I want to do a quick post to thank all those that help me with when I'm on my scooter or crutches. The other day I was in a building on campus and needed the elevator. Scooting down three flights of glass stairs wasn't something I was dressed to do to get to a training/presentation. A kind colleague recognized my plight and suggested a solution- the service elevator. This colleague has been in my shoes, or better said on my scooter. This was a true intentional act of kindness and I wanted to say thank you. All those driving me- and of course I'm not just a pick-up. When someone gives me a ride, they come in, carry my books (or basket) and load my scooter and crutches. They move slowly with me to ensure I don't fall down the stairs or better said- are there to pick me up if I do fall. Joe does this daily, the kids help often and my teammates have all added Susan logistics are a daily component. I'm grateful, humbled and honored.
Life on Newark-Granville Road- some day I'll return the favor. I laugh, cry, and share with you and so many I hold dear and value for their care and time.
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Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Monday, February 20, 2017
Happy Anniversary to Us!
The West Quad, in front of Blackstones, Sanorbash and then an evening out in Cleveland with Rini. I remember these places and talking with Joe Leithauser like it was yesterday. Lucky for me, he remembered these as well and thought to invite me to attend the Memorial Golf Tournament. He did this by asking me "do I like golf?" and my answer was "yes".
The memorial date turned into a romance that turned into a proposal that led to a wedding eighteen years ago today. I'm so glad I said yes when he called. I'm so glad he supported my desire for a wedding and a formal wedding. He loved me and was committed to me regardless. I knew I was lucky to know him and that he was one of the good guys when we met at Denison and it was affirmed in those conversations over the years. Our long distance romance proved it true and it is all the more so these eighteen years later.
Eighteen years of marriage- the time has flown. I was the girl who planned her weddings while sitting in church. I had one for each season. Our winter wedding was a dream come true. As we celebrate today I know I'd marry him all over again- summer, spring or fall. I'm so lucky to have this love, his love, our love.
My life on Newark-Granville Road is what it is because of that love, commitment, and partnership. He's an amazing father to our children, born of our love. Our marriage comes first as he follows the advice my father always shared- the best gift a father can give his children is to love their mother. I'm indeed loved. Happy Anniversary to us on this twentieth day of February in our lives on Newark-Granville Road.
The memorial date turned into a romance that turned into a proposal that led to a wedding eighteen years ago today. I'm so glad I said yes when he called. I'm so glad he supported my desire for a wedding and a formal wedding. He loved me and was committed to me regardless. I knew I was lucky to know him and that he was one of the good guys when we met at Denison and it was affirmed in those conversations over the years. Our long distance romance proved it true and it is all the more so these eighteen years later.
Eighteen years of marriage- the time has flown. I was the girl who planned her weddings while sitting in church. I had one for each season. Our winter wedding was a dream come true. As we celebrate today I know I'd marry him all over again- summer, spring or fall. I'm so lucky to have this love, his love, our love.
My life on Newark-Granville Road is what it is because of that love, commitment, and partnership. He's an amazing father to our children, born of our love. Our marriage comes first as he follows the advice my father always shared- the best gift a father can give his children is to love their mother. I'm indeed loved. Happy Anniversary to us on this twentieth day of February in our lives on Newark-Granville Road.
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Ankle Update- Pacing myself
On Thursday I had my post surgery check-up. I heard the news I knew and didn't like. Four more weeks of non weight bearing effort. We go back in four weeks to check the x-ray for growth and go from there. This appointment was about checking the incision- all looks good. I'm still in awe at how small the wounds are- tiny and closed- scabbed. The swelling and bruising- all on schedule. I am able to work on range of motion with the boot off. I need to continue to elevate and ice at night and elevate during the day as able- it helps. The next stage after this, if all progresses well, will be physical therapy and time in the boot with walking. Ahh walking- I do miss it.
