- Granville Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast- this Saturday, February 16th. We love how this event brings out neighbors and friends. We are grateful for the Kiwanis and ALL they do, support, execute- we want to help in any way we can. If eating pancakes and GRANVILLE syrup helps- so be it! St. Edward's Church 7 am to 2 pm.
-Denison University's Center for Narrative Journalism- TELL BETTER STORIES. Workshop series free and open to the public on Feb 23, March 23 and April 27 10 am- 12 pm NEWORK SPACE. Register at lossingb@denison.edu check out the picture and here is a link for the first event- https://denison.edu/events/event/129647 Great topics include: lives with video, truth/memoirs and Listening Well (for Writers).
Valentines Day- tomorrow- isn't just for lovers...it is for people and events I just love in my life on Newark-Granville Road.
Denison BLUEGRASS- a repeat topic for regular readers: This weekend- some fantastic picking going on up on the hill: https://denison.edu/series/bluegrass You won't be sorry if you find yourself in Swasey at 7 pm on Friday or Saturday!!
Denison Lacrosse- here we go, yes in February, and it might snow, it has before:
Men's Season Opener - Saturday 2/16 1 pm vs Washington and Lee.
Women's Season Opener- Saturday 2/23 Noon, then a Sunday 2/24 game!! Men play at 3 on 2/23!
Vail Series: https://denison.edu/series/vail I'm going to be very very sad to miss the event on Tuesday, February 26th, go if you can please!
Happy Valentines Day to all reading and sharing- love life as Benjamin Franklin said: Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life ismade of. And take some of that time for you today.

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