Life on Newark-Granville Road- literally is about PELOTONIA!! Woo Hoo! Want to love life in Granville- get out there Saturday and cheer on those hero riders! Check out the purpose, all involved, where the money goes- RESEARCH- and the routes!! Please join us in supporting their rides, real or virtual or the volunteers with a donation: It is hard to just donate to one person- I'm grateful to all riding.
Special shout out to Charlotte Mattimoe- dear bonus daughter- she surpassed her goal- she is a first-time rider- she is amazing, strong, kind, determined, giving- so proud and happy for her. I can't wait to hear all about it. Lots of others out there needing funding- again I wish I could support everyone. Lots of other cancer research, cancer support and prevent organizations out there- thank you to all involved. WE all know someone, have had our lives disrupted in some way by cancer.
This week we celebrate not just Charlotte- but Betsy! Breast Cancer didn't stop her, in fact, no surprise it made her stronger and all the more beautiful. Treatment wrapped up- woo hoo- you did it. Bets you are incredible, an inspiration and I love you. Pink Cheers to you dear friend. Pink Cheers to your family and dear Jim- you all are AWEsome!
Love and hugs to all affected, involved, fighting, living, remembering- I will be woo-hooing for you this weekend in my life on Newark-Granville Road.
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Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Monday, July 29, 2019
Philanthropy's Sweet Spot
During the conversation with my seatmate flying to Colorado Monday, he asked me what was taking me to Colorado Springs? I enthusiastically answered- a conference being hosted at the Airforce Academy. His reply: oh that will be great if you like those sorts of things. My internal answer- oh I do, this conference in particular I do. I type today on the way home from the conference and I'm here to say- it did not disappoint!
This seatmate had already inquired about my work and I share openly that I work to gain philanthropic support from parents and families at Denison University. He is a parent of a college student and was eager to share insights, thoughts - a proud father. He also admitted he has spent time with development folks. Somehow I jogged his memory to jump on-line to buy football tickets at his alma mater- that was the day to do so. He was quite grateful I helped him execute.
While I was preparing to depart for the conference I received this article from Denison's baseball coach-Coach Deegan in my inbox. I really enjoy his blog posts and perspectives. This one is a good one. The timing was perfect as I'm doing some soul searching on further development and philanthropy is my sweet spot. Reading his sports analogy resonated with me. Although I've not found the sweet spot with a bat I have found it on the golf course. A friend shared her love of the thwack sound a driver makes and I could not agree more! My excitement to attend the conference affirmed Coach's questions and points about my career path and my responsibilies within philanthropy.
So just what did I learn at this conference? And why do I like to attend?
1st- I'm with my peeps! Parent and Family Philanthropy is exciting, challenging and like nothing I've ever done before. I'm the only one at Denison tasked with this role so spending a few days learning, comparing notes and stories with others that do what I do is very rewarding. These are good folks at great schools from all over the country! Approaching the work in a variety of ways all with success!
2nd- Our the United States Airforce Academy was incredible. The location alone was a treat- Colorado Springs, the mountains, the architecture- stunning! The content- we were provided the opportunity to go a day early for sessions in their Center for Leadership and Character! Wow- the inspiration, the expertise, the motivation, the deeper understanding and approach was beautiful. Bonus- books I've read and am reading were key to researchers- see blog post on summer reading!!
3rd- incredible honor and opportunity- special tours of the academy's grounds and programs. Today we met the 20-year-olds teaching para jumping and glider/acrobatics- they have found their sweet spots. I walk away from the USAFA all the more grateful for the service, commitment, grit, moxy of all those attending (and have graduated) and serving at USAFA and in the service.
4th - Sessions on Philanthropy- excited to jump in and apply some tweaks to our program at Denison. Grateful for the time to reflect on my approach and relationships- time to turn it up. Parents and Family make a wonderful difference for Denison and I'm honored to have the role that greets them early in their process and shares the journey! I'm proud of the work we've done in four years, grateful for all those that have been part of it in so many ways and excited for the future.
Life on Newark-Granville Road take away is that every bat, golf club, person's sweet spot is unique and we can't find it alone- we need pitchers, coaches, teammates, parents, fans. It takes some time and the journey is key. Thanks for reading and being part of this exciting part of my life. Thanks to those that helped me take a week in Colorodo to reflect, learn and engage!
