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Friday, December 16, 2022

Cheers to the Holidays, 2022 Holiday Card Post

Themes work in our lives on Newark-Granville Road! It provides direction and facilitates focus. This year's holiday card is an example- the Cheer- is cheering for our kids, the kids on the field! The photos located are all connected to us in that activity, and this cheer is sports related.  Thank you for finding your way to the blog to learn more about how we put cheer in our year!  Cheers to:

Clare: Senior at College of Wooster (COW) Yes, a senior. 

  • Summer Internship- DC, Mayor's Office. Navigated the city like a pro!
  • If you know COW you know every student completes IS- Independent Study. Clare started her junior year and is progressing now. When you see Clare with a Tootsie Roll on Social Media or later in the blog- you'll know why! It will be a reason to cheer! If you see her ask her about her work- Olympics, political regime, economics, political science- liberal arts proud!
  • Lacrosse and Field Hockey- she has an impact on the field and we're very proud of her accomplishments and how she balances and grows.
  • What is next- the job hunt is on- exciting year!
Peter, Junior at Wabash
  • Sunday updates are always fun with Peter, from the Delt fraternity house
  • Great visit this year, one photo is with Scott and Ann- for Family weekend in the fall.
  • Peter joined the Sphinx Club, he is always cheering for the Little Giants so it made sense. It is an honor and we're proud to see him in his "pot" (hat) and stripes (overalls).
  • Peter works hard, last summer umpiring and taking an early shift at Home Depot. He seems to be doing the same in the classroom: Rhetoric major and Religion minor.
Sally, Senior- Granville High School
  • How can this be our last year in the stands at Hodge Stadium? 
  • Field Hockey and Lacrosse delight us, 
  • Her hard work pays off, Early Decision to DePauw University, Indiana!
  • Denison lifeguard, she has a Denison email, careful you might send an email to Susan or vice versa!
  • Camp Alleghany- Counselor- J.C. last year, and returning in 2023 Summer.  Love that her happy place is one of our happy places- West Virginia.
Lucy- LOVES the care and friendships on Newark-Granville Road. Some extra special friends, you know who you are thank you for the care for our pup!

Joe  (Infoverity) and Susan-(Denison) continue to find work rewarding and cheers to Susan's school work at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at IUPUI  The in-person classs over the summer really deepened the experience and 2023 will lead to a degree! 

Wishing you and yours a special holiday season making memories.
Continue cheers to lifting a glass to the past, the present, and the future.  There are setbacks and challenges, this life can't be perfect. Faith, family, friends, the love of a sweet pet, a walk in the great outdoors,  Life is truly good on Newark-Granville Road.

Let us know if you are visiting Granville, we'd love to see you! Plan for Derby 2023- Saturday, May 6, 2023!

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Thankful for Leithauser Thanksgiving 2022

 It was exactly what I needed, what I think we all needed- family time, traditions, time away from work, and soaking in what life on Newark-Granville provides.  I like to chronicle our life for history's sake, I'll print the year's posts and maybe my family will enjoy it one day. Just as we loved looking at a photo album created by family members for Fannie/ Grandma-Great's birthday. So here was our 2022 Thanksgiving:

It really started with Matthew's visit from Saturday to Monday- he thanked me saying he needed the change of scenery and time together.  I thanked him for giving me one-on-one time.  We talked, reflected, and made plans and memories.  We soaked in Granville and Columbus- so much good here.

Peter arrived home on Sunday- we're always grateful when Gretel makes the trip. On Wednesday Sally was off and with the DU pool closed had more time to be home. I love the day to take the back roads to pick up the fresh turkey and other provisions, adding in some of my favorites along the way. Clare arrived in time for the one family-of-five dinner. The kids chose spicy noodles,  from Joe's repertoire. The evening launched with proper cocktails that included Shelborne Farm cheddar cheese. We ventured to Amanda and Brian's for a nightcap in front of the fire- long overdue!

Thursday's big day was a good one. I woke early to make stuffing and prep the turkey.  The schedule set by me this year was no rush, lots of savor. We walked to town for the Turkey Trot- thank you St. Luke's for this important philanthropic and community activity! I walked, enjoying the sites, conversations, and hugs, stopping to pull the turkey out for the get to room temp step.  The annual neighbor get-together to cheer passers-by and catch up over a beive and homemade scone was heaven!  It really is a perfect morning.

