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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019 Final Post: Top Posts with Updates and Plans!

How to end 2019 on the blog?  How about recap and follow-up to the top posts? What did readers read the most?  What is the update connected to the topics? What is ahead for these topics in to 2020? Here you go:

  • Derby 2019- most hits- and it was a great one! Oh the fun we had celebrating Clare and bringing together great folks for this annual party. The amazing partnership to execute!  The race itself had the wild ending with disqualification. Current status: 146th's Run for the Roses official glasses are in the house- Joe opened them as one of his gifts on Christmas. The color scheme- blue and gold, for Peter- Gville colors, Michigan colors.  2020- May 2nd- Peter's party- woo hoo! Know the derby party color will be primarily Red- for Wabash!  
  • College News:  Clare's Wooster news- the college search is always a hot topic. Update- she is so happy. We're proud of her good work and sharing and observing her growth. She has made dear friends from all over including California.  Her success in the classroom can be attributed to her hard work and good time management, engagement with professors, Granville HS prep and what we love about the liberal arts: communication, inquiry, challenge, ah-has, reading, analyzing, trying new things, and so much more. Please ask her about it! 2020 will bring excitement with the lacrosse season kicking off a few days upon her return- she cannot wait! Wooster plays Denison on April 9th.  She (Joe) is looking forward to her math class- the econ conversations last semester made me smile.  Peter's path to Wabash has had your attention and ours!  He is so happy about his decision and theirs making his 2019 ending quite nice. 2020- what fun we'll have supporting his start-up. No major allowed to be declared until 2021 FYI! 
  • The family that had the fire early in the year.  Thank you again for the love and support you shared.  Update- they are back in their house and doing great! We had such a nice time with our new friends a few weeks ago catching-up.  Granville is such a special place.  2020 update- my friend is reaching out to another family experiencing a similar tragedy.  We all want to help but connecting with others that have walked the walk is important. I was able to help Nandi connect with Jeanine who helped in ways I could not.  People helping people that is what the blog tries to do.
  • Travel- our Spring break trip to Zion National Park with Vegas and Bryce was a popular read. We look back on it fondly and know we want to return someday to do the Narrows Hike!  Vegas- not in any hurry.  2020 update- we planned and are booked for Spring Break. Lesson from last year- don't wait.  We waited and flights were so high and that is why we went to Vegas in 2019. Last year we wanted baseball spring training, this year- we go see the Nationals- Peter's team.  Bonus- they play in south Florida- Palm Beach. Hello Lilly P!  I'm also headed to Keys for work this year. I anticipate a few posts from this area in the new year.
  • Books!  No surprise- 2019 had so many great reads and 2020's pile excites me.  I value and hold dear discussions and time with book club members- two groups. Santa helped- Molly O'Neil (DU alum) memoir was in my stocking.  Reading on break: Scott Hylbert's Task Lyst. Yes, two DU alums on the pile!

  • Ankle- last year at this time I was in surgery recovery- Dr. Berlet is my hero.  He fixed what didn't go well after the break of my right ankle due to a fall- my mobility limited. 2019 recovery has been great. Update- I went ice skating! I wear heals. I climbed the mounds to take the swings. I made a new friend- the Berlets are Denisonians, inspiring and I was lucky to meet the whole family in 2019! 2020 more action and a return to the tennis court, without giving up golf- more golf. 
  • Construction! We have a screened-in porch and with that new walls and windows for the kitchen all thanks to John Hays Construction, Joe and friends supporting the journey.  This is a dream come true!   Updated- painting, staining, sanding, furniture in progress. 2020- landscaping and fabric- goal in true use by Derby!
Of course,  there was so much more involving family and friends in this very special life on Newark-Granville Road.  Sally, Lucy, Joe, camp, Denison, philanthropy, pumpkins all repeated words making life on Newark-Granville Road so special in 2019!  Thank you for sharing 2019 with us! Happy start to 2020 to you and your family.

PS- The official final post of 2019 was to be "Leithauser end of year/new year/ in place of Christmas-Holiday card".  I had a plan and not surprising in my life on Newark-Granville Road there is now a plan B.  The cards I ordered- I sent to my sister in Maryland.  I won't bore you with why- I goofed.  I  designed the card and let it wait to check errors and have the kids weigh in- the mistake was me hurrying to get them here.  I had grand plans of starting 2020 working on the cards- sending out our New Year's greetings as close to day 1, 2020 as possible.  Oh well.  Future post!