This seatmate had already inquired about my work and I share openly that I work to gain philanthropic support from parents and families at Denison University. He is a parent of a college student and was eager to share insights, thoughts - a proud father. He also admitted he has spent time with development folks. Somehow I jogged his memory to jump on-line to buy football tickets at his alma mater- that was the day to do so. He was quite grateful I helped him execute.
While I was preparing to depart for the conference I received this article from Denison's baseball coach-Coach Deegan in my inbox. I really enjoy his blog posts and perspectives. This one is a good one. The timing was perfect as I'm doing some soul searching on further development and philanthropy is my sweet spot. Reading his sports analogy resonated with me. Although I've not found the sweet spot with a bat I have found it on the golf course. A friend shared her love of the thwack sound a driver makes and I could not agree more! My excitement to attend the conference affirmed Coach's questions and points about my career path and my responsibilies within philanthropy.
So just what did I learn at this conference? And why do I like to attend?
1st- I'm with my peeps! Parent and Family Philanthropy is exciting, challenging and like nothing I've ever done before. I'm the only one at Denison tasked with this role so spending a few days learning, comparing notes and stories with others that do what I do is very rewarding. These are good folks at great schools from all over the country! Approaching the work in a variety of ways all with success!
2nd- Our the United States Airforce Academy was incredible. The location alone was a treat- Colorado Springs, the mountains, the architecture- stunning! The content- we were provided the opportunity to go a day early for sessions in their Center for Leadership and Character! Wow- the inspiration, the expertise, the motivation, the deeper understanding and approach was beautiful. Bonus- books I've read and am reading were key to researchers- see blog post on summer reading!!
3rd- incredible honor and opportunity- special tours of the academy's grounds and programs. Today we met the 20-year-olds teaching para jumping and glider/acrobatics- they have found their sweet spots. I walk away from the USAFA all the more grateful for the service, commitment, grit, moxy of all those attending (and have graduated) and serving at USAFA and in the service.
4th - Sessions on Philanthropy- excited to jump in and apply some tweaks to our program at Denison. Grateful for the time to reflect on my approach and relationships- time to turn it up. Parents and Family make a wonderful difference for Denison and I'm honored to have the role that greets them early in their process and shares the journey! I'm proud of the work we've done in four years, grateful for all those that have been part of it in so many ways and excited for the future.
Life on Newark-Granville Road take away is that every bat, golf club, person's sweet spot is unique and we can't find it alone- we need pitchers, coaches, teammates, parents, fans. It takes some time and the journey is key. Thanks for reading and being part of this exciting part of my life. Thanks to those that helped me take a week in Colorodo to reflect, learn and engage!
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Vacation in Virginia- Another Summer 2019 Road Trip
Happiness is....a sing along in the lobby….no this is not an actual activity at The Homestead in Hot Springs, VA but what happened Sunday evening. After a wonderful dinner, we retired to the lobby for after-dinner drinks as the pianist created a lovely setting. We found our little sitting area and got cozy. Mom had her beloved Brandy Alexander, Daddy a Drambuie, the rest of us actually too full from dinner but happy sipping water and taking it all in…..
Part of the fun of these vacations is people watching. Public spaces are so homey and in the midst of the coming and goings….part of the allure is taking in others shared family time. I’m doing that right now as I type from the front porch. It is morning and everyone seems to be setting out on adventures!! I’m loving this alone time with my computer and the setting. The screen door bangs and like the library in college I look up thinking I’ll know who is coming out. My brother and Mom just departed on a mini adventure to find a local airport.
So last night we were delighted by well-dressed children, often with a big ole bow- making their way up and down the corridor. One stopped delighted with the music and made a request- a sweet whisper in the pianist's ear. Next thing we know- Do A Deer was being played and we all couldn’t resist- sing-along. It didn’t last long and just like life nothing is perfect- the sing-along included Christmas music for some….but then another sweet child came along and danced to a lovely rendition of some song I can't recall but was lovely taking the pianist back to her repertoire. Although she obliged us with “take me out the ball game” and on cue, Peter and the cousins emerged. TMO is his lullaby. Then she played Edelweiss- Sally’slullabye- as well….Joe and I danced to Moonriver…A lovely first night of Family vacation.