I try to be positive. I'm so grateful for the knee cart and all the help getting places. Going places is a wonderful distraction and keeps me aligned with my life. It was good to see the last basketball game I'll take in of the season. I didn't see Peter play but his teammates worked hard and won- yay! Go Aces. Joe and I had our date night to celebrate his birthday/our anniversary at the Blue Jackets game. I'm so grateful for the friend who gave these to us AND arranged for us to sit in handicap seating. Learning new ways to access places is good for me. Riding elevators with those in a permanent reality of the disabled pathway is good for me. Lesson leaned- if you can take the stairs- do so- especially in places crowded and designed for people to use escalators and stairs. That was my first trip to Columbus in weeks, well over a month. The last place I was in Columbus was the airport- returning home from a trip. What a treat to see a great Blue Jackets game and win! What a treat to be out with Joe. Changes in scenery is good for me as well. I was at LMH for volunteer work yesterday, not via ambulance! This break is providing so many perspectives.
I am not always positive. When I focus on four more weeks of no freedom it is depressing. Asking and arranging for assistance with most things is humbling and hard. Joe is doing a great job but it is a lot to do. This morning he forgot Sally and I needed a ride to go eat pancakes before her trip with a friend to a science day at Kenyon. Joe took freshman boys that wanted to eat before their game for pancakes. So he was indeed Leithauseruber! Keeping track and arranging who goes where when how is hard and adding me to the mix all the more complicated. I want to go by myself. I want to leave town. I want to travel to do the work I do. Post appointment and into Friday I was having my own pitty party. I was feeling sorry for myself and I continue to do so. Today I realized we're into the 3 1/2 week until the next stage. I'm trying to look ahead at what we'll do for Spring Break this year. Plans we were going to make need to be put on hold due to the ankle and traveling distance. It is a good distraction to think future fun with limitation at the pace that allows me to heal.
I'm keeping in mind that I have to pace myself in my life on Newark-Granville Road. The ankle is important and takes time to heal. I value the stories of others who have gone before me and their experiences- all roads lead to time. I'm coming to accept that and rearranging my expectations. Time with good people helping, sharing, caring means so very much and helps me with my healing pace.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Valentines Love
My heart is filled with love today. Love for the sister born this day- oh so many years. Her birth prompted my first memory! My mother's labor was early- two months- so my brother and I were hurried to the dear neighbors. We stopped to pick our cereal and were ushered to Aunt Ella and Uncle Bill's house. The rest of the day is snapshots of people coming and going and finally Daddy arriving home to tell us the baby's name- Sarah Catherine. I liked it. I don't recall anything about it being Valentines Day by the way. Happy Birthday Boo!
My heart is filled with love for my family. Last night I cooked dinner- it took tremendous effort and wore me out but it felt so good to do. We had our usual- regular readers know: salmon cakes, mac n cheese, fresh steamed broccoli and stewed tomatoes. V8 was the sub for the tomatoes. No dessert planned, I punted and asked Sally to bake. I was too tired- the knee can only take the pressure of the scooter for so long. I coached Sally from the sidelines- she did a great job making the favorite Hershey's chocolate cake recipe and baking it in a heart shaped pan. No frosting- Sally liked it and honestly we all did- kept it simple. The festive table with Denison Red plates- ahh the Beth Eden plate is all the more special! Clare took me out on Sunday for a bit of retail therapy. So good to visit the IGA- it had been four weeks! We popped by TJ Maxx to pick up a few gifts to set a festive holiday tone. Nothing special- a new shower curtin for Joe, Sally a requested shower cap and Clare picked her own necklace. Griffey even picked up a new snack/chew toy. Nothing stood out for Peter so Joe procured a new Denison Basketball Tshirt- now a Large?!! The kids also received their India Shutterfly books and are all delighted. A Denison student wrapped them for me and they have added to our Heart Day decor this month.
