When something good comes along, I like to share. For months I've been looking for a new weather app. Intellicast was my go-to. It was recommended by a pilot and was quite accurate. It morphed into something else that was adequate. That something else, transitions to some radar storm thing that is not adequate. Last week in my life on NG Road I needed accuracy in regard to the weather.
I thought to myself- what do the serious event planners use? So I asked Ashley of Ashley Stephan Weddings & Events and she shared Dark Skies. I asked the Denison Athletic Director- certainly there needs to be reliable information with collegiate sporting events- she recommended Dark Skies and admitted to watching four cites. Then I asked two friends and guess what- Dark Skies! I downloaded Dark Skies and actually paid for the app, I was not disappointed. If anyone drives a convertible, like me, you should use Dark Skies. This app counted down the rain drops to the minute- amazing. It didn't just say rain arriving in 10 minutes- it described the intensity- sprinkle and light rain were all I experienced on Saturday evening, thankfully. Tonight the downpour was predicted and arrived. I thought you'd like to know, in case you are interested or maybe you already know and I've validated your good sense!
The other god to share....They are Back! Denison students are arriving daily and I'm ready. Fall athletes are here football arrived 8-10 and students supporting their arrival- res hall staff, trainers, etc...International students, Class of 2022 Pre-Orientations. I admit I like the summer focus on work time, but Denison is a college. The college is about students. They are our purpose, our center, our energy. And..they bring parents! I love my parents. Yes, I love Jeanne and Mike Stoner- love them more because...they're Denison parents- P '90 '91 '94! I love Nadine and Jim Leithauser- you got it DU Parents- P'88 '90. I truly love the Denison parents I have the honor to work, support, engage, guide, partner, assist. My role is Parent and Family Philanthropy and so they are "my" parents. They are our parents- Denison's parents. They are amazing Denisonians, members of the DU family and make a difference. I'm at the time of year knee deep in welcomes and introductions and I really do love it....I thought you should know.
Life on Newark-Granville Road is busy- school start up for the kids, Clare's senior year, Peter's junior year, Sally's 8th grade year- last year of MS....all good! Town and Country Saturday was really lovely- hip hip hooray for an incredible committee. And the rain came and we were prepared. The Denison parents are making their way back-be on the look out on Sunday, August 26th- First Year Move in Day and the Induction Ceremony for the Class of 2022! First day of Classes for all- August 30th....First Day of School in Granville....Wed, August 22nd- here come the buses on Newark-Granville Road!
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