I pick this back up home in Ohio, wishing we had just one more day in Virginia as a family. More reflecting: The Homestead is a great place for groups and as we discovered this year for our age children. They were a merry band and truly only joined us for meals. They happily made their way to and from pools, activities and just hanging out together and meeting other teens in similar situations and young workers from all over the globe! It was nice to have accessibility for Daddy too- he joined us at the spa and the pool. Our past vacations are a challenge as beach navigation is difficult. Our meals were delicious. Service this year had its extremes. Some wonderful staff and I will share this with the hotel made sure we were well cared for, however a number of times things just seamed off- bartenders taking too long to serve and not happy to be where they were. Yoga not offered and lack of care the disappointment this caused. The spa amenities and setting are just wonderful- new to my bucket list- trying the natural hot spring pool there in the winter! Oh and golfing The Cascades course. Joe thinks I'm ready for Old White at the Greenbrier by the way!!! And if you like to shoot- the gun club is gorgeous. I didn't shoot as well but loved being there with Joe and Matt.
Memories were made- the power went out- very "Shining" like walk to the spa that afternoon! All the texts family checking in on one another was very sweet. New this year was the guided hike. I was not excited to spend $30 a person but it was worth it. Fabulous lessons on fauna from our guide and loved the long hike along the gorgeous cascade waterfall/stream. Nothing is perfect and we know you take the good with the bad. The price and location were ideal for our family and this July vacation in my life on Newark-Granville Road. Three cheers for the Homestead and almost all of our family under one roof!
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Cocktail, breakfast, tea- if these chairs could talk. |
Monday, July 15, 2019
Summer Reading 2019- to be continued....
Summer is about reading.....I love summer and highlights are: what will I read, what did I read, what am I reading.....
1st up to share: Pam Houston's Deep Creek, Finding Hope in the High Country- after meeting the author and hearing her read and share Denison and life reflections at the reunion this jumped to the top of my list. I'm so glad it did. I finished it on the beach - a favorite summer reading spot! Here is a review far better than I can share:
I love that this review is from Outside magazine. I put in my phone notes during her talk- read more article by Pam from Outside! This is what her partner told me- a treat to meet him after reading the book.
So then- back to books I've started, or need to read for book clubs or ??? But while reviewing my phone notes I found- The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George What I'd like to know is who or what inspired me to make that note. I found it while on vacation, perfect timing as while vacationing I LOVE to go to bookstores. Sad not to be visiting NC beach favorites this year was thrilled to find a good one at the Delaware beach and voila there was "Little Paris" waiting for me. I jumped in recently and was immediately transported to France and the life and memories of Monsieur Perdu and his band of merry men. Thank you universe for this sweet read. The Discussing Books at CVL group will be so pleased- we love books that take place in book stores! I look forward to discussing this with a number of people.
And as stated this will be a blog post that is revisited and updated with other books that share my life on Newark-Granville Road this summer!
Oh, do I love a good road trip with someone else driving! An American Marriage by Tayari Jones
I started it on the drive down, enjoyed it poolside a bit and finished it on the ride home. Thank you Denison book club- great selection, a good discussion that I attended despite barely starting the book but you all inspired me to read on and I am glad I did. The characters and story are very interesting and the main subject important- wrongly incarcerated black men. Sigh. The essay by the author in the back of my edition was poignant and has me looking forward to her visit: Sept 18th- Denison's Beck Series in partnership with the Columbus Museum of Art! I'm always fascinated by an author's process, Ms. Jones shares this with us and it makes so much sense. A beautiful novel- I'm still processing and may track down some book club friends to pick up the conversation now that I've read it. I'm not sure I would have picked this up- grateful for book clubs and the subjects that books put in front of us in my life on NG Road!
Listening to an important book, a fascinating book- so much of it is spot on as I think of my kids and our parenting approach. Just really getting started..looking forward to some drive time coming up for more time with this subject and author. iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy--and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood--and What That Means for the Rest of Us by Dr. Jean Twenge
And woo-hoo- lucky me- Discussing Books and Denison book clubs are discussing the same book in August! I love when this happens!! A Place for Us by Fatima Farhean Mirza I listened to this book - thanks to Road Trips of Summer 2019 (read about those on other posts!) What a saga- sigh and another opportunity for me to peek inside a culture different from my own yet connected like all families are.
Joe's reading Evel by Leigh Montville FYI...
More books coming soon.....
Great when you attend a conference and all the books mentioned by speakers are already in your library/ in progress:
Dare to Lead by Brene Brown: Anything by this author/speaker/researcher is wonderful, timely, important. I'm discussing her work with friends, colleagues and it was no surprise to hear about her partnership directly at the United States Airforce Academy's Center for Leadership and Character. More on this later- what an honor to be here.
