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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Invitation Please

I thought we might be done with the swim across the lake tradition at Apple Valley.  Last year it only happened on Memorial Day weekend.  Even with Ann suggesting it as we synced weekend plans to gather as a family on the special holiday weekend.  Her invitations are always appreciated, valued and accepted!  I thought we just might be too tired and not up for the effort.

The text invite from our half-way- on the other side of the lake- hosts is what tipped the decision to the affirmative.  We had to go, we were invited and we enjoy the engagement. For years we've made the swim on a Sunday and missed this wonderful couple who shows lovely hospitality to wet, loud, early morning swimmers- in person or in absentia!  Our Granville residents, with a lake house directly across the lake from Scott and Ann's house (discovered thanks to COYB Nutcracker auditions on labor day weekend YEARS ago) reached out on Thursday this year asking, not if, but when we were swimming. Thank you, that is all I needed.  And thank you to the four Granville Leithausers and three Westerville Leithausers plus one that accepted the wake-up call at 6:30 am, departing the dock by 6:50 am! Water temp 2018: approx 70 degrees! Much warmer that 2017.

The swim was extra beautiful this year.  Was it because it wasn't in my plan and a bonus?  I don't think so.  I think it was the happy place driven by others valuing the exercise, time and the cool perspective of lovely scenery. is pretty spectacular. The fog created dramatic lighting and silhouettes. The cloud curtain made way for a bright and brilliant morning still filled with a calm and peace as the sun was dazzling on the water. We were active and engaged, not just looking at it, but in it.  The picture below is post swim and does not capture the beauty but does document the activity!
photo by trusty paddle boarder- Ann Leithauser

The weekend on Newark-Granville Road was filled with wonderful invitations, engagement encouragement and shared celebrations.  A weekend filled with happy places, voices and experiences.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

My Happy Place...

I went to my happy place today, the background, the setting is a place but it is more than that.  Sitting on the patio at MCC today, after a morning of yoga, Farmers Market and golf with Joe, delightful voices from the pool area and the cool relief of shade and a seat.  Fun plans for the evening....and I admit plans I wasn't sure I wanted a week ago when it all felt daunting and overwhelming and not what I had thought I wanted to do.  My happy place- oh summer brings many happy places and moments and I'm grateful.  I hope you will share your happy places with me, I hope you will savor yours as I'm savoring mine.  I count my blessings of much happiness in my Life on Newark-Granville Road.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Help Granville Schools- May 23rd 5 pm Meeting- Attend!

We voted yes, but the community voted no.  The schools need to be funded- please attend this meeting to learn how to help the schools achieve the funding they need to support our students, community and future.  Schools funding is different than basic business. I was not in favor of the new tax until I found out more, I do not like taxes but value and respect our school board leaders and school administrators. Those that voted no, please come be part of the solution.  I look forward to discussing this further!  Details about the meeting:

The Board of Education will host a Community Funding Forum to discuss the future funding of Granville Schools on Wednesday, May 23 at 5 p.m. in the District Office. The Board is encouraging residents to attend this critical conversation. The regular Board meeting will follow at 6:30 p.m.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

May Data

Do you ever contemplate what you would do if you had more time?  Or maybe better presented....some day I will.....I think it is human nature.  Today's thought- I'd like to look at this blog's data.  Sure Blogger gives me a map showing where people are when they access the blog!  I wonder if India will go away when Andrew and Kay leave?

I realize I have not blogged, nothing beyond Derby.   The simple answer to why not? It is May. I love that I was able to take a break from May and go on vacation. A real vacation- I rested, didn't read email and enjoyed being in a beautiful place with beautiful people.  Turning 50 gave dear Denison sorority sisters and I the inspiration to rally and we did 10 years ago..when we turned 40!    Last week I traveled for work and Susan and just left May in Granville behind. And now I'm back....

Last year I only posted once in May and then again mid June....and in 2016 it was pretty sparse- an interesting pattern...I'd like to know more and and wanting to know more shoots off more questions.  But not this May morning- there are many emails to find- I hope I'm not missing any, evites, grad parties, WORK, committee work, wrap-ups....and transition much as I'm not ready for summer and the kids I am ready for their bickering in the morning to come to an end. It is May and I won't wish away the special moments like last night's Choir Concert (WOW the talent!! SOMEONE PLEASE invite me next year..Peter is moving to Drama) but I'm looking forward to CAMP deliveries....and then there were two and then one...and then...just Joe and Susan!

Back to May- May brings wild weather- it use to be June...that storm- crazy. Thank you Mother nature for sparing our trees this time. We've lost many and years ago had a tree through the green house. I am thinking of those with big damage and those with some- it is all an inconvenience and effort- take care.  Amanda and Brian- drive through our yard as often and needed!  May brings commencement/graduations- exciting times for special people and we're excited to share!  Our nephew Will- direct contact- Godson who has grown up before our pleased to share a bit of his day and share the day with his parents and family.

I need to run- its is May.. And my musings are just that May thoughts in my life on Newark-Granville Road.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Derby Wrap

Details coming too....I'm traveling this week- give me time!!  THANK YOU to all that joined us and extra thank you to the helpers- COMMON THREAD, Emily George, Nic Havill, Kim Holt, THANK YOU to all the fab food, gifts, wine - wow- you all make us feel great!

Left behind dishes are in the sun room/greenhouse- stop by to pick up- thanks!! Lovely items.  Thanks for sharing.

Warmly- Susan, Joe, Clare, Peter and Sally.

Just a few photos snapped to get a sense of the fun, range of ages that gathered with us, thank you!







Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Beyond Derby Prep, other Leithauser happenings April 2018.

Beyond Derby prep what else is happening in our lives on NG Road.
-Sports, sports, sports- lacrosse for the girls and tennis for Peter.  Go BIG RED- Denison teams, tourney time and we try not to miss!  Women's Lax 5:30 Wed!!
-We said farewell to Griffey. It was a hard decision but the right one. His aggression had elevated and he would not let neighbors and friends, much less a worker in the house. I could type for hours on this. If we seem a little blue this may be why.
-It was performing arts weekend- shout out to the Annie cast and crew at GHS-well done and the Denison Singer's Workshop- ahhhhh- amazing.  I needed the happy escape, thank you!
-Barbara is back- fabulous helper has returned from her work in Egypt- look for her at Derby and ask- wow!  hmm is this our next International trip?  It is on my bucket list.
-Down a car- boy are we missing the car Clare drives- Gretel! A deer hit Clare and the damage needed to be repaired.