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christmas Love and Light Launched!

We've arrived- one of the best set of days of the year- Christmas Eve day and into the 12 Days of Christmas!  Note Thanksgiving, 4th of July, the Summer Solstice (regular blog readers will know as this is what inspires posts) are the other best days of the year.  So with the 12 Days of Christmas comes the debate- when are the 12 days, do they end with epiphany- Jan 6, Sally's birthday or the 5th.  When you google this - most agree with Peter's point- however, Jan 6th is still the day we celebrate the arrival of the Magi, Sally's birthday and that is when usually (there have been exceptions) we take down the tree. In the meantime we soak up Christmas. I've worked hard this month and have loved it, I've been in the moment BUT I love this time of year!

Life on Newark-Granville Road 2019 Christmas Day was celebrated with the Leithausers. Ann hosted- thank you so much.
Good work W. Leithausers
this pic sums up the day! Thank you W.Leithausers

Nadine and Jim making the trip from Sherwood, we did miss Alicia and Caiden. The Westerville Leithausers have a beautiful, comfortable home with space and activities galore!  The traditional meal has evolved to make sure everyone is happy and I love how our kids' involvement.  This year Clare contributed with her mac n cheese! She is growing up, I love this stage of our lives- college and college approaching kids. It was great to see Will and catch up on his Cincinnati and co-op work in the DC area!  I'm so lucky to have Ann- we're married to brothers- a week or so ago I was able to stop by and we brainstormed our gathering and menu. I enjoy bringing sides to round out or meet a wish- this year it was take-ahead mashed potatoes (to go with Ann's beef tenderloin), Brussels sprouts with pomegrante seeds- festive (found a yummy recipe with apple cider vinegar) and Ga-Ga shrimp as an appetizer (I've been in a shrimp mode.)   Ann had ham for Will, green bean casserole for Clare, corn pudding. Nadine and Jim provide fruits and veggies that are a treat. Dessert was red velvet cheesecake with amazing cookie selections. Clare is with me- cornflake holiday cookies take the day, in fact, she did take them in the car- they didn't make it home. Yum!  Really a beautiful day because- as Ann said during the toast- she had read the recent article on the importance of cousins- first friends- we're all glad we do like one another and get along and look forward to being together! Next up- New Year's Eve- dinner planning started over dessert! And we're debating the start of the actual decade.  Nadine brought up honest conversation about supporting them as they age, making decisions- she had read that when families unite it is a good time.  She is right and I'm grateful we are able to communicate and be honest.  It isn't easy, it isn't perfect, in fact,  it is just hard.  Nadine and Jim (by the way) look and are great!   Fun holiday gift exchange emceed by Caroline on the new Kareoke machine- what a hit!  I'll wrap up it there- so much more to share but we'll just have to remember ourselves.

Christmas Eve day was really special.  I won't go into too many details but want to chronicle the love as Christmas is all about love.  Maybe that is what I hold dear about this stretched out holiday - we do what we love, we buy and give for love- our faith inspires and calls us to action to love. I love traditions, I love gathering around table and the preperation to do so.  Christmas eve for us included our dear neighbors and friends for ice skating (tradition well documented in past posts) and then post church dinner in both our homes- two tables!!  The 6:30 pm service was lovely and I enjoyed seeing so many people and being part of this service that indeed told us- go out into the world caring Christ's light and love- He is Born for Us.  We came home and love and light radiated.

Merry Christmas to all that celebrate.  Happy Hanukkah to our Jewish friends.  Those that celebrate other religious, are spiritual or atheist- it is the season of short days and appreciation for light and love-my wish for you. Light, love and laughter- our world needs and we can all give.  My life on Newark-Granville Road is blessed and loving this 1st or 2nd day of Christmas!   Next up- Stoner Christmas as Nana and Pap arrive tomorrow!

Pictures to tell the rest of the story:

silly kids arguing on Christmas morning- my answer to shut it down.
thank you friend

Clare is loved- Wooster love
He opens this gift last for a reason.

Yes they have to wait until we're ready.  Lucy here too!

