biscuits come with gravy; Everything is darlin; Someone's heart is always being blessed. Wood sign in a shop in OBX.
Life is Better in Seersucker. Tshirt in OBX
Saltwater heals all. Tshirt in OBX
Good News for a Bad News World- church sign.
She smelled of SUN and Daises and a with a hint of River Water! This was on a chalk board in a great store in sums up our girls when we picked them up from camp....and as we unload, put away and do laundry....the mud of the flood is still with us....but no worries it did not dampen the camp experience for the Leithausers. They came off the barge and declared- shortest and best camp session yet!
These make me smile, think, a bit of both, some more than on Newark-Granville Road loves its seersucker, salt and river water, sweet tea, Good News, time with friends in a home, our home here is best, listens to the sun, elephants and butterflies and certainly tries to make a difference.
She smelled of SUN and Daises and a with a hint of River Water! This was on a chalk board in a great store in sums up our girls when we picked them up from camp....and as we unload, put away and do laundry....the mud of the flood is still with us....but no worries it did not dampen the camp experience for the Leithausers. They came off the barge and declared- shortest and best camp session yet!
These make me smile, think, a bit of both, some more than on Newark-Granville Road loves its seersucker, salt and river water, sweet tea, Good News, time with friends in a home, our home here is best, listens to the sun, elephants and butterflies and certainly tries to make a difference.
Friday, July 22, 2016
Brain on Blog....
All sorts of fun things to share, yes another catch-up blog....I'm behind and so many things will circle through my brain for the are a few:
Who waved at me? New addition to our lives on Newark-Granville Road- Orville, the blue ace that makes us feel like we're flying. A 2006 Saab convertible- navy blue! Another oops buy on ebay but a happy one! We had it transported from PA (pretty easy to do actually). One Stop Saab has given it some tlc and we found space in the garage. I'm a big believer that there are no bad days when you drive a convertible. The kids know if I'm cranky- a drive in the convertible is just what I need. It will be hard to say goodbye to Sebastian-the green '92 manual.
Time to make the reservation.....HATSOFF! on September 17th This is the link I encourage you to act sooner than later- this event is already quite full due to amazing sponsorship- well done event chairs Alison and Matt Miller, as well as Works staff!! It is a night not to miss.
New haircut...not that new anymore....but yes I went back to bangs, layers and I LOVE IT! I am so lucky to have someone that cuts my hair that I completely trust. I had reviewed pics of the last style and just was not feeling it anymore. Felt like the hairline was receding and was a bit worried. Beth assured me new growth was there, said convertible, can be hard on one's hairline. Interesting what inspires a haircut, a change. I really thought I was done with bangs- they felt too young and I had even said that to someone once. Never say never is proven again in my life on Newark-Granville Road!
How is it July 22nd? My summer reporting has been limited I admit. I don't love broadcasting to the world we're not in residence at 1142....I assure you there will be adventures off of NG Road to share soon...summer on NG Road (#ngrsummer) is going quite well! The kids had a wonderful camp experience- Clare says it was the shortest term but the best yet. Peter can't wait to go back and has his time all mapped out....more on this later too..with pictures!
How is it July 22nd? My summer reporting has been limited I admit. I don't love broadcasting to the world we're not in residence at 1142....I assure you there will be adventures off of NG Road to share soon...summer on NG Road (#ngrsummer) is going quite well! The kids had a wonderful camp experience- Clare says it was the shortest term but the best yet. Peter can't wait to go back and has his time all mapped out....more on this later too..with pictures!
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Your assistance please.....
Last month this blog had over 1000 views- yay!
I'm grateful for each person that shares in my various activities, points
of views, family, work, and community happenings. Today I ask for
assistance with a project I'm working on that is dear to my heart- HATSOFF!-
the bi-annual fundraiser for The Works: Ohio Center for Art, History and
Science (check out all the good things they do for our community and if you
have not been, please )
The HATSOFF! auction- I'm chairing acquisitions-
this means auction items and wine/booze for the speakeasy's wall of wine and
hooch! (Denison pals- thanks I donated the cool Tequila from the 25th to
this effort!!) Some great things are in the auction now but we need more!
I say to everyone- we all know someone, or have something that someone else
would like to buy for a good cause! Some people are artists; some people
have art to share- no longer works in their home. Some people have condos
and cabins. We'd love to offer experiences- special items and opportunities you
can't just go buy. The Works is unique, HATSOFF is special and the auction
items need to be too! The Works is a non profit- I have paperwork to work
on for the donors. Please email me, call, text, FB message me if you want
to talk about this- Far away friends- I’ll pay for the shipping! We go to
print with the catalog sooner than later so now is the time to act- THANK YOU
for thinking about what you can do to assist and help us meet our goal and
raise money for this important education and tourism anchor in this special
community- the Works is so much more than a museum- it aligns so beautifully
with the liberal arts and all Joe and I believe in...and it is the 20th anniversary!
20 years of development and growth making a huge impact with science, art and
history learning, understanding and delighting. If fifty views turn into auction items from my blog I will indeed be a happy camper!!
The HATSOFF event itself is September 17th- tickets will be on sale soon
- happy to talk to you about that...The staff at The Works- including new
Development Director, Stephanie McManus are doing incredible things- but they
need volunteers to assist- that is where I ask that you assist- join me as a
volunteer and donor- bottle of wine, favorite booze, auction items- silent and
live! Life on Granville Road is all the better with friends helping me meet a
goal to support the HATSOFF! auction this year.!
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Grateful Birthday Trip
We're just home from a very special trip. Joe and I had the chance to use a flight voucher and travel. Taking advantage of the empty nest..or a time in our lives on Newark-Granville Road that was suppose to be empty (Nana and Pap to the rescue!)...we had fun thinking of where would we go over the 4th of July, my birthday!? Colorado was selected when Joe learned of the Dead and Company Show in Boulder. I'm indeed grateful for the chance to escape, vacation, holiday, run-away to the west with Joe! It was just what I needed. Here are some highlights from our time together in Colorado!
I took this photo of our ticket the night after the show. I made friends in the audience- we were on the floor.