My heart is filled with love for my coworkers. I'm supported on a regular basis but today a colleague dropped everything to get me to a hair appointment. This just wasn't a hair appointment- but my first in 3 months. I've wanted and needed my hair washed and dried and styled for four weeks and was sooooo looking forward to it. For some reason I had it in my head that the 14th and 15th were all one day- Tue/Wed activities were blurred....I know this is a sign of me doing too much, me being tired. I type now relaxing on the couch, resting with a great new hairdo! Woo hoo...thank you Mandi.
It is a fun day, a day filled with silly hearts and cute gestures. The little things mean so much-the lollipop and carnations, the Rotary roses in the perfect vase, the texts and cards and chocolate cake. I could ramble on but will wrap up the words of preservation of what it is I love on this 14th day of February in my life on Newark-Granville Road.

My heart is filled with love for my family. Last night I cooked dinner- it took tremendous effort and wore me out but it felt so good to do. We had our usual- regular readers know: salmon cakes, mac n cheese, fresh steamed broccoli and stewed tomatoes. V8 was the sub for the tomatoes. No dessert planned, I punted and asked Sally to bake. I was too tired- the knee can only take the pressure of the scooter for so long. I coached Sally from the sidelines- she did a great job making the favorite Hershey's chocolate cake recipe and baking it in a heart shaped pan. No frosting- Sally liked it and honestly we all did- kept it simple. The festive table with Denison Red plates- ahh the Beth Eden plate is all the more special! Clare took me out on Sunday for a bit of retail therapy. So good to visit the IGA- it had been four weeks! We popped by TJ Maxx to pick up a few gifts to set a festive holiday tone. Nothing special- a new shower curtin for Joe, Sally a requested shower cap and Clare picked her own necklace. Griffey even picked up a new snack/chew toy. Nothing stood out for Peter so Joe procured a new Denison Basketball Tshirt- now a Large?!! The kids also received their India Shutterfly books and are all delighted. A Denison student wrapped them for me and they have added to our Heart Day decor this month.
My heart is filled with love for my coworkers. I'm supported on a regular basis but today a colleague dropped everything to get me to a hair appointment. This just wasn't a hair appointment- but my first in 3 months. I've wanted and needed my hair washed and dried and styled for four weeks and was sooooo looking forward to it. For some reason I had it in my head that the 14th and 15th were all one day- Tue/Wed activities were blurred....I know this is a sign of me doing too much, me being tired. I type now relaxing on the couch, resting with a great new hairdo! Woo hoo...thank you Mandi.
It is a fun day, a day filled with silly hearts and cute gestures. The little things mean so much-the lollipop and carnations, the Rotary roses in the perfect vase, the texts and cards and chocolate cake. I could ramble on but will wrap up the words of preservation of what it is I love on this 14th day of February in my life on Newark-Granville Road.
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Out and About with a Broken Ankle.....
Anyone who knows me well, knows I just don't stay home that much. Yes I can reflect back on the almost four weeks from my fall down the stairs and be grateful for time at home. Resting, nesting and recuperating. But it just isn't my nature. So you won't be surprised to hear about my weekend activities.
1st- Friday night back court side! The basketball season is coming to an end and I want to see one more game for each child- Friday was Clare's. It was also senior night and I had the energy. Saturday at work. How wonderful to host the Parents Advancement Council on campus. This was the motivation for my quick return to work after surgery and it all paid off. Certainly staff would of taken over and done a great job, however I would of been sad not to engage with these amazing volunteer donors. The day was energizing and exhausting so Saturday night I did not attend the Vail concert, the NCAC swim meet, GHS basketball game or play....always lots to do in Granville, Ohio! Sunday was Sally's last game- tournament day. Lucky me- two games (they won the first) and I was seated on the bench. What a treat for me! Clare and I did some grocery shopping and Valentines shopping as well- my first time in the IGA in four week! I missed it! Again energizing and exhausting all in one trip.