The afternoon allowed me to relish in meal prep, setting the table, and taking in being home with a full house! I watched the recorded parade and dog show. Joe's brother Scott and Ann arrived with their three kids, we're so fortunate to count them as friends and a rich tradition of holiday time. They rounded out the meal with contributed items so everyone would be pleased with the meal. Our menu:

Turkey (15 lb fresh and home made brine) with stuffing inside and separate (made with Granville Bread ciabatta)


Cranberry Chutney- Colleen Pitt's recipe or as close to it as I can find

Mashed Potatoes


Scalloped Oysters


Green Bean Casserole (Ann)

A green salad- kale and squash (Cate)

Macaroni and Cheese (Caroline)

Cruiditare and Fruit Kabobs (creative offering as turkey from pumpkin)

Apple Crostini (Ann)

Pumpkin Pie (Cosco)

Chocolates- Goumas and Trader Joe

We hang out well, dinner was ready 4:30 ish, Ann offered a lovely prayer and we enjoyed the meal at the "new" bigger table. It was my great great grandmothers and my mom was right- it does look great in our dining room. We played games- kids before dinner-, mixed group, after. Joe broke a goblet and we are a competitive group so some voices were raised or not the most bucolic of tones maintained but it was all wonderful. Ann and I value our family times and I'm grateful for her partnership and how the kids and brothers embrace it.

The night ended with family movie night, an anticipated Disney film, not as good as I'd hoped but still an enjoyable wrap to a special day.

Friday we headed west to see Nadine and Jim's new place with the kids and then USA World Cup Soccer/Football game with Joe's extended family, a meal for 44- uniting cousins and aunts/uncles for the first time in 10 years- long overdue.  We opted to spend the night at the lovely Sauder Inn and enjoyed sipping and sharing for hours.

Saturday - home for OSU/Michigan tame- Peter downstairs and us in the living room. I am happy when my son is happy.  Joe takes the - he is happy when OSU fans are happy. We enjoyed turkey sandwiches with Utz chips. Dinner out with Hannah (Clare's dear friend from Wooster) before sending them back to Wooster. The slow reversing of family time.  Another Movie- this one met expectations and a good night's sleep.  

Sunday time to wrap up Thanksgiving and embrace the transition to the Christmas/December season, the Grater's peppermint stick ice cream helps!  Peter left early leaving me a bit blue, but church and turkey noodle soup address the melancholy. The afternoon was for school time in my office, also a queit prep time for what will be a robust end to 2023.

Life on Newark-Granville Road- I'm filled with gratitude and grateful for a weekend that is all about family, friends, good food, traditions, and being together. I know how lucky and fortunate I am.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Family Time on Newark-Granville Road

 My director asked me how I was going to relax this weekend?  My answer was, "my brother is coming to visit!"  It was a lovely weekend and one to blog to chronicle the sweet engagement and family time.  A few bonus things like Peter's arrival home and sharing Sally's good news. Life on Newark-Granville Road has family at its core.

the Tree Time subjects

Dawes- cold climb

Tree Time at the Granville Library

Sally's Big News- Early D!

FPC with Grandma Shirley

Sunday, November 6, 2022

November- Time to Vote- My Musings

Maybe you already voted early- good for you, thank you. In my life on Newark-Granville Road I like to vote on election day, I value the conversations Joe and I have leading up to the day, I value the conversation our book club (Discussing Books at CVH)  has the eve of the election. Joe and I don't always vote the same way - that is ok. Friends can disagree and discuss, I am thankful that I have friends that think differently and we can discuss without judgement, okay maybe with judgement but we remain friends and maintain respect. I am proud of our college kids voting absentee this year and probably differently. Bottom line- PLEASE VOTE and I encourage you to be a thoughtful, informed voter.

Some thoughts and resources I want to promote and have you consider:,_2022                 

Issue number one on our ballot in Ohio is important. I had the good fortunate to hear Justice Sharon Kennedy (also on the ballot and receiving my vote, call me and I'll tell you more or why) She explained how serious this issue is. Public safety is on the ballot.  We are voting Yes for the Amendment.

We live in complicated times, being informed, thoughtful voters isn't easy The extremisms is of great concern to me, I'm a moderate. I see both sides. I process by asking questions hearing insights and talking.  I miss Sunday dinners where my grandmother (gaga) and father disagreed and shared their passion but loved one another deeply, supported and respected one another.  One of the reasons I liked it when the party wasn't connected to the Judges- we voted for the person not the party.

