The dress- Clare picked her dress as she has most dresses- on line. Her mother doesn't let her wear black. Because her mother's mother didn't let her wear black....although I do remember the black velvet dress with a scallop neckline I bought when I was a senior in high school- probably my first black dress. I don't mind black on others, just an option and way to keep her looking beyond black.
We don't pay much for the dress. Interesting FYI this year. I felt it needed steamed/pressed. When I took it in on Monday....ut oh- a stain? She tried the dress on once and some how a spot. Three cheers for the dry cleaner. When I picked it up Friday night- stain be gone!
Shoes- Clare continues to wear the same pair of shoes she's had for three years. Yes the first pair of high heels, first pair of formal shoes she bought. I remember it like it was yesterday- her running in DSW to prove to me they worked. She wears them for pictures, to get to and from places, at the actual dance- off they go, into a pile. We find a way to make them work- even with last year's gold.
Hair and make-up....the hair is done by the fabulous hairdresser adored by many dear friends. Lucky for us a dear friend makes the appointments. Clare likes the curls/waves- she has looked at past pictures and I love her confidence and decision. I do her make up, nothing fancy and it is easy with her sweet face and easy attitude. Even jewelry this year was using what we had and it all worked!
We met Clare's group at Denison for photos. And what a lovely group- her friends are our friends, her friends' parents, our friends. Life is good. I needed to pop by an event at 6 and the group rolled with my request. Chapel Walk's hanging baskets and wall, the white columns of Beth Eden and steps of Swasey gave us picturesque backdrops! How fun to powwow with her friends parents, pose for a few ourselves and toast our girlies with sparkling lemonade. It was a hot night- this heat wave seems to be more than an Indian Summer- but the shade prevent too much melting!
Clare's small group of girl friends went out to dinner in New Albany. She reported that they connected with a bigger group of friends at the dance and danced. Then a post party with samores and a fire led to sleep over. All more than we ever did, did we have Homecoming like this? Joe says it was just an after school dance in his hometown.
Another fun component of HC is photo watching for us on Facebook and Instagram- woo hoo. I love seeing the picture locations, dress selections. My kids don't "date" so I don't have any "creative"invites or big groups and that is just fine. Life on Newark-Granville Road embracing Clare's approach to a fun night out with friends- what isn't to love. It seems hard to believe we're actually well into this. Clare is a junior, turning 17 this year. I feel like she was just toddler and I was looking for the babysitters pictures! Life on Newark-Granville Road embracing Clare's approach to a fun night out with friends- what isn't to love.