A very special Christmas Eve dinner

Monday, December 23, 2019

Just In Time December

Who would have thought my ten-year career with Federal-Mogul would prepare me so well for motherhood in December!  Overheard at the work Christmas gathering- me sharing this logic:  and  Real life approach to my life on Newark-Granville Road in December.
For instance:

-Mail Stoner Christmas Package- focus on those gifts, then wrap, then box, then ship.  Check!
-However didn't included birthday gift, realize this night before special birthday.
-Night before special birthday- on-line order of delivery- Check!  Family memories around conversation and process to order!
-Mail Christopher Package- focus those gifts, then wrap, then box, then ship. One item can't arrive in time to go in a package from Granville- no worries, ship direct. Check! Check!
-New Years Cards plan- not Christmas, one year we did Valentine's cards- take the card's picture when all kids home and available- check!
-Connect with friend about getting together, after reviewing calendar- Sat the 21 was available- friend consults with husband- we make it work. Special gathering time with new friends and our families- check!
-Download and order New Year's Cards- option to arrive on Dec 31- giving me the week of continued Christmas and early in New Year to send-JIT New Years Christmas! Check.
-Gifts for the week- who will open on the 25th- working on those- Joe and I got out today and made sure we're even!
-Who opens on the 27th- working on that....hmmmm may even pick up one more thing on the 26th- think Sale!!

Okay, the reality is it doesn't always work- Friday was the day of forgets. I thought it was still December xteen and I had time.  A party that was often on the 23rd was moved and I missed it.  Sally's dress I thought I ordered- I didn't.  The basketball pie process for delivery had some oops and oh how I love how well customers understood and accepted these oops!  Clare and Sally ended up finding Sally a different outfit and it made up for the non-ordered dress and they had sister time.  There is so much to do in December it just can't be done and JIT is what works for me.

Just in Time also feels like Just when you need it.  Just when the stress of the to-dos, it is time to be. Be with friends, family and the love of the season.  I'm feeling it.  The joy of finding these gifts and moments. Our work lunch felt like time stood still- we just lingered and talked around the table.  The same has happened in so many beautiful gatherings this past week to celebrate the season together.  Even the to-dos in December bring joy and peace and that is what JIT seems to provide for me.  It is a type of mindfulness.

It is the eve of the eve and we're geared up for a very special day in our life on Newark-Granville Road.  We'll keep the tradition of skating started by dear friends going- join us if you can- noon- Gib and Lou Reese Ice Arena in Newark!

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Greetings from Under the Tree

I am not actually under the tree, I was watering the tree and did pause there.  It is cool and quiet but messy.  The sap, the needles, the view of the light strings but outside of that mess is beautiful.  Christmas is messy, life is messy.

God Bless This Mess- title of the sermon on Sunday at FPC:  Love it, live with it, be inspired by it- it is the mess.  And yes the mess makes me grateful for God, my faith, church, family, friends and health.  The sermon discusses the fight or flight reaction of our brains.  I'm fascinated by this and saw it in action during the ice storm of 2004- the Christmas I was pregnant (with Sally) and shared that state with so many people.  I saw it in action on Saturday night when we heard the tree (just decorated during a family at home, Clare picked a favorite dinner night) crash. Right on cue- the Home Alone movie had just had a big crash and truly we all jumped and then heard through the ceiling a very interesting sound- three of five rushed upstairs someone saying- the tree.  I sat frozen, then Sally took my hand and we went up to see- yes the poor tree.  Yes a mess, yes we all got it figured it out. It was not my finest moment- messy, behind the scenes is what you get in this blog- Life on Newark-Granville Road is messy. I blamed Joe for the stand- this was the second fall by the way.  We're laughing now- sweet Sally- Mom we didn't lose that many ornaments?  My reply- I have three heads and a wing?  Really?  And she is right in the grand scheme not that many shattered and some even fixable.

It is like the view from under that tree- it is cool, it is far from perfect, it is real and it is beautiful.  I'll stop for now but do want to share two things connected to FPC....

1st- Christmas Eve- you are welcome, encouraged to join us for worship.  1st Pres- brown church on the northwest corner of Broadway and College in Granville.  4:30  6:30  9 pm services
Kids, Lessons and Carols and Communion services- each unique, each gorgeous and yes each crowded- we'll make room.

2nd- FPC a dear friend coordinate and leads this learning opportunity.  If you have any interest or know someone that may, there is a preview class on Jan 5- 12:30-1.  The full course will start Jan 12 2-4 pm for 9 weeks.

