So it was a great day. Clare had it all organized- she watched and took advice from others. Granted camp packing and unpacking played a role in her preparedness-mentally and physically. We packed last night and this am. Peter saw Clare off but stayed home with Lucy. Cathy coached us and we arrived early to beat "line-up". Part of the fun of Wooster will be exploring a beautiful new area- we commenced that today with Amish Country breakfast and happy to say we passed a horse and buggy. Wooster had it all organized with great help and fun welcome touches. Her roommate is sweet, from Chicago- feels like a nice fit. Clare's visits and team engagement with lax had her reconnecting with a number of folks. Family matters and makes a difference. Joe's 1st cousin Cathy works in Admission and has been such a help. Her daughter Sara was great for Sally and really helped Clare too with room set-up!
The school's traditions resonate with us- the arch walk, the McLeod plaid, the kilt, the Scot theme but it goes much deeper. The welcome in the chapel was amazing- so well done. I'm pretty impressed. The kids like to make fun of how in our life on Newark-Granville Road we think Denison is the end all be all. Of course, we love Denison and are proud of our Alma mater. I can't say it enough- Wooster is fabulous- today we joined the family and we're really pleased Clare will call it home.
Life on Newark-Granville Road will be different without our Clare. Immediate observations- the time has come- time to add Wooster magnet/decals to the cars! Which goes where? I love the options- well done Wooster book store! Sally will move into Clare's room- future project. Sally has scanned Clare's left-behinds and is loving a pair of Lululemon leggings. She says Clare said- whatever is left you can have? Hmmm?
I type this so happy, so at peace, so content with this phase, chapter, journey. We golfed in front of Clare's Kindergarten teacher yesterday. The memories have been around each corner-and a treat for the weekend's family meals. What a beautiful 18 years to get to this point. Teary at times- not your typical times. I didn't cry leaving the town of Wooster or hugging her goodbye. I welled up during the amazing welcome presentation showcasing the awesome global representation at her school. I realized when I left my breakfast drink on the counter and have nibbled my fingernails lower than ever I've had some anxiety over this day. I'm supposed to- I'm her Mom. I think we all kept it in check so the day came and was a dream. Well done Clare- we're very proud, pleased and grateful. Enjoy, soak it in and love it- you are ready, you chose well.

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