Craig Baldwin also receives my vote, Craig welcomed us to the community and I've seen how much he cares for all he serves in all the counties, in his district. His commitment to the appeal process and the law is needed on the bench.  I'd like to discuss this election with you, again give me a call, send me an email or stop me.  

Granville School Levy- the other sign in our yard- we limit how many we will put there and we have to know the person well and be involved with the organization/issue. Joe chaired the levy last election and I'm proud of that work.  The Granville Schools are excellent, our children are prepared for life and their next steps because of our school district. The Ohio school funding model is what it is and additional funding streams are critical beyond state dollars.  Explaining taxes to our children is interesting and I'm very focused on fiscal responsibility. Again, it isn't simple. Taxes are part of the fabric of our society and how we support our communities.  This tax matters and makes a difference.  The  opposition in Granville is telling us not to vote for it because it is a permanent tax.  My gut says they wouldn't vote for it and don't want you to vote for it no matter what it is.  Operating a school or any entity takes money. Teachers and personnel and their benefits are the highest cost, our tax dollars ensure we have good teachers and staff and they stay here continuing to make a difference for our students in Granville.  

That said, we do need additional commercial tax income in our area and I hope you'll talk to me about how to make that happen and what role you can play- join the Granville chamber of Commerce to assist!

Okay- way more to discuss but I'll sign off for now, call me, stop me when you see me and let's discuss this ballot, issues and more and we should do this beyond the week of the elections.  I'd appreciate hearing how you are casting your vote and why.  Thank you for reading and sharing in my life on Newark-Granville Road.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Thinking of these things...

 So much to share and encourage readers to engage in life on Newark-Granville Road!

GACC- Granville Chamber of Commerce

  • Economic Development, I serve as co-chair of the Granville Chamber of Commerce Econ Development Committee.  Good work is being done here, and not just because of Intel and other growth in our county! But there is more work to be done, we all must keep communicating, listening, sharing, meeting, attending, and being involved.   Related to Intel and Growth in Licking County- 
    • FrameWork:  The Evans foundation has convened an important group to assist, please do your part and follow the link, sign up for the emails and take the 1 question survey being asked now. It is urgent and important and only you can provide YOUR insights.  
    • Keep me posted on your thoughts. Thank you to those that do this, I value the text, calls, and coffee related.
  • Membership- interested in learning more about what it means to be a Member of the GACC, let me help.  Healthy Economic Development means a healthy chamber. A healthy chamber means members! Members that engage, utilize the services, help other members and lift up our community to be the best it can be!  Use to be a member, come back, now is the time, we need you! Still thinking about it- let's talk!

Art, Amanda Love, my dear neighbor, and friend, has been busy!! 

Denison has kept me busy in my life on Newark-Granville Road and I loved every minute! Social media tells the stories. I've been to San Fran, DC, and NYC. We've dedicated the Ann and Tom Hoaglin Wellness Center and the Berlet Family Scoreboard. Engaging with very special friends that are donors and volunteers this month is such a treat! Student interaction a highlight, proud to say Joe and I helped White Team for Golf's Ryder Cup bring home the W!

Leithauser 5 Exciting times for the kids- Clare's senior day was outstanding and they had a great W in OT! That will be the last time I see her with a stick and we're so proud. We had fun making a video to honor her and tell her story. Thank you to the dear parents, players, and coaches that have become friends! GO SCOTS!

Joe and Sally had an important trip to DePauw, she met with both field hockey and lacrosse coaches, went to a class, and spent the night...more later...will Sally be a Tiger? Exciting times! Joe went to see Peter, and that warmed my heart. We both go next weekend for the last parents' weekend of our season.  Congrats to Sally's GHS Field Hockey Team- sweet 16 for tourney time!

Church today's scripture is the way to wrap up this post, as it is so true:
Philippians 4:8

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

September Beauty and October Catch-up

October has arrived and brings the true fall. Now life on Newark-Granville Road has to catch up. I finally took the summer, well it really is spring decor, down from the front door and put up a fall wreath.  The glass pumpkins are calling to me from their crates and we're enjoying delicious apples Joe picks up weekly at Lynds.

September was beautiful. It wrapped up with  Big Red Weekend at Denison: Denison BRW Pics and this article: Article @ BRW 22   I'm proud and grateful for the work and relationships.  Joe split the transition with a visit "home" for his high school reunion and we had a great time sharing stories on Sunday.  We sure make great memories living in our college town- see the photos below!

