Lucky me- I was able to sit in the grass, shoes off and watch Clare and the awesome girls of the Granville field hockey team play field hockey. And they won- yay! Nice parents, a puppy, fabulous weather, incredible scenery, active, happy, positive girls, being coached well, cheered on and supported. It was a lovely lovely evening. It didn't feel too hot or humid- warm yes but not dripping hot. Bonus- Joe had dinner in the crock pot and oven-left a bit early to have it ready when we arrived home. It was a day with lots of good results- results from hard work- not just mine- team effort. Support of education, the liberal arts, a diverse student body- diverse in all ways. It was a good day. A trip to the grocery with hellos and dinner prep for tomorrow. Crossing off some nice to-dos and will be in bend by 10. It was a good day in my life on Newark-Granville Road and I breath it in, I savor it, I save this feeling for the days that don't go as well.
We're launched, school has started and we're figuring out routines and expectations. That helps. I'm still behind on emails and volunteer efforts but this community makes it work. THANK YOU to all that help my kids get what they need- thank you. It was a weekend that combined Denison, The Works, the community, friends, MCC, pool time and more Denison and worked, inspired, energized and prepared me. It was a very good weekend. I'm looking forward to the holiday weekend. The last hurrahs of summer for the most part. I'm savoring this time and place, I'm breathing in this joy, this peace, this contentment.
I know they won't be this active, they won't always be here, there won't be games with grass for my toes and friends by my side- this will pass so I must savor it, breath it in, embrace and love it. How nice when it works so well and makes it so easy to recognize this happy, peaceful, inspiring, good place. I am grateful. I count my blessings for this day, this time in my life on Newark-Granville Road.
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Monday, August 29, 2016
Sunday, August 21, 2016
consider yourself invited......
to the CAbi party I'm hosting tomorrow. Monday, Aug 22 7 pm! Carol Anderson by invitation is what it stands for...... for me it is friends who've opened up their home to let me try on clothes, hang with their friends and have the chance to round out my wardrobe. As a professional women with three active kids shopping for me takes time and I always feel rushed. The past six years in particular I've been grateful for the Cabi shopping opportunity and the comfortable clothes that fit me. A variety of options- casual, professional- some seasons align better than others. The blue suit was a fun buy last spring! And this season....lots of red! Go Big Red! Note I remember attending a number of very fun CAbi shows when I was new to Granville- I still wear a faux shearing coat! I do wonder where the brown sweater is- Marsha Otterstedt and I both bought it. I remember wearing it to a Christmas party in the Old Farm neighborhood...sorry I digress!
When I was asked to host a show this time I said yes. I've said no for years but this time I decided to give it a try. I've sent some emails to those I thought might enjoy the chance to stop by and try on clothes if you didn't get one of those and want to stop by- PLEASE DO- I did some quick emails going through the alphabet- if your email didn't pop up quick I might of missed you-I'm sorry! If you received one and this isn't your thing that is fine too. The reality is you are welcome to stop for a glass of wine, nibble and chance to say hi to me and the friends assembled! Here is the website- check it out! Interested in a purchase and can't make the show- let me know- Kay the awesome consultant that will be running the showcase and helping us with fit has other shows and times to see you. I bought my blue suit this way last year- so fun! While I'm advocating for home shopping and great consultants- my friend Lee has brought the beautiful India Hicks to our community! Check it out and talk with Lee- I can connect you if you don't know her! She has a show coming soon!! You are invited to that too!
I loved the chance to sell Just Ducky- remember those days? My kids- Peter- in the shortalls and monogrammed romps! I really enjoyed opening up my home, merchandising, entertaining and sharing the fun of kids clothes. Tomorrow night is for the grown ups about our style and clothes to work, hang, go out, run errands (I wore my comfy skirt and top to the farmers market yesterday) and just be us. You are invited to a shopping and friend night on Newark-Granville life- tomorrow- Monday 7 pm!
Update on 8-22 10:51 pm-Thanks, thanks to the fun friends that joined me in shopping on Newark-Granville Road loves to play "shop"...seriously I felt a little bit like a girl playing dress-up or making my house/ room into a boutique! It was fun! I love to entertain, clean up the house, get out the flowers and serving pieces but it only works if friends come and play too! Laughter, oohs and ahhs...and that magic mirror- too fun! If anyone still wants to place the order with CAbi- I'll take the orders until Wednesday at 6 pm- I'll get it to Kay or I can get you in touch with her directly. Then in about 10 days I'll deliver the orders. I'll get to play CAbi fairy delivery driver! Life on NG Road another party in the books!