Here are some fun photos from the concert! By the way John Mayer is incredible! I didn't know - meaning I couldn't sing a long- with the songs but I recognized the music and really liked it. The people watching was fabulous- all ages, multigenerations enjoying this talented group of musicians presenting music that is truly epic. Here is the set list!
We spent two days in Boulder. Finding a place to stay was a challenge- but the Denison connection made it happen! We enjoyed connecting with Kirstin Forester Heinritz and her great husband! If you are in Boulder you have to experience- The Sink and West Flanders Brew House! YUM- the beers are great at the brewery- the saison in particular. The food was great too- flat breads, mussels, salads- delicious! They pointed us in the right direction for breakfast as well- Walnut Cafe! We love a good breakfast and leaving Boulder on our way north to Estes Park we found Dot's Cafe- a self proclaimed dead head fit the weekend's theme very well. I'm truly grateful for the hospitality and time to gather around a table, savor good food, toast the good life and be out in a beautiful city in the mountains.
We found ourselves grateful for the chance to hike, explore and soak in the fresh air and views! In Boulder we hiked Colorado Chautuaqua. What a charming wonderful location. Our uphill walks were just what we needed- exercise and the chance to awaken the senses...the smell of pine, the sound of the wind and rustling leaves, the color of the sky a blue I've never seen.

On the fourth we headed north. Once in Estes Park we located our lodge at Mary's Lake and headed in to the Rocky Mountain National Park! Our feet being a tiny bit sore from all the walking, dancing, standing, hiking...we chose to make it our drive the Trail Ridge Road day! What a treat to experience this special mountain high excursion! We stopped at the visitor center at 11,500 feet and hiked to 12,000 to take in the expeience of thiner air and incredible views. Glad I packed the wind breaker- Mike Stoner advice all the way. Once on the other side we stopped at Grand Lake and found lunch. Our delightful bartender filled us in on her hikes in the west and the journey to the park area. We headed back enjoying a few stops for more pictures and lots of one point I chided Joe for following to close to a car and said "what if they need to stop for wildlife" and as if on queue a female elk or maybe an antelope appeared on the side of the road! At the tundra level the backed up traffic was indeed due to elk and sure enough as we were approaching and ready to move along...they came close to crossing the road. Joe's tone had me giggling all the way! I highly recommend taking in this special way to enjoy and access such majesty!

I'm grateful for our energy as each day was filled with fun, adventure, laughs, toasts, togetherness and love. Since it was the actual 4th of July...after we checked in and showered we headed to town for fireworks. Joe had researched the best place to watch was the lawn of the Stanley Hotel. The Stanley is a historic hotel know as the Shining hotel! Our shuttle was a bit of an adventure but we did tour the town. We made it in plenty of time to saddle up to the bar...the whiskey bar at the hotel. The incredible manager, Jimmy (from Maryland!) provided incredible service and we enjoyed a special night.
The next day was my birthday.....I'm soooo grateful we decided to take the extra vacation time and not travel home on my birthday...instead we enjoyed a delicious breakfast on the porch of the lodge with a beautiful view. Then we found an incredible hike- the highlight of my trip. Three gorgeous lakes, perfect challenge of terrain and assent, wild life sightings including elk, beaver and fun chipmunks delighting the kids on the way. Seeing snow in July on the mountains is cool, traversing it at high altitudes fun as well! We wrapped up the night with dinner back at the Stanley. It was delicous and quite a treat. Joe and I just don't take time as much for dinners out like this and I savored every minute- yes, I'm so grateful for Joe, our marriage, my 38, oh I mean 48 years! We actually enjoyed rest time on the 5th and I read a lovely book to review on one's birthday- Gifts of the Sea by Ane Morrow Lindbergh. I'm in a busy, beautiful, awkward, full time in my life and trips like this are important, reflection, challenge, escape and was all filled with gratitude, grateful is indeed where I am.