The month started with three weekends in a row of Fighting Scott Field Hockey- oh how I love to sit in that Papp stadium and just be her mom.  What a great group of parents and a fantastic place Clare calls home. 

Sally's senior season is impressive and the inspiration for the post title.  Watching her out there defending is a thing of beauty. Her homecoming style- classic beauty:

Sally and Esme 

I didn't act fast enough to buy the senior day pictures from the official photographer but I did enjoy walking across that field with Joe and Sally.  She is working hard and we're proud of her commitment to school, friends, team, and family. Senior is exciting!

Meanwhile, Peter is happy at Wabash-I'll share a photo to keep things equal with updates on all three kids.  The guys in the red stripes- Sphinx Club members.

The big news in the extended family is my Mom's move to Woodbine, MD with Michale Bolinger. We're happy and grateful for this special relationship.  Packing up and moving wasn't simple but she owned it and did really well. Thanks to Sarah and Matt for their support and help, and Greg and Joe too.  Uhaul drives, and attending real estate closings are the "other duties as assigned" in a marriage. It is a beautiful new house and a very special relationship.  She will miss Hagerstown but will stay engaged and we're grateful for all the love and support she has there.

I traveled to San Fran and DC- our country is beautiful and September provided so much gorgeous weather, truly summer-like or end of summer as Summer does not end until the solstice!  I didn't golf, I didn't swim but I enjoyed open-toe shoes and special fresh-air moments with great people! Hiking the "Stanford Dish" was one example.  

I'll try to post before November! If not you know it is because I'm enjoying this beautiful life on Newark-Granville Road.

Monday, September 12, 2022

Book Club of 2022-23

Every year as the summer transitions to fall, women that enjoy reading, learning and one another's company gather to recommend, select and slate books for a year of reading and discussing the tomes. They also embrace the social aspect by catching up on one another's lives and enjoying shared libations and nosh.  Life on Newark-Granville Road presents this year's list for the Discussing Books at CVH group.  Join us- on the 1st Monday of the month!

Friday, September 9, 2022

What will the day bring? Magic, History, Art, Science and Smiles

Lucky for me my day yesterday included all of these things. Yes, yesterday was one of "those" days. Licking County sure knows how to produce them and it is important to chronicle, celebrate, share and encourage so there are more and hopefully you can experience. I don't have much time but want to capture and get the word out:

Summer Scholars @ Denison Yesterday I engaged with a number of talented, smart, brave, hardworking, delightful students. The Symposium where posters are presented is a campus favorite activity of mine! These were science and humanities, and next week the arts. If you work at Denison don't miss it! Our future is bright with Denisonians like these- accolades to the professors and staff making it happen...and the philanthropy behind it!  I walked the Mithcell Center and could only smile.

Denison Performances:   Follow the link, get on the mailing list, get tickets and go...something told me, go see Bobby Floyd, go see Byron Stripling Quartet and I'm so glad I did.  Turns out Byron Stripling is a Denison parent, the best people send their kids to Denison.  I attended the show with two of those types of Denisonians!!  Thank you Byron for a magical night that just delighted my heart and soul and produced laughter and awe.

Those were highlights from yesterday, the good things. There were frustrations, my school work is getting real and I have to find the time, the schedule gets switched, but oh the good outweighs the bad and I'm grateful to be here.

A wise woman told me when I started down this career path, you never know what your day will hold. No two days will be the same and she could not be more right!  I really didn't know how lovely yesterday would be.

What will today bring..Intell's groundbreaking is making history (here is the replay). Joe and I watched TV this morning with live coverage from the site.  My work with the Granville Chamber of Commerce and my philanthropic studies heighten my interest and desire to study, understand and contribute. Our world is changing, just as the commencement speaker in 1990 at Denison said it would because of- superconductors!

 Art-Amanda Love Art dear friend Amanda's art is important to see and experience. Tonight is a special opportunity- quite the collection of artists from well beyond Licking County!


OPENING. Friday, September 9 | 5-8PM
September 9–October 16, 2022
42 N. Third Street, Newark, Ohio

Exhibiting | No Words, installation
Love is one of eleven national artists in this show. Each artist is dedicated to particular materials, and each intently subverts or stretches those materials’ properties and typical forms. 