When I was asked to host a show this time I said yes. I've said no for years but this time I decided to give it a try. I've sent some emails to those I thought might enjoy the chance to stop by and try on clothes if you didn't get one of those and want to stop by- PLEASE DO- I did some quick emails going through the alphabet- if your email didn't pop up quick I might of missed you-I'm sorry! If you received one and this isn't your thing that is fine too. The reality is you are welcome to stop for a glass of wine, nibble and chance to say hi to me and the friends assembled! Here is the website- check it out! Interested in a purchase and can't make the show- let me know- Kay the awesome consultant that will be running the showcase and helping us with fit has other shows and times to see you. I bought my blue suit this way last year- so fun! While I'm advocating for home shopping and great consultants- my friend Lee has brought the beautiful India Hicks to our community! Check it out and talk with Lee- I can connect you if you don't know her! She has a show coming soon!! You are invited to that too!
I loved the chance to sell Just Ducky- remember those days? My kids- Peter- in the shortalls and monogrammed romps! I really enjoyed opening up my home, merchandising, entertaining and sharing the fun of kids clothes. Tomorrow night is for the grown ups about our style and clothes to work, hang, go out, run errands (I wore my comfy skirt and top to the farmers market yesterday) and just be us. You are invited to a shopping and friend night on Newark-Granville life- tomorrow- Monday 7 pm!
Update on 8-22 10:51 pm-Thanks, thanks to the fun friends that joined me in shopping on Newark-Granville Road loves to play "shop"...seriously I felt a little bit like a girl playing dress-up or making my house/ room into a boutique! It was fun! I love to entertain, clean up the house, get out the flowers and serving pieces but it only works if friends come and play too! Laughter, oohs and ahhs...and that magic mirror- too fun! If anyone still wants to place the order with CAbi- I'll take the orders until Wednesday at 6 pm- I'll get it to Kay or I can get you in touch with her directly. Then in about 10 days I'll deliver the orders. I'll get to play CAbi fairy delivery driver! Life on NG Road another party in the books!
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Back to School....for the record....
Joe did a great job making sure the kids got to school! He also took the fun photo posted to the left and others included here documenting the bus stop on Newark-Granville Road and Griffey's sad face. He even made a facebook post! It was a bit hard not to be here to send them off, however the retreat/training I was attending was fabulous! I did my best to fill in with other activities to prepare them for this special day. Things like Mom and me yoga with Sally, back to school shopping, attending the open house/ meet the teacher night with Sally and the sports night with Clare and of course the beloved family dinner-salmon cakes, mac n cheese, fresh broccoli!
I'm thinking Joe did well in this division of activities!
Life on Newark-Granville Road started today with breakfast by Joe- corned beef hash and eggs! Although Clare still prefers cereal with milk. I was able to text with Clare and did leave notes for each child individually with the posted sign on the fridge and front door with the following reminders: "please take a picture, know we love you and are proud of you, be kind".
Our retreat wrapped up a bit early and a bonus for me was arriving home to greet Sally's bus! I'm sorry I didn't get to chat at the bus stop- Griffey not in the mood to chat. Sports shuttling not something I do on a regular basis but is good chat time. We'll wrap up the night with family dinner out - Bombay Garden in Heath- Indian food- the family favorite right now. Penny was here and we'll keep the house clean.
I was fortunate to have had my own classroom time today (and yesterday) to help me prepare for a successful year. I will share the retreat and training happened at The Inn at Cedar Falls- and was a place I hope to return. It is a beautiful spot and my day started with a walk around the serene property. Conversations and break out on beautiful porches and our meals delicious! Hocking Hills is a beautiful part of Ohio, we must find time to return with the kids and even for our own escape. Girls weekend? I'm game! I love to be outside in the woods and it was a lovely back drop for learning and planning.
Let the record show, the school year is off to a great start for all of us on Newark-Granville Road!

I'm thinking Joe did well in this division of activities!