Emotional Intelligence by Travis Bradberry
Traction- Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman- okay so this has not been shared at the conference yet- I'm really enjoying it as it aligns so well with our approach to work with the MGO team at Denison!
And Peter's Summer list- first up- Fever Pitch by Nick Hornby- I'm reading it too! Interesting but, some beautiful sentiments, analogies...all the player names....hmmmm
Just finished, thanks to a colleague/friend: The Alice Network by Kate Quinn- very enjoyable historical fiction! A nice companion to my travels. I arrived home and had to finish- needed to know the ending!
1st up to share: Pam Houston's Deep Creek, Finding Hope in the High Country- after meeting the author and hearing her read and share Denison and life reflections at the reunion this jumped to the top of my list. I'm so glad it did. I finished it on the beach - a favorite summer reading spot! Here is a review far better than I can share:
I love that this review is from Outside magazine. I put in my phone notes during her talk- read more article by Pam from Outside! This is what her partner told me- a treat to meet him after reading the book.
So then- back to books I've started, or need to read for book clubs or ??? But while reviewing my phone notes I found- The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George What I'd like to know is who or what inspired me to make that note. I found it while on vacation, perfect timing as while vacationing I LOVE to go to bookstores. Sad not to be visiting NC beach favorites this year was thrilled to find a good one at the Delaware beach and voila there was "Little Paris" waiting for me. I jumped in recently and was immediately transported to France and the life and memories of Monsieur Perdu and his band of merry men. Thank you universe for this sweet read. The Discussing Books at CVL group will be so pleased- we love books that take place in book stores! I look forward to discussing this with a number of people.
And as stated this will be a blog post that is revisited and updated with other books that share my life on Newark-Granville Road this summer!
Oh, do I love a good road trip with someone else driving! An American Marriage by Tayari Jones
I started it on the drive down, enjoyed it poolside a bit and finished it on the ride home. Thank you Denison book club- great selection, a good discussion that I attended despite barely starting the book but you all inspired me to read on and I am glad I did. The characters and story are very interesting and the main subject important- wrongly incarcerated black men. Sigh. The essay by the author in the back of my edition was poignant and has me looking forward to her visit: Sept 18th- Denison's Beck Series in partnership with the Columbus Museum of Art! I'm always fascinated by an author's process, Ms. Jones shares this with us and it makes so much sense. A beautiful novel- I'm still processing and may track down some book club friends to pick up the conversation now that I've read it. I'm not sure I would have picked this up- grateful for book clubs and the subjects that books put in front of us in my life on NG Road!
Listening to an important book, a fascinating book- so much of it is spot on as I think of my kids and our parenting approach. Just really getting started..looking forward to some drive time coming up for more time with this subject and author. iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy--and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood--and What That Means for the Rest of Us by Dr. Jean Twenge
And woo-hoo- lucky me- Discussing Books and Denison book clubs are discussing the same book in August! I love when this happens!! A Place for Us by Fatima Farhean Mirza I listened to this book - thanks to Road Trips of Summer 2019 (read about those on other posts!) What a saga- sigh and another opportunity for me to peek inside a culture different from my own yet connected like all families are.
Joe's reading Evel by Leigh Montville FYI...
More books coming soon.....
Great when you attend a conference and all the books mentioned by speakers are already in your library/ in progress:
Dare to Lead by Brene Brown: Anything by this author/speaker/researcher is wonderful, timely, important. I'm discussing her work with friends, colleagues and it was no surprise to hear about her partnership directly at the United States Airforce Academy's Center for Leadership and Character. More on this later- what an honor to be here.
Emotional Intelligence by Travis Bradberry
Traction- Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman- okay so this has not been shared at the conference yet- I'm really enjoying it as it aligns so well with our approach to work with the MGO team at Denison!
And Peter's Summer list- first up- Fever Pitch by Nick Hornby- I'm reading it too! Interesting but, some beautiful sentiments, analogies...all the player names....hmmmm
Just finished, thanks to a colleague/friend: The Alice Network by Kate Quinn- very enjoyable historical fiction! A nice companion to my travels. I arrived home and had to finish- needed to know the ending!
