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Friday, June 26, 2020

IA Retirement Celebration- COVID-19 style

End of an era...or really eras....Today we celebrated two incredible people! 

Murley Miller- Director of Major Gifts for Denison- my coach, manager, leader, friend, mentor. Murley retires after a long and successful tenure as a development professional. She's done it all, she has been incredibly instructive as she guiding me in my current role. I'm beyond grateful. Murley became a Denisonian immediately when she started with my alma mater just over five years ago. We- the full community of alumni, students, staff, faculty and our community have benefitted so very much. Murley retires to enjoy her family, golf, travel, reading and so much more. My life on Newark-Granville Road will not be the same and is better because she has been part of my life.  And the best thing is she'll remain- she is my coach and has agreed to always serve in that role!  So much more to share but keeping it brief for the blog- you get it. Murley is amazing and created a fantastic team. Fun pic from the morning:

Julie Houpt- Vice President Institutional Advancement- I have Julie to thank for my return to Denison, for support as a working mother, for an incredible platform and community and so much more.  Anyone that knows me or even reads this blog knows my pride for Denison.  Julie has played an instrumental role in so much. She has been a tremendous leader for our fair college on the hill and it was fun to celebrate her retirement today as a division...socially distanced with masks! She isn't finished until June 30. Our current campaign is not finished until June 30- Julie leads by example and will keep going until the 30th. Then she will transition to alumna and volunteer- roles she has maintained. She leaves us better than she found us (I worked for the college when she came on board). Her relationships- the Denison anchor-will remain and continue to make a difference- just as she did before becoming our VP.

Life on Newark-Granville Road is all about supporting and sharing the good.  Murley and Julie are good, have done good and contribute greatly to my life on NG Road.

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