Sharing on a Sunday feels right for the blog.
Sunday is the day in our life on Newark-Granville Road that we reflect, plan, catch-up.
Sundays can be stressful, the plans for the upcoming week loom, how will it all get done in my head. I've heard "it is Sunday" when someone says "what is wrong with Mom?"
Sundays can be the bestest, happiest days the ahhhh days.
Sundays are for worship and today's worship was buzzing with energy, activity and the Spirit! Sally served communion, we rang the bell and giggled when it about took Sally on a ride
Sundays are for family talks on Facetime, believe it or not it is often Peter that starts..."what time are we talking, I'm free at X".
Sundays are for studying. Today was no different, I spent a chunk of the day with my research and brain trying to create a draft for my Economics of Philanthropy graduate class. Anyone want to weigh in on competition between the nonprofit and for profit higher education sector? Please?
Sundays lately have involved travel to see our college kids, it was good to be home today.
Sundays are for shopping, Joe goes to the grocery.
Sundays are important. Thanks for sharing a bit of my Sunday.
Check back for a picture...I'll post on Social media...
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