Sunday, July 7, 2019
Maryland for the Birthday...Summer 2019 Road Trips
"All my memories, gather round her."...okay so this is a West Virginia song and it is a Camp Allehgany song and I love going to camp...but often camp trips also involve trips to Maryland and Maryland is home. I loved our time in Altoona, PA, the friends I made there and my high school, college breaks, summer working time- but when my parents moved back to Hagerstown I slipped that back to "I'm from Hagerstown" like you put on the comfy PJs. This road trip wasn't to WVA (that was last week and is next week) it is to MD!
First up- meeting Lady Bird- Birdie Stoner- my parents new, sweet, English Spaniel pup- 4 months old. She is a love! Cocktails on the porch and my Mom's summer dinner with grilled chicken, corn on the cob, sweet tea was a fabulous welcome!
If you are following along on the blog- 2019 is the summer of road trips and yesterday I posted about "the beach" a side trip from this trip! Mom and I returned home from the Del-Mar-VA peninsula and memory lane on July 4th- America's Independence Day. We kept it low key enjoying a home cooked meal of burgers, beans and ice cream! Joe and I caught up and prepared for my big FHCC golf day by walking the course at night. My parents home allows me to relax and be in vacation mode.
As soon as the plan was mapped out and included being in Maryland for my birthday I knew what I wanted to do- play the FHCC golf course with Joe and Peter! FHCC's course is gorgeous, growing up I knew it was. Now that I play and have a Donald Ross designed course down the street in my life on Newark-Granville Road it is a real treat to play. And the best news- I played well! It is all starting to come together. I still need lots of work- I want to be back at the driving range pdq- my 3 wood not tee-ed needs work! I ended up in the sand too many times, I have to figure out placement. BUT I get myself out of the score would have been far better without the 3 tries it took to get out on number 16! Those greens are mean by the way- the slope and pace caused way too many 3 puts or better said- chips that rolled too far. Oh but it was fun, so much fun. Bonus- Mom met us at the turn for a quick lunch and then I had pool time to float, cool down and toast the day- my birthday! Key part of Hagerstown fun is Hard Shell Crabs at the Stadium. Eating outside, pitchers or Yuengling and my favorite food- hard shells, extra old-bay please with pickles to cool the lips. The night didn't disappoint. Joe and I allowed uber Peter to let us share another Htown favorite- The Colonial.
Our last day in the Cumberland Valley was prepping, resting, staying cool for the Maryland Sympony Orchestra's concert at the Antietam Battlefield. My parents embraced this as soon as they moved back and we went for years- I should really find the pictures. I was so looking forward to this great night. Unfortunately Mother Nature cut short the fun. We had a great picnic enjoying brie and the "recipe" a tradition my father provides but the downpour of rain sent us home with no music, no fireworks and sniff, sniff no 1812 Overture with the canons of the battlefield. Lucky for me I have fond memories of this and will hope for another day- maybe friends will come with us- Road Trip 2020?
Road Trips take you home, take you away from home, take you to time with those you love and just need time together. It was really good to spend my birthday with my parents (and Birdie), time with Joe and Peter in my now home away from home and see Sarah and her dear family. I'm write this from my life on Newark-Granville Road perch- happily at home. I'm anxious to pick up our sweet Lucy, grateful for awesome mail that was here to greet me and reconnect with friends and work. Happy Summer Sunday.
First up- meeting Lady Bird- Birdie Stoner- my parents new, sweet, English Spaniel pup- 4 months old. She is a love! Cocktails on the porch and my Mom's summer dinner with grilled chicken, corn on the cob, sweet tea was a fabulous welcome!
If you are following along on the blog- 2019 is the summer of road trips and yesterday I posted about "the beach" a side trip from this trip! Mom and I returned home from the Del-Mar-VA peninsula and memory lane on July 4th- America's Independence Day. We kept it low key enjoying a home cooked meal of burgers, beans and ice cream! Joe and I caught up and prepared for my big FHCC golf day by walking the course at night. My parents home allows me to relax and be in vacation mode.
As soon as the plan was mapped out and included being in Maryland for my birthday I knew what I wanted to do- play the FHCC golf course with Joe and Peter! FHCC's course is gorgeous, growing up I knew it was. Now that I play and have a Donald Ross designed course down the street in my life on Newark-Granville Road it is a real treat to play. And the best news- I played well! It is all starting to come together. I still need lots of work- I want to be back at the driving range pdq- my 3 wood not tee-ed needs work! I ended up in the sand too many times, I have to figure out placement. BUT I get myself out of the score would have been far better without the 3 tries it took to get out on number 16! Those greens are mean by the way- the slope and pace caused way too many 3 puts or better said- chips that rolled too far. Oh but it was fun, so much fun. Bonus- Mom met us at the turn for a quick lunch and then I had pool time to float, cool down and toast the day- my birthday! Key part of Hagerstown fun is Hard Shell Crabs at the Stadium. Eating outside, pitchers or Yuengling and my favorite food- hard shells, extra old-bay please with pickles to cool the lips. The night didn't disappoint. Joe and I allowed uber Peter to let us share another Htown favorite- The Colonial.