Curated by Leslie Roberts

And with that life on Newark-Granville Road is open to the magic that art, history, science, and smiles bring and will bring.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Denison Days: Magazine, Celebrations and Family

Yes, I'm the alum that loves to receive her Denison Magazine.  I often can't wait and open it immediately and do a quick scan.  Then I find time to savor it- my favorite spot- the screened-in-porch! Then it sits out on the coffee table, then it goes on trips or to the pool. This issue arrived online first and so I brought my laptop to the porch! And now I wait for the paper copy to arrive..soon!  Want to take a look, here you go:  Favorite article: The Power of And at Denison- read my blog, know me- this is no surprise!

It has been the month of celebrations, orientations, welcomes, and retreats.  August really is about starting back up, although many of us feel we really start up in July.  There really is nothing like having the students back and more faculty and staff on campus and the opportunity to meet new families- ahhh! Or connect with old friends moving their students in, I really have the best job! Follow me on social media and Denison to see more pics and posts!  It is always fun to visit a new place and for me it was Jeffery Mansion in Bexley- well done Bexley- private/public partnership and the East Market-  Thank you IA Retreat! We truly are a family, a family that likes their GO BIG RED red!  Life on Newark-Granville Road is filled with so many special Denison Days!

IA team photo- missing at least one dear one...GO BIG RED

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Back to School- 2022 Space in the Drive Way!

 Joe and I have always loved those three words, back to school! Post covid we appreciate what it takes to welcome our students back all the more! Life on Newark-Granville Road means life on a continuum. My joy at sending them to school has an opposing side. When Peter loaded Gretel with the final item (his bedspread that he swears he washed) and was ready to leave my eyes welled and I had that feeling. Of course I hugged him and was thrilled for him, but it took some time to take myself out of a funk.  I am so proud of this guy, we both are, yet I'm amazed at how I live in this state of conflict and remain productive.

Peter takes Gretel to Wabash for Junior Year

Sally Senior Year at GHS- Orville is her ride!

Clare's senior year at Wooster! Bessie is packed and ready.

And then the senior girls turns!! Sally headed off for her first day of senior year on Thursday morning- staggered start. All of Granville Schools report together tomorrow. I honestly didn't know what day school started, Sally was on top of it and all ready! Proud of our mentor, her class schedule, the rides she gives friends and her work on the field hockey team.  It will be a great year and I'm grateful for the slow descent to empty nest status. We're excited and melancholy at the same time, well I am! Lucy is, Joe..hmmmm

ClareI reports of field hockey move in and classes, well I'm sure they start soon! We'll see her on Sunday when we deliver the overflow that would not fit in Bessie. She was quick to tell me this is the last time I'll do this.  Hmmmm I think we may still help with her future moves, we'll see. It is a milestone we embrace and savor!

Senior year, we've been saying we recognize this year isn't our own. The schedule will be set by when senior day is for field hockey and lacrosse x two- we have two seniors!  I may need to coin a phrase for the last time mentality and explore this with a blog post, is it really the last time or just the last time, in this situation.  

In fact while supporting my mother's move I'm headed east soon to pick up items she does not need and bring them home.  All this proves the point about life being figure eights- we come and go from activities and people, crossing similar but not exact paths.  Interesting times, emotional times and in my opinion definitely on a continuum!

Life on Newark-Granville Road is back to school, my class this semester starts next week. Denison's students are rolling into town with first year orienations starting Saturday! It is a very exciting time of year. Thanks for reading, sharing the twists and turns and happenings helps me process and I end so grateful for these strong, confident, independent children. Joe's text sums it up- work hard and be kind and you will accomplish great things!

Monday, August 8, 2022

Road Trip Listen and Recommendation

 Lucky me, Saturday I headed south to pick up Sally at camp. Lucky me because 

a. I was retrieving my dear daughter I had not seen in eight weeks. Yes, eight weeks! We are proud of our Junior Counselor at Camp Alleghany for Gifts and all the learning, growth, fun she accomplished this summer on the banks of the Greenbrier river. Want to know more about this 100 year old, confidence building, simple old school but not too much so camp- let us know!camp alleghany or visit here!

b. I cared out over an hour exploring the shops and scenes of Lewisburg, WV.   Heck, I love the whole drive and scenery.  I hit Beckley and I'm giddy!  I did not have time to take in a hike or a stop by the Greenbrier Resort- but I'll be back. The trip affirms how special this part of the wold is to me.

c. Podcast time!  Here is what I listened to:

