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Saturday, December 31, 2016

Farewell 2016, Hello 2017!

As I organize, tidy and make my to-do lists  (I'm not ready to dig into cleaning)....I can't help but reflect on 2016.   A to-do is to post a final 2016 blog entry and I do love to check things off!  We won't wrap Christmas yet as we embrace the full 12 that gives me time to mail a few more cards and write my thank yous.

2016 gave us so much and we're grateful.  A full calender year at Denison for me while juggling amazing things that include travel and living in our wonderful Licking County community. For the family it has meant Peter finishing middle school and starting up high school- important transitions always with a smile. Clare's confident transition in early high school years with the milestone of driving all done the Clare focused way; and Sally transforming to pre-teen before our eyes with compassion and care that pulls us close.  Joe's work transition has been building this year and I'm so pleased he starts 2017 launched at Infoverity.  The beautiful thing in all of this has been sharing it with friends and family.

It has been a banner year for personal and professional travel. I'm so grateful for the chance to connect with family and friends far and wide. We've been fortunate to host a lot of family multiple times and holidays this year. That Easter Bunny and Santa found Louisa Christopher and I'm very grateful.   Being home in our house on Newark-Granville Road is something I don't take for granted.  There are piles and dust bunnies but our guests don't let those get in the way, nor do we.

A fulfilling year in our volunteer activities with The Works- hooray for HATSOFF and the 20th year anniversary. I'm still so grateful to each person that answered the call for wine and auction items and shared the special events at this community gem.  I've walked the shoes of the staff there and hope they all reflect on 2016 with deep satisfaction and pride.  I know our family is grateful for all they do and the volunteers they unite. We had a great visit there this week.

Cheers to the past year and cheers to the new one.  Certainly we've had loss, disappointments and challenges this year. I'm getting older and life indeed gets harder.  But it also gets sweeter as I value and appreciate all that we have.  So please know in my life on Newark-Granville Road I look forward to clinking a glass with you as our paths continue to cross via mail (love the Christmas cards), social media, email, text, phone and in person.

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