Being out and about reminds me of the challenges those with permanent disabilities have. I will recover and walk, run, bounce, bound around town...those that won't please know I feel for you. I will do my best to always be thinking of you and if I ever have responsibility for design I'll think of you. So often the ramp is steep and difficult to slow down. Transitions from room to room can be bumpy and near impossible. Outside sidewalks with cracks and in disrepair can send you flying or jarring and you feel it in your bones. Doors with automatic doors with switches far from reach cause me to shake my head- I'm able to pull the door but to someone in a wheel chair or with a cane- good luck. And then there is just the disregard for people around one another. I remember worrying about my toddlers, preschoolers dashing through church during fellowship hour fearful they would knock an elderly person down. After being in a gym full of parents attending a basketball tournament I think the world just isn't aware of their surroundings. Certainly there were people that were quite helpful with doors, but more than not didn't mind blocking a pathway, would stop with no worry of who was behind them. That was the exhausting part of maneuvering in public space and being off Newark-Granville Road and out in the world.
I will sleep well tonight. It was a good weekend and the week has much in store as we wind up basketball, check on the ankles progress, get a hair cut and even find some rest time in my life on NG Road!
1st- Friday night back court side! The basketball season is coming to an end and I want to see one more game for each child- Friday was Clare's. It was also senior night and I had the energy. Saturday at work. How wonderful to host the Parents Advancement Council on campus. This was the motivation for my quick return to work after surgery and it all paid off. Certainly staff would of taken over and done a great job, however I would of been sad not to engage with these amazing volunteer donors. The day was energizing and exhausting so Saturday night I did not attend the Vail concert, the NCAC swim meet, GHS basketball game or play....always lots to do in Granville, Ohio! Sunday was Sally's last game- tournament day. Lucky me- two games (they won the first) and I was seated on the bench. What a treat for me! Clare and I did some grocery shopping and Valentines shopping as well- my first time in the IGA in four week! I missed it! Again energizing and exhausting all in one trip.
Being out and about reminds me of the challenges those with permanent disabilities have. I will recover and walk, run, bounce, bound around town...those that won't please know I feel for you. I will do my best to always be thinking of you and if I ever have responsibility for design I'll think of you. So often the ramp is steep and difficult to slow down. Transitions from room to room can be bumpy and near impossible. Outside sidewalks with cracks and in disrepair can send you flying or jarring and you feel it in your bones. Doors with automatic doors with switches far from reach cause me to shake my head- I'm able to pull the door but to someone in a wheel chair or with a cane- good luck. And then there is just the disregard for people around one another. I remember worrying about my toddlers, preschoolers dashing through church during fellowship hour fearful they would knock an elderly person down. After being in a gym full of parents attending a basketball tournament I think the world just isn't aware of their surroundings. Certainly there were people that were quite helpful with doors, but more than not didn't mind blocking a pathway, would stop with no worry of who was behind them. That was the exhausting part of maneuvering in public space and being off Newark-Granville Road and out in the world.
I will sleep well tonight. It was a good weekend and the week has much in store as we wind up basketball, check on the ankles progress, get a hair cut and even find some rest time in my life on NG Road!
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Real Life with my broken ankle.....
I'm hanging in there. I'm learning a lot about myself. I'm seeing different things. I'm reminded of a lot...like processes matter- this resurfaces often lately- work and home. It is hard to always be positive. I can laugh at myself.
A funny. It really really helps to put my clothes out the night before. Even what I need on the vanity and put it all close. Reaching can be hard. The shower chair I use in the shower, is also my hair drying, make up chair. I admit I will skip a shower and freshen up instead as a shower takes energy. The other day I had my extra favorite product- dry shampoo- ready to go. However I didn't. I had same brand, same color, same size can- hair spray. So instead of giving my hair a good perk-up- I made it sticky and flat. Then I put the dry shampoo on....oh well no energy or time to shower- I just did the 100 stroke brush and made due.
In the shower today the bandage came off so now I've seen my incision. Wow- nothing to it. So impressed! The foot has ached a bit more, probably my lack of elevating. It isn't pain, it is an ache- it is OK. I'll be excited to see the doctor next week.
