Seeing Clare in the counselor uniform made it real, our baby is growing up. So many emotions and too many miles on the road to appropriately reflect but I wanted to capture and share the highlights from the weekend. So many! I use the blog to share the rest of the story, pictures capture special time but what was going did those in the picture end up there?
Sunshine Stoners with Clare at CA! |
This year the Stoner reunion happened before camp as Matt and family are headed on a mission trip to Costa Rico. Yes, a good excuse to miss the annual beach trip. We're grateful it worked to all gather at camp drop off this year. We stated at the beautiful Homestead in Hot Springs and made great memories and simple enjoyed one another's company. But we missed Clare! Three cheers for Matt and family for making trek across the river to see Clare in her element and check out Louisa and Sally's home away from home for the next three weeks.
Lucky me- Clare had time off and she spent it with me! On Saturday I took her to lunch, to get a walk-in pedi and just some hang-out time in beautiful Lewisburg. I am soaking in these sharing hours. She told me all about the counselor training and the past two weeks at camp as a JC! I continue be truly impressed and grateful for all she is learning, how and from whom.
Meanwhile back at the Homestead quality family bonding was going on...Joe went shooting with his brother in laws and enjoyed an activity he loves in a fabulous place. Three cheers for Greg that reached out to Joe about shotting- that was what rallied us to make our reservations. It wasn't in the plan this year but how could we miss the Stoner get-to-gether!! Mom was soaking in grand kid time and Peter helped Pap enjoy his father's day gift at the Spa! Our evening gatherings for cocktails and dinner were just plain good for the soul! Throw in fireworks and birthday cake - Saturday night was pretty amazing. Of course dancing with Joe, Peter, Matthew, seeing everyone else on the dance floor warmed my heart. So much more to share...I'll let some pictures tell the rest of the story.
I took a selfie and Sally said- just take it. |
Clare's tent in Junior Camp. |
I watched the fireworks with the kids! |
Cousin Show Bday Preso!! |
swimming in the rain! |
Nana and Pap smiling- all in one area!! I hope the pictures share the happy, sweet time we had gathering in Hot Springs, VA and for camp drop off in Lewisburg, VA! We're back to it in our lives on Newark-Granville Road. Grateful for the kids to be off enjoying summer away- Peter back with my parents in MD while girls at camp- how amazing is that! Joe and I appreciate this time to be together, be at work, and hopefully tend to some some house projects!! I won't wish the time away to welcome them home to our lives on NG Road- adventures await us all these next three weeks!
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