  •    All of these are amazing! Thank you Ann Leithauser! The cider one was pretty cool, the ADHD important, the personality-WOW and then the latest which is an encore about sea turtles- wonderful.  I really am not overly into sea turtles, and was thinking there are probably better things to listen to for work or school- but she pulls you in and you learn and are entertained.
  •    Thank you Matt Stoner! This is an important listen and I'll be reading more as follow up. David Brooks' Second Mountain is an important concept, perspective for our world and connects to my work with studies and commitment to community, and my family.  Make time for this one, and let's discuss!
  •  I caught up on sermons at FPC- Granville First Pres- good work Kevin and Tiffany, thank you for your commitment and care.
c. I came home and experienced profound joy- family dinner- Sally's favorite chicken salad, farmers market yummies with fresh flowers and all my babies under one roof in the dining room- it doesn't get much better than that and happens far less frequently.

My life on Newark-Granville Road, I like to learn and share!  Soak in summer and time together, I am.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Back to School- Susan's Style- Vacation Summer 2022

 Back to school took on a whole new meaning as I experienced my first in-person graduate school class. Many know I'm pursuing my Master's of Philanthropic Studies, online, one class at a time, from IUPUI's Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.  This week I had my first in person class! It has and is a/an unique, special, rare, interesting...I'm not sure of the right word to describe... journey.  I'm grateful for the opportunity to learn in this way at this time about these subjects and pursue a degree. I'm proud of myself for the work, results, learning, and commitment. And to celebrate the completion of the class and keep some vacation fun in the vacation time, we stayed in Indy for the weekend. I'll take the opportunity to share some takeaways and happenings on the blog for prosperity and I like to share.

Ten points of reflection:

1. Generations continue to make me smile.  Online and in-person younger students say the darndest things.  I think this is my way of acknowledging I'm getting old.

2. Air BnB is a great way to go for this kind of travel- I had a garage, two rooms and I saved some money. Being in a "home" just felt right for this class.

3. Preparation pays off....the 13 cases our professor assigned were interesting, the call to be prepared for oral engagement scared me, but thanks to office hours, conversation with classmates, time at my desk and talking the cases through with Joe on an earlier road trip- I was ready. It feels good to be ready. And it prepared me to be in a place to absorb the knowledge and learning.  Our professor is quite good and I'm again grateful for the experience. How many times will I express appreciation in this post!

4. Indy is amazing. I've always felt that way about the city and have enjoyed the few visits for pleasure and work. I took the kids there years ago and it was one of my favorite get-aways. This trip had me exploring more neighborhoods connected to downtown and I was impressed. Shapiro's Deli was a repeat - lunch with classmates and our professor and breakfast on Sunday. If you have not been you should go!

5. It is a cliche but it is true- make new friends and keep the old, one is silver the other gold. I met new friends by walking this walk, compairing notes, sharing stories and asking and answering questions...and then I spent an evening catching up with a dear Denison classmate!! A remarkable run-into a Granvillian was also a highlight of the trip.

 It is important to get out of our circles and comfort zones. This is what I did on my summer vacation and I'm so glad I did. I need to spend some serious time on LinkedIn connecting with these folks and truly want to stay in touch.  I've met some of them in the online class, but nothing like in person to elevate the experience and relationship. Thank you LFSOP for bringing us together.  I also met the faculty and staff of LFSOP- bonus!!  I'm feeling much more connected to the program and school. IUPUI is a campus that intimated me, after a week there it is now "my school".

6. Back to those young students...I have been and can be one that reacts to different behaviors, but I admire and respect so much of what was shared in our classroom and am grateful. This is what we all need to be doing, understanding and listening to one another. Asking questions, clarifying, and having the ah-ha moments about diversity and what diversity truly means, and how good it is for our world and communities..and classrooms!

7. I have a whole new appreciation for the law, for lawyers- counselors- and we really do need their counsel. I hope I can think a bit more like an attorney as I approach situations and look at the guideposts, the various sides/perspectives, and history. A big takeaway is the understanding of our common law approach and how it evolves and morphs.  The nonprofit sector has been and will continue to be shaped in regard to trusts, intentions, the definition of the laws, and how they are interpreted and presented. My work will be different and influenced by this class and my time in Indy.

8. Billy Strings continues to impress and delight. Date night with Joe at these concerts is really magical. This trip included friends from Chicago who drove down to join us making it a treat. We hatched a plan when we connected on a work trip and what fun to reconnect! Good people to share the good life provides!

