Monday our book club- Discussing Books at Cherry Valley Lodge- had the author, Margot Singer, of this month's book- Underground Fugue- attend our gathering. What a treat. As all of my fellow book clubers know I'm always interested in knowing the "how" and "why" of a book. What was the process that created the end result. On Monday evening Margot shared hers for this book. Being an English professor she shared other insights on how and whys. It went further than I realized, my big take away was that magic is involved. These stories almost take on a life of their own, go directions not planned by the penman- this delighted me. Language is an art, and the time with Margot proved this. There is of course science and study and lots of hard work. Rewriting, time with the characters and plot. Revisions and writing to see where it will go. Maybe the magic is the blending of science and art, sprinkled with history, time and work? Hmmmmmm
My week ended with Sally needing an art gallery or museum time. This is a component of her art class. Since I had the time and I have been craving Columbus time, we headed West. An exhibit had been calling to me and I thought she would be interested. I was right! The exhibit at the Wexner Center, on loan from the RISD musem, of Everything: Todd Oldman Fashion was delightful. History, art, science- the buttons and accessories with stories of the molds and metals. So many beloved things: plaid, pearls, old school bling, beading, Eastern influences and the why and how! What a fantastic exhibit!! Presented so well, with so much to see and take-in...and I'm not a sewer/tailor/seamstress- if you are at all- GO!
Sally's favorite- hand painted silk to look like Chinchilla!
My favorite- organza flower coat! But I had many many favorites- the pearl fishnet wrap, the pantones.....I could go on and on....Art is everywhere turned into the theme of the day. Fashion is art but so much more. Todd Oldman- 80s love, couture- magic in our morning.
We traveled south to the Short North, parked the car and walked. Sally needed another gallery and wanted more traditional art- framed picture or painting- for her class reflection. We found a Christian Faur piece in the Sherrie Gallery. Everyone should know Christian's work- we're lucky he is at Denison. Again the science and his art creat what feels like magic- to make crayons that he makes into art- incredible.
Lunch at the North Market took us to the La Veit- the color and presentation of our meals had us declaring "art is everywhere". And oh so delicous too. We wrapped up our time with art is everywhere inspiration in chocolate! It was wonderful to see the Camps in their gorgeous space and see how their incredible, creative, beautiful delicacies have evolved. I've always been a fan when they were at the Granville Farmers Market. Herb infused chocolate are a treat. The endeavor has elevated to a whole new plane and is gorgeous and scrumptious. Magic- hard work, talent, art and science mixed together. We're spellbound. We wrapped up our night at the table with magic potion- their drinking chocolate!!
Life on Newark-Granville Road loves art, science, history. In my life on Newark-Granville Road I love learning something new, having ah-has and feeling the magic in the air. Sadness can shift and make room for happiness with memories and comfort. Time and relationships create memories that make magic and we felt it on Newark-Granville Road this week.
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