I really don't like to ask for help. When I made this real and say it- I swear another offer arrives. The kind letters with phone numbers from retired women in the community I LOVE YOU. You want to run errands, grocery shop and delivery me to appointments- you are so kind!! The challenge is scheduling this. Just like scheduling my kids- who goes where when how- now I have to be on that to-do list. And I am working. I love working.....more later on that.....but add the extra coordination of getting me to work and from work and getting work done- lots to juggle. That said I don't feel like I'm juggling my kids at all. Clare can drive and asks for the car. Carpool friends just picked up the slack and take Peter- THANK YOU and Sally always has had parents willing to help- THANK YOU! So it all works out. I actually get to be rather selfish right now. Lying on the couch at night reading or watching TV. My work around the house is pretty minimal. I'm eating quite well, although trying to be smart.
We are eating well. I will say I did start to really crave vegetables this week. Last week it was fruit. Cooked veggies are just not often on the drop off dinner plan. A friend delivered a casserole that included them and we all licked the plates and multiple servings. She also brought a salad pre-tossed lightly with yummy extras- so good. Sally took the extra to school the next day- that good. A gift cards to Maamos were put to use tonight as Joe traveled and Clare had a basketball game....and I was craving their vegetables. Everyone got a different entree with.....vegetables..then I got extra. The Brussels sprouts and the cabbage with my salmon- OMG! We are so grateful for the support.
Back to the work thing. I like getting up and going. I'm waking up early and am ready to get up. My body is rested and healing I know but I sit a lot, lay a lot and dont' exeret much energy. The first floor office is very convenient and it is easy to get into Beth Eden, thanks to my chauffeurs. I like my work. I was able to meet with three students this week. One is helping with some errands- took the kids to Whit's tonight, I didn't opt for Cane's in Heath yet. I like my colleagues and had a particularly good day with many of them today.
So real life on Newark-Granville Road as you can tell is pretty good...even with a broken ankle.
A funny. It really really helps to put my clothes out the night before. Even what I need on the vanity and put it all close. Reaching can be hard. The shower chair I use in the shower, is also my hair drying, make up chair. I admit I will skip a shower and freshen up instead as a shower takes energy. The other day I had my extra favorite product- dry shampoo- ready to go. However I didn't. I had same brand, same color, same size can- hair spray. So instead of giving my hair a good perk-up- I made it sticky and flat. Then I put the dry shampoo on....oh well no energy or time to shower- I just did the 100 stroke brush and made due.
In the shower today the bandage came off so now I've seen my incision. Wow- nothing to it. So impressed! The foot has ached a bit more, probably my lack of elevating. It isn't pain, it is an ache- it is OK. I'll be excited to see the doctor next week.
I really don't like to ask for help. When I made this real and say it- I swear another offer arrives. The kind letters with phone numbers from retired women in the community I LOVE YOU. You want to run errands, grocery shop and delivery me to appointments- you are so kind!! The challenge is scheduling this. Just like scheduling my kids- who goes where when how- now I have to be on that to-do list. And I am working. I love working.....more later on that.....but add the extra coordination of getting me to work and from work and getting work done- lots to juggle. That said I don't feel like I'm juggling my kids at all. Clare can drive and asks for the car. Carpool friends just picked up the slack and take Peter- THANK YOU and Sally always has had parents willing to help- THANK YOU! So it all works out. I actually get to be rather selfish right now. Lying on the couch at night reading or watching TV. My work around the house is pretty minimal. I'm eating quite well, although trying to be smart.
We are eating well. I will say I did start to really crave vegetables this week. Last week it was fruit. Cooked veggies are just not often on the drop off dinner plan. A friend delivered a casserole that included them and we all licked the plates and multiple servings. She also brought a salad pre-tossed lightly with yummy extras- so good. Sally took the extra to school the next day- that good. A gift cards to Maamos were put to use tonight as Joe traveled and Clare had a basketball game....and I was craving their vegetables. Everyone got a different entree with.....vegetables..then I got extra. The Brussels sprouts and the cabbage with my salmon- OMG! We are so grateful for the support.
