-Newkirk Salon and Spa- https://www.newkirksalonspa.com Leslie found room in the schedule and Sally spent the afternoon in hair and make-up with friends doing the same. I stopped on Thursday to pay and Sally took care of the tips that day- I hope. She looked stunning!
-Tara, Paige's Mom- Sally's friend's Mom, Clare's friends Mom and my friend- phew- my hero. She picked Sally up at 10 for nails, lunch, fall treats and getting ready. We were able to simply show up for the pictures- in the nick of time!!
-Belts- friend time, debrief time for grown-ups and Denison break time for me. Post dance party site too-yay!
-Kurtz- pick up late night, sleep over AND church delivery- woo hoo!!
-Roofs- driving the kids to dinner, I believe key to the dinner plans too.
And Sally- she made it all happen, partnered with friends and me. We had fun dress, shoe and jewelry shopping. She knows what she likes and is comfortable in her own skin. It shows- don't you think. One of my favorite pics we snapped at...the Newkirks. How fun to have friends that host pictures and don't have kids in this class or even in the high school!
BRW- which means FLC! Big Red Weekend at Denison is Homecoming and Parents Weekend rolled into one- amazing affinity reunions and reunions with families and new unions! Denison families meet and friendships are born. Denisonians from across the decades with shared interest create new relationships. We fall in love with our campus, town and network all over again- it is a beautiful thing. I love all the roles I play and people I see. This weekend had so many great components and a highlight is FLC- Family Leadership Council. This is philanthropy in action and I'm happy to share more in person. A dear FLC member - parent 19, parent of an alumnus returned on Saturday and we shared the day- what a treat! A student's request thrilled Joe and Denisonians united for a history walk. Sports is key to our Denison experience and time with Nan and Mike always special. The renovated Women's Soccer Team Room made possible by the Berlet family is something I'll not forget. I will share that there was much that I did miss- honors for a swim alum, Varsity D Hall of Fame, musical group performances, open houses, baseball and alums and parents I really really wanted to see not to mention a road trip- I often want to be with the away teams. I listened to my body on Saturday and went to bed "early"- sigh. I woke up refreshed and ready for Sunday to connect with Men's lacrosse- always a treat and I'm grateful to be part of our Denison team of teams. Here is a picture capturing special friendships in my life on Newark-Granville Road

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