Our last day in the Cumberland Valley was prepping, resting, staying cool for the Maryland Sympony Orchestra's concert at the Antietam Battlefield. My parents embraced this as soon as they moved back and we went for years- I should really find the pictures. I was so looking forward to this great night. Unfortunately Mother Nature cut short the fun. We had a great picnic enjoying brie and the "recipe" a tradition my father provides but the downpour of rain sent us home with no music, no fireworks and sniff, sniff no 1812 Overture with the canons of the battlefield. Lucky for me I have fond memories of this and will hope for another day- maybe friends will come with us- Road Trip 2020?
Road Trips take you home, take you away from home, take you to time with those you love and just need time together. It was really good to spend my birthday with my parents (and Birdie), time with Joe and Peter in my now home away from home and see Sarah and her dear family. I'm write this from my life on Newark-Granville Road perch- happily at home. I'm anxious to pick up our sweet Lucy, grateful for awesome mail that was here to greet me and reconnect with friends and work. Happy Summer Sunday.
Saturday, July 6, 2019
Beach- Christopher Style with Memory Lane Visit- 2019 Summer Road Trips
2019 family time - all under one roof- isn't happening this year. Sigh, sniff boo-hoo. So what do I do? Make plans to see all family- it is what summer is for and it means more road trips!

This week was- take me to the beach- week! Sarah, my sister, often shares that they are "headed to the beach". Their beach is Delaware and visiting her mother in law in Lewes(pronounced Louis), DE. I'd never been to that part of Delaware. I've been to Rehobeth and Bethany and have amazing memories. When we figured out that 2019 wouldn't include Avon, NC the plan started hatching! The Eastern Shore/Delmarva was calling.
Many variations were brainstormed connected to my 4th of July week trip to see my parents in Hagerstown. We ended up leaving the boys- my Dad, Peter, and Joe with my parents' new puppy in Hagerstown. Mom and I took the reservation at the Lewes Inn at Canal Square as we are the two really craving beach time! Sarah, Greg, Louisa, and Lou were great hosts- showing just how to do "the beach" Christopher style. What a charming town Lewes is! Rehobeth has truly grown filled with good shopping and my beloved- Nic-o-boli from Nicola Pizza! We kicked off our compact visit with lunch here and it did not disappoint, lived up to the fond memory! Then we shopped Rehobeth, then we shopped Lewes. Realizing we didn't want to deal with firework crowds the next day we returned to Rehobeth for seafood dinner and FUNLAND! My niece's one request for our time together-rides and games! Summer nights at the beach mean boardwalk! The pictures tell the story:

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Yes- I won the big prize for my dear Goddaughter/niece! |
2nd day- our fabulous hosts picked us up and we headed to the beach. Beautiful scenery, cool ocean, hot sand- but thanks to Greg we had the umbrella! Ahhhhhh picnic lunch with stocked cooler- life is good at the beach with the Christophers! We talked, walked, swam and read- I finished my book-such a good one too- Deep Creek, finding hope at high elevation by Pamela Houston- DU alumna! When we had enough of the increasing temps we headed home. Mom and I took our time getting ready, strolled through a few more shops and settled into cocktails on our deck.
Dinner outside in the shade, a fabulous crab cake- you really should only have crab cakes in MD, they know how to do it- no filler, lots of beautiful clumps of flaky white crab meat. We wrapped it up with drive around the historic homes in Lewes and girl time with drinks. Picture time:

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birthday wishes- it was birthday week! |
On our way home Mom made sure I had one more memory walk and culinary delight- soft shell crab! The Fisherman's Inn in Kent Narrow, just after the Bay Bridge- a stop we use to make on the way to the beach- Gaga's favorite. So nice to have this quality family time- alone time with my Mom and time with the wonderful Christopher's in their natural habitat!! Life on Newark-Granville Road now knows just where Sarah is when she says-"we went to the beach" this weekend! Oh, and wondering about the boys? They did great-go Suns!
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