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Friday, May 10, 2019

Oh what a beautiful morning.....

Real life happenings in my life. I walked up the back steps- having just captured this photo of the lush green and striking purple and walked through a waterfall of the lilacs aroma. Ahhh

I walk into the house and it is warm, cinnamony goodness greeting me with welcome home, good morin!  Monkey bread just out of the oven, the benefit of living next door to the Mom doing teacher appreciation good deeds.

Did I step into a movie set? No just life on Newark-Granville Road with good, make that a fantastic neighbor and an appreciation for what God and mother nature provides.  Amen

Oh and Peter and Sally had a happy morning exchange- Peter asked Sally what day do you see the Nationals next week?  Sally answered: Wednesday. Peter on phone looks up to report so and so is pitching and other insights.   Off they go.....

And my walk this am, I didn't want to get up but I needed the exercise and wanted to chat with my dear walking gals.  I so love to hear a perspective on the Derby party- everyone's experience is different. So fun to hear what happened post-party, who talked to whom- connected- we love when friends meet friends and discover their links! 

I fed the dog and noticed Peter's tennis bag. Tennis season ended for him yesterday- proud of his good work. Sectionals doubles - they won two matches, then lost to the number one seed.  I love how he said how much fun they had talking with the students they played since they had no "game" against them. One an exchange student from Japan. Grateful for another Mom keeping me in the loop, caring so well for that team.  Anyway- Peter's tennis bag on the floor, snacks inside and the dog has not touched it.  Wow- we've never had a dog like this. Lucy- you are a sweetheart and we love you.

Keeping it real- there are carrot peels on the floor, the ice that was dropped when filling water bottles has melted so there are pools of water in front of the freezer, which reminds me of the project to replace the fridge. At 7:05 when I called to check, everyone was still in bed despite a 7:25 planned departure. Back to the monkey bread....

I took one look at the monkey bread and said- I'll make coffee.  So here I sit, typing happier than being in any bakery. Looking out the window at so many variations of the shade of green. Listening to birds and raindrops and soaking in this sweet, special life filled with such gratitude.

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