Can you see us- we were in the pit, again, love these shows!

9.Time on the golf course continues to be a good place.  What a beautiful part of Indiana and what a great golf course! This gift and recommendation from Ann Leithauser did not disappoint.  Exploring new places is always a good idea, taking the back roads and doing so with Joe and our golf bags is another treat and favorite thing. This is the former Ft. Benjamin Harris location repurposed in impressive ways.

10. Family Time matters- it was so good to see Joe's parents- Jim and Nadine in their new home in Bryan, OH. It wasn't "on the way" but it worked to go and I'm so glad we did!

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Granville Survey- not just for Granville Residents! Please Complete


Early this Spring, leaders from the Granville Community began work on a revision of the Village of Granville and Granville Township Joint Comprehensive Plan. Last updated in 2012, this Comprehensive Plan sets forth a vision and goals for the future of our community and provides the overall foundation for land use and associated zoning.
If you live, work, visit, worship, learn, or recreate inside the Granville Community, we want to hear from you! Your input is critical to informing the revision process. Please take 5-10 minutes to complete the survey

Straight from the Facebook Page of the Granville Village! Please follow this link and complete the survey. Care about Granville's future- share insights, ask your friends and family to do the same!

I serve on the Granville Chamber of Commerce Board, I chair the Economic Development Committee and this plan is linked to our work, our call, our purpose- we need your input!
Please know I welcome your input directly to me as well, let's have coffee and talk! Life on Newark-Granville Road will evolve and change for many reasons, your input is needed. THANK YOU!

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Love my Birthday and Survey Plug!

Please take this Granville Comprehensive plan survey:  Thank you!

Birthday update:

I love my birthday and I'm so blessed to have many traditions and options to celebrate.

This year I opted to spend it in Maryland. I'm helping my mom prep to sell her house and move to Woodbine, MD with Michael Bolinger.  Yes, this is an exciting and big deal, but not really. It is also exactly what feels natural and wonderful.  No, this is not my childhood home, however, it is the grandchildren's home. The Hickory Hill house is where I brought all my babies, where my mother cared for me as I recovered from childbirth and she bonded with her grandchildren. She had a nursery and all six grandchildren made that space theirs together.  Our full family- everyone with a spouse- made this home base many holidays and summers. It is a special place.  But this blog isn't about this transition and milestone, this blog is about my birthday.  This is the time of the summer that works to visit to help and spend time together.

Today was a lovely day, my birthday cake- fresh-baked coffee cake, that melted the candles.  A latte from Dunkin Donuts delivered to my bed by Joe and bonus, creamed chip beef I've craved for weeks. Then we golfed. Golfing on the FHCC course is a treat, going out with Joe, Peter, and my Mom ice cream with a cherry on top.  I didn't get my best score, but I had strong drives, decent 2nd shots, and laughs.  My Mom kept saying- it is a hard course, and it is.  Donald Ross' greens keep you on your toes and my handicap exactly where it is.

The night ended with cocktails on my Mom's porch and dinner at the stadium. Oysters on the half shell, steamed clams, MD crab soup, and a taste of the boy's burgers and fries- delish! So much more to say but will end with THANK YOU for the reach-outs, texts, and social media greetings. Birthdays are special and meant to be celebrated. I missed making the lake swim, jello cake, MCC time (thanks friends for celebrating early), and other life on Newark-Granville Road gatherings.  Granville's 4th is special but Maryland competes- the fireworks at FHCC were stellar, the night out to hear Billy Strings in MD, wow, and family time with my sister and Greg, was precious.

Cheers to my new year, cheers to all that made it special, life on and off Newark-Granville road is good this 4th of July 2022.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Facebook Cover Photo for the Record

If you follow me on Facebook, you know I like to update my cover pictures. If Denison is featured that is my nonverbal way of saying: in my life on Newark-Granville Road, woo hoo it is all things Denison right now.  Usual occasions are June Orientation, Commencement, Big Red Weekend, Reunions and the combined, Venn diagram combos like prom pictures, college tours, game days, or visitors to town inspire the photo post.

I thought it might be good to share a snippet of my week and provide the why these pics, and why the happenings in these two pics. Both cover photos I enjoyed posting!

