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Sunday, December 9, 2018

Denison Parent Helps us Navigate Parenthood!

Please watch this fun, real, great touch point TedX talk.  Susan Lyon is one of the parents I've had the honor to meet and work with at Denison.  My role with philanthropy is amazing and it is the people that share their resources and perspectives that make it special-  Enjoy!!

I've wanted to share this fun find in my life on Newark-Granville for some time.  Today's conversation in Sunday School- Families in Faith- at Granville FPC, reminded me of this gem.  We're not perfect parents or people but we're given Grace and inspired to do so with others.  It is the season to prepare for the baby that will save us, remind us, care for us and walk with us as not perfect parents.

Yoga yesterday shared a wonderful message. When the negative happens, how to turn it into the positive.  The "to" this happened "to" me- argh, can be the this happened "for" me.  This ties to the video and Susan's message.  Our conversation this morning about what we do wrong, but recognizing we can turn it into "for"  This connects to the message - we are creating resilient, capable adults- our goal.  FPC friends and so many others-we're all in it together and showing them how "faith" works in our lives.  We're giving the gift of God's love and the best gift of all arriving December 25th.

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