Back to the work thing. I like getting up and going. I'm waking up early and am ready to get up. My body is rested and healing I know but I sit a lot, lay a lot and dont' exeret much energy. The first floor office is very convenient and it is easy to get into Beth Eden, thanks to my chauffeurs. I like my work. I was able to meet with three students this week. One is helping with some errands- took the kids to Whit's tonight, I didn't opt for Cane's in Heath yet. I like my colleagues and had a particularly good day with many of them today.
So real life on Newark-Granville Road as you can tell is pretty good...even with a broken ankle.
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Catch-uping up some links to share in my life.....
A few things to share beyond just what is happening with me and my ankle! I do appreciate the interest and returns to the blog!
What a treat to get out of the house and attend Cocktails by the Fire last night. If you were not there, plan to attend next year's Cocktails by the Fire- always the 1st Saturday in February- so 2018- eek- is Feb 3rd. Supporting Art in Licking County is important and the glass studio is pretty special. I'm always impressed with the food the local restaurants provide- yum. The staff and volunteers go above and beyond and make it quite a great night- last night was no exception and I'm glad I was there as a guest! Learn more about the Works at: http://www.attheworks.org/ fun for all ages! The WWI exhibit is import to see- the jeep, the personal stories of Licking County veterans and the eerie SS material.....spooky to me with my new interest in Man in the High Castle on Netflix!
Speaking of yummy food and a date for your calendar! https://www.lickingeats.com/letseat/events/82-time-for-spaghetti Another blog entry about the first Wednesday of the month at the Newark Mannerchor! Take a look at my post and then all the others that showcase the great foods and drinks of Licking County!
Cabi Party at my house...yes, my house, yes with my broken ankle. We'll keep it simple. Kay Cox will be here on Feb 22nd at 7 pm. These clothes are a help to me - shopping at home with friends. Stop by if you like- email me for more details and to RSVP leithauser@gmail.com Thanks! see the line at: https://www.cabionline.com/collection/clothes/ or better yet- host a show, you can even host this show if you like?!!!
Super Bowl......our kids are excited to make wings using the new InstaPot...more on that on another day- really Joe's new toy. I've had some great meals - very moist- and it is fast. I love how he embraces cooking- as do the kids. We'll enjoy chili, homemade cornbread and great cookies- everyone has been so generous to us with my injury- thank you. I'm in a neutral place- excited for commercials, Lady Gaga, and being together as a family in the living room. Joe moved the TV upstairs- woo hoo!
And in case you are curious and to document for the record books, I'm feeling good. Resting today as I was out and about yesterday. Joe encouraged me to get a change of scenery and he was right. The Denison basketball game is a happy place for me- all those fans. I'm sorry we didn't get the W..sigh....and then Sally helped me get dressed so I could join Joe at Cocktails by the Fire. I love a reason to wear a hat and the Casablanca 40s theme was just that! My pain is managed by the acetaminophen- I'm trying to keep up on it without hurting my liver. That means lots of water. I will go to the office 1/2 days and return home for the high elevation and lap top work in the afternoons.
Life on Newark-Granville Road, in Licking County, in the village of Granville, in the Midwestern state of Ohio in this pretty special United States on this super bowl Sunday 2017.....thanks for getting caught up with me!
Friday, February 3, 2017
Objects at rest, stay at rest....Broken Ankle Diary
Day two post surgery- rest day. I had a wonderful night's sleep and made my way downstairs. Thanks to the scooter I was able to make a delicious high protein/fiber breakfast and catch-up with my mama on the phone. Then I settled into the couch. Elevating the ankle high above my heart, with ice pack under the knee seems to be keeping me quite comfortable. Yesterday had some discomfort but nothing horrible- interesting to pay attention to what aches and think about the whys. The nerve block's receding pattern- ah the science.