I type this blog from my Mom's screened-in porch! I ended up making an impromptu trip to Maryland to deliver Clare to her internship in DC. Her flight was canceled and it just seemed easier to drive her! (Internship is with DC Again, more on that later- yay Wooster. She is Poli Sci major.) Actually, our journey led to Annapolis and gave me the occasion to spend the night with my sister and family! A true treat as our summer schedules are not in sync this year. I am working from Mom's in Hagerstown and will be home later tonight. We return for vacation time at the end of the week.  No worries, I love the drive time, talk time, read time (Clare drove yesterday), podcast time, and the scenery!

Strawberries for the celebrations. I don't know much about "love languages" but a quick google search leads to insights about food and cooking is included. I guess these actions would fit in service or gifts or both. Anyway, I do like to cook to show my love and I enjoy eating. I appreciate it when people like what I make and even request it. Dear friend Morgan celebrated her golden birthday- the 25th on the 25th. She requested the berries I love to offer at Derby. I love that she asked. I ended up adding a touch of a theme by adding golden sugar berries. While I was added I found the sprinkles and it was Granville Pride, so you'll see pride berries there too. It was fun to share these at family dinner on Saturday in my life on Newark-Granville Road! Another impromptu happening- having Scott and Ann with us at the Pride Parade/walk and dinner!

Life on Newark-Granville Road has been full this spring and now it is summer- ahh! Welcoming summer at the Soltice is always a special day. Summer leads to the wrap-up of the fiscal year and kick-off of the 4th of July and beloved summer happenings. More to share and more opportunities to capture this beloved season in photographs. Stay tuned. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

June is Flying By

Where has the month gone? I know it has gone to the Hill! Highlights of Denison time for Susan:

2020- welcome home has never been more fun to say! We really didn't understand the impact or importance of this reunion and commencement until we were loving every minute. COVID's impact was quite something, but this class persevered and it was wonderful to connect in person with important families and young alumni.  Our young alums were able to do "bucket list" items and I joined the fun- playing the Carillon, I played Edelweiss!

2022- Commencement was not that long ago but it did launch the month press of events and gatherings. Another special class that will hold a special place in my heart. Philanthropy lessons all around, beautiful giving that inspires my work. Students are now alumni that will make a difference in the world. Part of my role is sharing this day with senior families that have become dear friends.

NCAAs at Denison- first Women's Lacrosse and then a week later Baseball! Joe did play-by-plays and Peter stats, volunteering to assist.  I took in the games sharing the thrill of victory and agony of defeat with the families. I did take a turn as a ball retriever for lax. After a wet and cool spring watching Sally and Clare's teams, it was nice to be in the sun! #Denison proud of the players, and coaches but the team that executed such tournaments and played host. Denison does it well.  There are senior families on this DU baseball team that will dearly missed- come home to celebrate philanthropy in action, please!

Reunion with Reunion make-ups due to COVID made for a special 1st weekend in June. Congratulations to our citation winners: link and thank you to our most amazing 50th reunion classes and all of their giving. The announcements in Swasey at the convocation are quite a treat. Inspiration galore from these seasoned and impressive folks, not to mention the dear young alums back and our era folks.  Bonus time was learning time: wine tasting with Allie and Ketcham Wines and a quick 9 to wrap up her time in Gville!

Time off the hill happened as well! We were able to take in Memorial Day as a holiday weekend and were grateful for lake time with the Leithuasers, Happy place MCC opened with friend time, Granville Grad celebrations, and golf for Susan and Joe.  I'm taking time for myself on Wednesdays and enjoying golfing with the Ladies League! 

In the midst of the fulfilling work, we've loved having the amazing three children home and under one roof for a bit. Cars galore, laundry and dishwasher constant running, highlights are family dinners here and there, and finally a trip to Whit's.  Sally is the first to leave, appropriate as she has had plenty of quality life on Newark-Granville Road time, she is settling in as a JC at Camp Alleghany. She did find time to volunteer for VBS- regular readers know how much I love this Granville gem. Next Clare will head to DC for the in-person part of her internship. She is working remotely and it is great to have her here. She is playing lax in Columbus on Wednesdays to keep the skills up and have fun. Her baby pool work time does give me pause. I will not post photo. Peter staying here working at Home Depot and umpiring for GRC Little League. Highlights are sitting at the round table in the kitchen hearing his perceptions of the games. Photos texted to me by parents, highlights to my days. Proud of all three and all they're becoming. Time is precious, a lesson we've learned too many times on Newark-Granville road.