One thing we also experienced was the wild weather! We had rain, hail, sun requiring sunscreen, a range of temps from 60-80..beautiful and fascinating that the park/mountains produce their own weather.
This is the website where we found our hike!! It was just what we needed!!
And now we're home after a full day of travel. Thank you for reading and sharing our special trip. We listened to great music the whole way- a lot of Grateful Dead....not a long strange trip at all....a short happy escape as part of my life on Newark-Granville Road.
I took this photo of our ticket the night after the show. I made friends in the audience- we were on the floor.
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A woman just knew this was my first show and gave me a rose. |

We spent two days in Boulder. Finding a place to stay was a challenge- but the Denison connection made it happen! We enjoyed connecting with Kirstin Forester Heinritz and her great husband! If you are in Boulder you have to experience- The Sink and West Flanders Brew House! YUM- the beers are great at the brewery- the saison in particular. The food was great too- flat breads, mussels, salads- delicious! They pointed us in the right direction for breakfast as well- Walnut Cafe! We love a good breakfast and leaving Boulder on our way north to Estes Park we found Dot's Cafe- a self proclaimed dead head fit the weekend's theme very well. I'm truly grateful for the hospitality and time to gather around a table, savor good food, toast the good life and be out in a beautiful city in the mountains.
We found ourselves grateful for the chance to hike, explore and soak in the fresh air and views! In Boulder we hiked Colorado Chautuaqua. What a charming wonderful location. Our uphill walks were just what we needed- exercise and the chance to awaken the senses...the smell of pine, the sound of the wind and rustling leaves, the color of the sky a blue I've never seen.

On the fourth we headed north. Once in Estes Park we located our lodge at Mary's Lake and headed in to the Rocky Mountain National Park! Our feet being a tiny bit sore from all the walking, dancing, standing, hiking...we chose to make it our drive the Trail Ridge Road day! What a treat to experience this special mountain high excursion! We stopped at the visitor center at 11,500 feet and hiked to 12,000 to take in the expeience of thiner air and incredible views. Glad I packed the wind breaker- Mike Stoner advice all the way. Once on the other side we stopped at Grand Lake and found lunch. Our delightful bartender filled us in on her hikes in the west and the journey to the park area. We headed back enjoying a few stops for more pictures and lots of one point I chided Joe for following to close to a car and said "what if they need to stop for wildlife" and as if on queue a female elk or maybe an antelope appeared on the side of the road! At the tundra level the backed up traffic was indeed due to elk and sure enough as we were approaching and ready to move along...they came close to crossing the road. Joe's tone had me giggling all the way! I highly recommend taking in this special way to enjoy and access such majesty!
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This makes met think of "Love American Style" ?? |

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Emerald Lake RMNP |

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Do you see the elk |
This is the website where we found our hike!! It was just what we needed!!
And now we're home after a full day of travel. Thank you for reading and sharing our special trip. We listened to great music the whole way- a lot of Grateful Dead....not a long strange trip at all....a short happy escape as part of my life on Newark-Granville Road.
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Happy Birthday to me at the Stanley July 2016 |
empty nest...Girls at news, good news!
Thanks to Nana and Pap- Sally and Clare have made it to camp! I don't have any other update as no mail yet....they just arrived on Sunday, Monday was the holiday...and today is Wednesday. Note I came home from our Colorado trip hoping for a letter from Peter. No such luck- oh well...mail may be delayed in West Virginia. My hope is he is having too much fun to write and it isn't his favorite thing to do anyway. He may be embarrassed by the check box child stationary for camp I put in his letter writing kit! Oh well- past readers know I'll share the fun of letters here. Back to the girls....Nana and Pap headed south from Hagerstown on Saturday and spent the night in Lexington, VA. Then were one of the first in line for Sunday drop off. Pictures I've seen, few below share a great story- happy happy campers indeed! Alleghany looks great and was ready to start 1st term. Life on Newark-Granville Road is an empty nest for the next week and a half. It is quiet and I miss them very much but am happy for their experiences. Drive down pic, facebook post from camp, from the Barge with Kranich girls!

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