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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Leithauser 2020 Christmas/Holiday "Letter"


For now, this is our "2020 Card" and below is the post, hoping those that receive the card or link will follow and catch up with us and receive our holiday message- HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU! All the best in 2021- please stay in touch!

Dear Friends,

It certainly has been life on Newark-Granville Road in 2020- we've been here more than usual while living our lives outside of NG Road as well. We have been working here, going to school here, riding out the pandemic here. We're here as a family.  The focus has been to reduce (not eliminate) risk, mitigate, understand the science and the data, and travel and connect safely. So we have been on NG Road more than normal in 2020, we were also able to spend some time away.

Not an easy task to create a Christmas/Holiday card.  So many are about Joy and Ho-Ho-Ho. We have lived the continuum here on Newark-Granville Road. We are still mourning the loss of Daddy/Pap- Mike Stoner. AND we're missing the in-person connections with family, friends, classmates, and colleagues.  It makes the limited safe beer, bourbon, or scotch with neighbors, friends, and family even more special. So yes there is plenty of Joy in our lives. Although not always easy, we've found peace in the downtime. We are comforted in the knowledge that Pap had a beautiful life and left quite the legacy created with his Jeanne. His beautiful architecture and philanthropy inspire and provides Love. Our lives here are filled with HOPE- hope this finds you well, hope to see you and connect and hope to support the world in the ways we choose.

Updates at a Glance:

Clare- sophomore year at the College of Wooster- joined the Field Hockey Team as Lacrosse went really well. She has selected Political Science as a major with Econ as a possible minor. She was able to have a week working at beloved Camp Alleghany! She followed her brother and is employed at Jimmy Johns.

Peter- Wabash College is a great fit and his first year has led to good grades and brotherhood- he pledged Delta Tau Delta and really enjoys his time with his Brothers and rugby. GHS graduation was not quite what we thought it would be but it happened!  We found ways to celebrate Peter and other special grads. Declaring he would find a job- Sally helped him take initiative and he found work at Jimmy Johns in Newark over the summer and on breaks.

Sally- a sophomore at Granville high- field hockey, basketball, and lacrosse. She started school in-person school until recently and now she studies from the attic?!  She will be going back to in-person school next semester and looking forward to it. We thank the Granville school district for providing this safe option. She turns 16 in January and is ready to take her driver's test and be on her own. Nana did a great job with lessons this summer.

Joe- working from home has created new productivity, his practice has doubled in size and expanded to Europe.  We are all learning about data governance and analytics as we can hear his phone calls from all over the house at all times. 7 am- Spain calling. Moundbuilders Country Club has been a healthy retreat. The club had a great year and Joe enjoyed the opportunity to serve on the board.

SusanDenison's parents are the best, zoom provides lessons and connections galore. We're proud of our alma mater's success with pandemic strategies, finishing strong in 2020 and remaining open the full Fall semester. Susan continues to volunteer with FPC and the Granville Chamber of Commerce. When hearing about other's pandemic projects she pauses about hers and then remembers- graduate work with IUPUI's Lily School of Philanthropy takes her time. She loves all she is learning- the history of philanthropy class in particular.

Lucy the pup- is the darling of the street- hosting friends in the yard to play, snoring and cuddling, happy to have us all here. It certainly has been life on Newark-Granville Road in 2020- we've been here.  

Derby 2021!  We're hopeful we'll be able to host something beyond zoom...every creative approach to unite us with family and friends is important and valued. We'd like to reciprocate! May 1, 2021- Save the Date!

Want to know more- search the blog, give us a call!! Take care and stay well and in-touch please!


Susan and Joe, 12/30/20

The picture was taken in Kiawah- Nov 2020- ahhhh covid gave us quality time on the golf course- MCC and Denison allowing Susan to achieve a dream: resort golf! 

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