Life on Newark-Granville Road started today with breakfast by Joe- corned beef hash and eggs! Although Clare still prefers cereal with milk. I was able to text with Clare and did leave notes for each child individually with the posted sign on the fridge and front door with the following reminders: "please take a picture, know we love you and are proud of you, be kind".
Our retreat wrapped up a bit early and a bonus for me was arriving home to greet Sally's bus! I'm sorry I didn't get to chat at the bus stop- Griffey not in the mood to chat. Sports shuttling not something I do on a regular basis but is good chat time. We'll wrap up the night with family dinner out - Bombay Garden in Heath- Indian food- the family favorite right now. Penny was here and we'll keep the house clean.
I was fortunate to have had my own classroom time today (and yesterday) to help me prepare for a successful year. I will share the retreat and training happened at The Inn at Cedar Falls- and was a place I hope to return. It is a beautiful spot and my day started with a walk around the serene property. Conversations and break out on beautiful porches and our meals delicious! Hocking Hills is a beautiful part of Ohio, we must find time to return with the kids and even for our own escape. Girls weekend? I'm game! I love to be outside in the woods and it was a lovely back drop for learning and planning.
Let the record show, the school year is off to a great start for all of us on Newark-Granville Road!

Thursday, August 11, 2016
car talk and watching life go by.....
at the fair, at the gas station......when your car won't start that is what happens- you sit and wait for a tow truck and watch. Last night at the fair the car would not start- we tried a jump- no luck. Joe brought a new battery- no luck. We called for a tow...and then it started. While you wait you talk cars, you guess what is wrong. You reflect on other car issues. You watch people looking for cars in the parking lot. You watch people change diapers, pee, make out, argue, make calls...good to know people are watching.
By the way great tow truck guy- Wally's! We took our chance and took the car home and called the dealership knowing we'd get it in there- on our terms. Wrong. It started this morning, I went to get gas and then it didn't start. So I sat at the gas station and watched. The tow truck came again and it would not start and so we towed it. The car wanted to go to the dealership today. I called the dealership and the good news- I didn't have to go. We talked car talk, I explained the issues. He was pleased it was intermittent to help with diagnosis. By the way I watched the many landscapers fill their equipment with gas and choose their hydration, breakfasts, snacks. I saw those on their way to work, play, errands and luckily a friend was happy to drive me up the hill. I would of walked but it was humid!
Something new is wrong- steering column. The dealership guy called and we talked cars. He thanked me for having it towed to them- loved that. It took me back to Federal-Mogul days. If I could I'd go watch them fix the car. It will be interesting to see what they find when they get in there. By the way yesterday the handle on the drivers side inside door had a big snap and stopped working. So I had to open my door by rolling down the window and opening it from the outside. Car talk about that one- cable popped off, piece of plastic holding the cable broke. I'm thinking 2002 car's plastic might be getting brittle and are not made to last forever.
Life on Newark-Granville Road- car talk! It is time to say good bye to some beloved cars- hopefully not Martha- Martha is the Sequoia. Jamison and Sebastian- we'll donate them to our Public Radio station via the Car Talk donation program....but not quite yet- I need to use them while Martha is repaired and prepared to return to my life on Newark-Granville Road.
By the way great tow truck guy- Wally's! We took our chance and took the car home and called the dealership knowing we'd get it in there- on our terms. Wrong. It started this morning, I went to get gas and then it didn't start. So I sat at the gas station and watched. The tow truck came again and it would not start and so we towed it. The car wanted to go to the dealership today. I called the dealership and the good news- I didn't have to go. We talked car talk, I explained the issues. He was pleased it was intermittent to help with diagnosis. By the way I watched the many landscapers fill their equipment with gas and choose their hydration, breakfasts, snacks. I saw those on their way to work, play, errands and luckily a friend was happy to drive me up the hill. I would of walked but it was humid!
Something new is wrong- steering column. The dealership guy called and we talked cars. He thanked me for having it towed to them- loved that. It took me back to Federal-Mogul days. If I could I'd go watch them fix the car. It will be interesting to see what they find when they get in there. By the way yesterday the handle on the drivers side inside door had a big snap and stopped working. So I had to open my door by rolling down the window and opening it from the outside. Car talk about that one- cable popped off, piece of plastic holding the cable broke. I'm thinking 2002 car's plastic might be getting brittle and are not made to last forever.