One day at a time and so much gratitude for the food, flowers, company, texts, tea, calls- it makes a difference and keeps my spirits up as I allow the healing to happen. Having a gorgeous delicious lunch delivered by tray was quite a treat today. Last night the whole family raved and enjoy their favorite items and left overs.
Tomorrow I bathe! My new best friend is my dry shampoo and cornstarch powder! The inability to bathe is another reason to stay home and rest. I'm listening to my body and today has easily been a day to remain on the couch. Life on Newark-Granville Road isn't overly exciting- we're resting and reading-up for all the good to come!
One day at a time and so much gratitude for the food, flowers, company, texts, tea, calls- it makes a difference and keeps my spirits up as I allow the healing to happen. Having a gorgeous delicious lunch delivered by tray was quite a treat today. Last night the whole family raved and enjoy their favorite items and left overs.
Tomorrow I bathe! My new best friend is my dry shampoo and cornstarch powder! The inability to bathe is another reason to stay home and rest. I'm listening to my body and today has easily been a day to remain on the couch. Life on Newark-Granville Road isn't overly exciting- we're resting and reading-up for all the good to come!
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Broken Ankle Diaries- Feb 1
Feb 1st brought surgery. If this was a TV show, the caption would say....one day earlier and you'd learn about...the 2 and half hour MRI revealing no damage to soft tissue giving the surgeon focus and direction. The decision that the insertion of pins to ensure growth and strength was the path. This provides me security as I am mobile, climbing stairs to bed or into the house or ?? Surgery was scheduled at the North Pointe Surgery Suites in Zanesville at 9:30 am, 8 am arrival. (Note the good news is a few days prior we learned we know the CEO and were quite comfortable with this decision.) Work on Monday was good. Although I've had discomfort at night, day time ankle has felt good- maybe the distraction and setting of work- I do elevate while sitting at a desk on the 1st floor of Beth Eden. Also it felt good getting work planned if surgery took/takes me away from work for an extended time. A bonus was a great training with a great group of Denison employees! Training about relationships...a future blog- that good! I arrived home energized and ready for the plan to be executed. I enjoyed "nesting" and catching up a with a dear friend that stopped by. Joe's travel went well and he caught the earlier flight so we all were able to go to bed at a reasonable time to welcome February.
So now- February 1st- post surgery. I'm amazed how good I feel. The nurse shared about the option of a nerve block to help recovery- I knew nothing. When I arrived my good fortune was to be greeted by the anesthesiologist (who I know) and then took me through options. He was committed to reducing nausea and improving my experience with pain. He had me at reduce use of opioides. After reading the Dreamland book and going back to my parents understanding and approach of caution, I'm reserved in my own use. I'm not saying I do use, but sparingly with a plan. All went very well. We were home by 11:30 am- picking up tea for me on the drive. Since I could not have breakfast I admit I was hungry. I made it to my comfy couch, enjoyed a homemade muffin and took a nap. I woke up, snacked on yummy veggies, drank some water and took another nap. Yes I texted and reached out to a few folks. When I rallied and felt more like myself than I thought Joe and I debriefed. I don't recall the conversation post surgery- which is why they require accompaniment. He showed me the paperwork and took me through my plan. I'm in a boot, I'll check the bandage in 3 days, I'll be able to shower soon with keeping the ankle dry, seeing the doctor in 10 days, able to get out with care, not putting weight on the ankle/boot so I continue to be so grateful for the scooter and all the help and care! This is now and it is good. We'll see how I feel tomorrow when the block wears off. I'm committed to staying home and resting, elevating. One day, one step (ha-ha) at a time.