Coming in January!
Free Preview Class on Sunday, January 5 from  12:30-1 PM
Fees: $90 for individuals or couples
Call Tony Owen for more information (419) 722-5672

Sunday, December 8, 2019

2019 Christmas Tree- Not As Planned, Is it Ever?l

"When are we getting our tree?"  asked our children on the Friday after Thanksgving.  This to me is like asking "what is for dinner" after I have just served you a homemade lunch.  I said  - I'll figure it out.  In church on the 1st Sunday in Advent our children asked again.  This made me pause and ask Clare- "you are Okay with us getting the tree without you?"  She said yes, this made me sad for a moment but reflects where we are.  We've done our best to include everyone in tree hunts and decorating but it isn't always the case.  And even when we plan to include all- something often happens like illness to keep us moving in a group of four or like this year- 3.

Wanting to keep things moving and not wait too long I dubbed today- tree day earlier in the week. Peter asked if we could sleep in and skip church- thinking ahead to his quick trip to Wabash and swim meet weekend.  I agreed we could make it a family day. It was going to be lovely- I even considered making gingerbread waffles! Ha!  Poor Peter did not get the happy sleep in he had planned, instead he woke in the wee hours sick to his stomach and with a throat on fire.  He woke me up and we put things in order. He was able to go back to sleep.  Joe as well wasn't 100% so Sally and I had a quiet morning of tea and banana bread (lovely gift delivered with a poinsettia!) opening Christmas cards.  We decided we would venture out the two of us to get a tree.

Since the house is still in construction mode (we have a beautiful porch and kitchen structure!!) Now we're talking to workers to refinish the floor and making decisions on paint and furniture for the kitchen and porch. We're still in the dining room with TV and all the things you need and keep at hand I thought it best to go easy/light on Christmas decor.  The kids insisted on a tree but I thought we'd get a small one this year.  

As we were gearing up Joe appeared- rested and ready to join us.  We quickly made an on-line appointment for Peter, leaving him to sleep hurried out the door to get the 2019 Life on Newark-Granville Road Christmas Tree!  We went to the first tree farm we found- Homestead on Loudon.  Lovely layout and many trees to chose! We inquired where the Noraway spruces were and the gentleman sighed- pointing just beyond the barn- bingo- quick access! However he warned us- they were fat and wide this year, may not fit in the bailer.  We quickly found one we liked, thinking it was too fat. We took a wonderful walk seeking others and realized we were in love with the first choice. Back we went.  Sally took the lead- saying- she loves fat trees, we love fat trees, wide trees are what we do.  It is true, I've taken the family all over licking county and beyond, some times leaving tree farms when the tree wasn't wide enough.  The year I was ready to make the change, Sally saved or shaped the day.  

Hooray! The guys at Homestead we were able to get it bailed and onto the car. This meant we were able to get it into the house.  Once releasing the bows I realized this was a very very wide/fat tree.  The living room furniture had to be rearranged to accomodate.  This isn't something we do often, unlike my own mother who would rearrange the furniture for afternoon fun. As I type here at the end of the day, next to the beautiful full tree with the living room in a new format I'm pleased Sally took us the direction she did.  Peter missed the fun but is on the mend.  We took a time out to take him to the minute- clinic and confirmed my mom diagnosis - strep. He'll be on the mend soon.  Joe dropped us and picked up more lights for the very wide tree. 

We'll wait to decorate with ornaments when Clare is home- taking our time to make Christmas what it will be for 2019 on Newark-Granville Road. The rest of the decor is queded up and we'll see what makes it out this year.  It is not what we planned for holiday decorating 2019, it never is but boy is it nice.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Readers Response and PIES!

I met a reader today.  We do not know one another very well at all but there we were at a lovely holiday gathering.  Thank you for reading, thank you for saying so and thank you for giving me today's blog topic!

