Last week I had the privilege of having lunch with Min Jin Lee- author of Pachincko, a book I very much enjoyed thanks to the Denison book club I do my best to keep current!! The opportunity to meet her, engage in conversation took the reading/listening experience to a whole experience. My new understanding of her writing fiction with intent to put race and discrimination in the limelight and approachable makes the read all the more fulfilling and interesting. So many other important topics are revealed: suicide and immigration to name two. I was also fascinated by the Caroline Kennedy intro, here: it also appears in the paperback edition. This video also has Min's talk with many points she shared with me at Denison- I continue to value her dry humor, wit and vulnerability. Enjoy. Thank you Beck Series- endowed funds and all the coordinators to make it happen. Have not read Pachincko? Add it to your list, for the reasons above, the opportunity to travel to Korea and Japan and embrace the saga of across generations of this family and people, thanks to the time with Min I admire and respect.
It isn't possible to attend everything at Denison. An embarrassment of riches is the appropriate descriptions. Between the theater, music, dance, athletic events, talks and festivals you can't be in multiple places. Information for Foreingers by Griselda Gambaro, translated by Marguerite Feitlowitz was something I'm glad I didn't miss. I've been following director, Elani Papleonardos's facebook post and was completely intrigued with her layout, post-its and once I saw it- choreography! I was sad to miss Tutti this year, but I could not pass on seeing how Monomoy would work as a set and oh was I impressed. This was a haunting, serious, concerning topic executed to perfection. I did not know enough about the Dirty Wars in Argentina during the mid 70s, early eights- thank you Denison for continuing my education and supporting my life long learning on campus. Thank you cast and crew for your work to deliver that education so effectively.
College towns are special and we know I love Granville. This weekend I experienced a special side of Mt. Vernon- the town close to Kenyon's small college town of Gambier. Dear friend told me about the dinner theater happening at the Alcove and am I glad we found our way there. It was meant to be- the show was extended as February provided no free date to enjoy. The restaurant decor is dreamy, dinner was delicious and the "Savannah Sippin Society" provided a sweet story, performed to well end the week. Girls Nights Out are special and this one was a perfect match- cheers to life on Newark-Granville road and all that share and provide the learning and fun.

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