From dear friend Laura, offering a way to help that resonates with me for many reasons in my life on Newark-Granville Road. I'm also hearing from a special member of our Licking County community with family struggling in the Ukraine! I'm grateful for the many ways the world can assist and need to assist. Thank you for reading and sharing!
Dear Family and Friends,
I have started a GOFUNDME page to help the people of Ukraine. I am partnering with a dear Denison friend in this venture to send life-saving medical kits to Ukraine. Please read here. https://www.gofundme. com/f/trauma-training-and- equipment-to-ukraine?utm_ source=customer&utm_medium= copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cf+ share-flow-1
What am I asking?
1.) Please consider donating. These kits will save lives. Watching ordinary citizens trying to save the lives of strangers and loved ones is too much to bear. We can make a difference.
2.) Share the heck out of this link. Post and repost and share away on all of your social media sites, email chains, etc. ...please 
Much love,
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