Denison- this reader likes coming up the hill, appreciates the insights and invitation.  Thank you reader and all those in the community that engages.  This year more than ever we welcome you. Help us fill the halls and stands, please attend concerts, shows, games and lectures.  Need the scoop here you go:   For events at the Eisner Center you'll want to register- most are FREE- but we don't want to plan well. One of my favorites is coming this weekend- Singers Workshop- truly a performance and not to be missed and this one is- Gilbert and Sullivan!! Anything GS does is great, Friday and Saturday at Denison- Pirates of Penzance!  Enjoy, Go, Date Night!  So much going on during the walking tour- you'll see Denison all over!  Take a look:

Want the information to come to you- I highly recommend subscribing to Campus and Community Eletter- it arrives via email:  Denison and the chamber work together to make this happen!  Take a look at November's here:

PIES- I promised to email about Sally raising money for Granville High School's Girls Basketball Team. This is an important fundraiser tied to an additional effort. The pie profits support the Girls program- they bond and learn important lessons on the court.  Clare played all four years and it is one of the reasons she left Granville ready for Wooster.  The current teams are awesome- impressive, fun, great young women are on that floor. We love seeing the success and growth. Thanks Coaches for all you do.  Join us: schedule here:,oh)/girls-basketball/schedule.htm  Back to Pies.

1st- if you want a pie- let me know.  Sally will call you.  Nine types of pie offered- two apple!  They will be delivered on the 20th of December. You can buy a pie to donate to the Salvation Army.  Pies are $13 each and checks made out to: Granville Athletic Boosters. They are made fresh and can be frozen!  So the new effort?  Just like the Boys team, the Girls team will now cover the costs of student tickets to home games! Want to sponsor this effort- have your name announced at the home games- let me or Coach Steele know.  I will be asking and finding the money to make this happen.  Thank you to those already interested.  Thank you for supporting the energy and providing opportunities for students to cheer on these teams and be together at school!

Life on Newark-Granville Road- never dull! Am I never not asking for money?  Probably not- I love philanthropy, I love giving, I love helping others give and support important worthwhile causes.  We are all asked to give all the time, even I get tired of it.  But we get to choose where we give, where we say yes.  I like the bakery analogy.  You go to a bakery weekly to buy a bagel.  The bakery doesn't expect you to buy a cookie or cake every visit.  What the bakery hopes is you will return regularly and when you do have a special occasion or sweet tooth- you will get the cake and/or cookie!  I see philanthropy as this so today in my life on Newark-Granville Road I'm offering pies and free tickets for students to the Girls GHS Basketball games! Thanks for thinking about it.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019- The Love and The Real

I do love Thanksgiving. I love the meal. I love the family gathering. I love the travel- I didn't cook much at all this week- thank you Mom and Sarah.  I love reconnecting with old friends. Hugs from the class of 2023 returning girls was amazing and I love that they made Friendgiving work for Clare with her travel.  I love the photos we capture and am sharing a few below for you.  I'm featuring the in-laws.  I'm lucky to have amazing in-laws that are friends not just family. I miss them already.   The planning to reunite is important, not easy but important.

I like to keep it real on the blog here so behind the scenes/pictures too.....

 Stoner Christmas card- maybe? We're looking pretty good.  The real behind this one- I made Sally change.  She had packed only a summer skirt. This year the girl cousins had a hotel room with the grown-ups. YES- love my father's philosophy- don't build the church for Easter Sunday or the house for Tgiving visits- pay for the hotel room.  So when we loaded up to go she was not Stoner ready.  Luckily she and Nana are about the same size and Nana's closet to the rescue.  It was a great night- dinner at FHCC does not disappoint. Dear family friends joined us and we'll look forward to the next one.  I love this picture enough to post it twice on the blog!
BIL Greg- my dining partner when we took over Rockie Pizza - south end! YUM, he was waiting on his cheesesteak! Not shown here- additional cousins- 2nd and 3rd/ 2nd once removed! Thanks Meg and Jessica!!

SIL Dawn- Turkey Trot kick-off, she smoked me. I was last but I loved it. Sally led the Leithuasers but Clare snuck in at the end. Peter rallied and beat Joe. I'm so proud of the Granville Leithausers and all Stoners for this effort.
Scott and Ann- SIL/BIL- we're married to brothers- say no more.  Love them and how we find time to unite- Pizza-Giving was what worked for 2019 the day before our departure.

Cousin love at Pizza Giving, we missed you Will!

Other highlights!! Driving out- I put it on Facebook and it is true- I love all five of us in one car.  It isn't easy, the last hour of the drive is never pretty. Deciding on where we'll stop/do drive-thru for dinner- geeze. But we make it work and we're together. I've loved it from spring break Florida drives and when they were babies and I'd take the 3 Leits for grandparent visits.  It matters, it mattered, it worked- they have great relationships with family and it makes a difference in our life on Newark-Granville Road and a big reason I love Thanksgiving and gives plenty of real to share.