Life on Newark-Granville Road- car talk! It is time to say good bye to some beloved cars- hopefully not Martha- Martha is the Sequoia. Jamison and Sebastian- we'll donate them to our Public Radio station via the Car Talk donation program....but not quite yet- I need to use them while Martha is repaired and prepared to return to my life on Newark-Granville Road.
Monday, August 8, 2016
2016 OBX trip to Hatteras in the books.

Traditions- some shift, some are left behind and some new are created. This was the case for the 8th annual OBX trip for the Leithausers! Our first trip did not include the Christophers- Sarah was pregnant! We were just with my parents exploring a new area I'd only heard about and had always wanted to see. What fun we've had celebrating Louisa's birthday all the years following- eight years old this year- wow! We love exploring Ocracoke Island and always visit the book store. This year no one wanted to play on the creative tire swing. However we shifted to the evening this year and added a fun night of song, story and smiles at the Ocrafolk Opry.
Life on Newark-Granville Road loves a trip to the beach with the Stoner family. It is in the books and documented for prosperity on the blog...thanks for sharing it with me. The pictures and typing take me back to a very happy place.
Friday, August 5, 2016
Supporting Pelotonia
It is here- the weekend soooo many great people have prepared for - the ride to end cancer! You can't but marvel at this impressive, incredible effort. Those that don't know about it- read, google, check it out. One goal- end cancer- raise funds for research. And it is working! We know people first hand that have had terrible diagnosis and treatments are evolving- research is working. We're grateful. We all have our stories- if you read far back in my blog you know ours- although I probably need to share more about the connection of my Dad's blood disorder to cancer, and his mother's young death- 35 from leukemia. Life on Newark-Granville Road sees too much cancer so I value and appreciate each rider, volunteer, fundraiser, awareness builder! THANK YOU!
I do not ride- this isn't my thing- but I support and cheer. I'm wearing green today. I love that Denison's Swasey Chapel is lit at night in green and the signs are all over Granville. Tomorrow we'll go (please join- show up-the Richards family host a great breakfast and collects funds and gives us a fabulous place to cheer the riders as they enter Granville- west side of Broadway, past Wildwood park- you are invited!!) Duty calls and I won't be there as long as I like but I'm with you all and grateful to all that go out and cheer the streets of Granville- downtown is fun too!
At the base of all of this is education- those researchers are educated, they are persistent scientists! I love that Pelotonia provides funding for those smart, focused, risk taking, hardworking people with a dream- end cancer! Life on Newark-Granville road is figure eights, integrated and about relationships- that is why Denison, The Works, the Granville Community, Licking County, Central Ohio, family all matter and apply to this effort and why I hope you'll join us in supporting Pelotonia.
It is here- the weekend soooo many great people have prepared for - the ride to end cancer! You can't but marvel at this impressive, incredible effort. Those that don't know about it- read, google, check it out. One goal- end cancer- raise funds for research. And it is working! We know people first hand that have had terrible diagnosis and treatments are evolving- research is working. We're grateful. We all have our stories- if you read far back in my blog you know ours- although I probably need to share more about the connection of my Dad's blood disorder to cancer, and his mother's young death- 35 from leukemia. Life on Newark-Granville Road sees too much cancer so I value and appreciate each rider, volunteer, fundraiser, awareness builder! THANK YOU!
I do not ride- this isn't my thing- but I support and cheer. I'm wearing green today. I love that Denison's Swasey Chapel is lit at night in green and the signs are all over Granville. Tomorrow we'll go (please join- show up-the Richards family host a great breakfast and collects funds and gives us a fabulous place to cheer the riders as they enter Granville- west side of Broadway, past Wildwood park- you are invited!!) Duty calls and I won't be there as long as I like but I'm with you all and grateful to all that go out and cheer the streets of Granville- downtown is fun too!
At the base of all of this is education- those researchers are educated, they are persistent scientists! I love that Pelotonia provides funding for those smart, focused, risk taking, hardworking people with a dream- end cancer! Life on Newark-Granville road is figure eights, integrated and about relationships- that is why Denison, The Works, the Granville Community, Licking County, Central Ohio, family all matter and apply to this effort and why I hope you'll join us in supporting Pelotonia.
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