So what else is going on, what else do I want to share. I know my silver lining can be annoying but I can't help it. I am finding happy moments here. Tonight working with Peter on Shakespeare was fun. I learned/reviewed and helped him. Last night he was very concerned about working on Shakespeare. He emailed a teacher and she helped him and he reviewed and we worked on the review. I enjoyed catching up with the friend and her son that delivered dinner. I enjoyed dinner made by others and watching my family eat very well. We enjoyed a day with out the dog so people can come and go. I'm caught up on This is U- almost...one more episode. Episode I've heard is pretty darn good. I'm very impressed with this show and the writing, story lines, acting, characters, message. It is timely and applies to many components of my life- friends, facebook posts, thoughts on parenting, being a daughter, sibling, wife...wow. Timely...yes I'm watching and thinking because I can.
Broken Ankle Diary- yes, I'm grateful for the time and who and what is with me during this time. I'm grateful for the science, technolgy, GREAT medical staff- docs to nurses. Thanks for the care, prayers, support, texts, food, flowers, love. Joe is awesome. He went to Clare's game, then took Sally to a panel at Denison I wanted to attend. He loved it and he came home and shared highlights with me. I received a text photo of Sally and Joe there. I received updates on the game. I kissed all my kids goodnight and will head to bed. I know something could of gone wrong today. I know the fall could of been worse. I'm supposed to be on this couch, taking in the world from this view and I thank you for sharing this time on in my life on Newark-Granville life with me.
So now- February 1st- post surgery. I'm amazed how good I feel. The nurse shared about the option of a nerve block to help recovery- I knew nothing. When I arrived my good fortune was to be greeted by the anesthesiologist (who I know) and then took me through options. He was committed to reducing nausea and improving my experience with pain. He had me at reduce use of opioides. After reading the Dreamland book and going back to my parents understanding and approach of caution, I'm reserved in my own use. I'm not saying I do use, but sparingly with a plan. All went very well. We were home by 11:30 am- picking up tea for me on the drive. Since I could not have breakfast I admit I was hungry. I made it to my comfy couch, enjoyed a homemade muffin and took a nap. I woke up, snacked on yummy veggies, drank some water and took another nap. Yes I texted and reached out to a few folks. When I rallied and felt more like myself than I thought Joe and I debriefed. I don't recall the conversation post surgery- which is why they require accompaniment. He showed me the paperwork and took me through my plan. I'm in a boot, I'll check the bandage in 3 days, I'll be able to shower soon with keeping the ankle dry, seeing the doctor in 10 days, able to get out with care, not putting weight on the ankle/boot so I continue to be so grateful for the scooter and all the help and care! This is now and it is good. We'll see how I feel tomorrow when the block wears off. I'm committed to staying home and resting, elevating. One day, one step (ha-ha) at a time.
So what else is going on, what else do I want to share. I know my silver lining can be annoying but I can't help it. I am finding happy moments here. Tonight working with Peter on Shakespeare was fun. I learned/reviewed and helped him. Last night he was very concerned about working on Shakespeare. He emailed a teacher and she helped him and he reviewed and we worked on the review. I enjoyed catching up with the friend and her son that delivered dinner. I enjoyed dinner made by others and watching my family eat very well. We enjoyed a day with out the dog so people can come and go. I'm caught up on This is U- almost...one more episode. Episode I've heard is pretty darn good. I'm very impressed with this show and the writing, story lines, acting, characters, message. It is timely and applies to many components of my life- friends, facebook posts, thoughts on parenting, being a daughter, sibling, wife...wow. Timely...yes I'm watching and thinking because I can.
Broken Ankle Diary- yes, I'm grateful for the time and who and what is with me during this time. I'm grateful for the science, technolgy, GREAT medical staff- docs to nurses. Thanks for the care, prayers, support, texts, food, flowers, love. Joe is awesome. He went to Clare's game, then took Sally to a panel at Denison I wanted to attend. He loved it and he came home and shared highlights with me. I received a text photo of Sally and Joe there. I received updates on the game. I kissed all my kids goodnight and will head to bed. I know something could of gone wrong today. I know the fall could of been worse. I'm supposed to be on this couch, taking in the world from this view and I thank you for sharing this time on in my life on Newark-Granville life with me.
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