Derby Party, Run for the Roses Party, it is time
Check back in for update- 5/1/22 (So much for weekly updates!)
5/6/22 DERBY EVE Day Update- So the forecast isn't great but we've had worse- yes snowflurries one year! A dear friend who is a coach said it perfect- get one of your bartenders juleps and it doesn't matter! I'm not sure what I'm wearing- stick with the plan and put a turtleneck under or call upon a beloved hat that will allow me to be in wool! Ha- I'm extroverting no snow in this year's forecast- I'll just do what my Mom is doing- layer!
Yes- Jeanne Stoner is coming to Derby, has not been here sine 2017- can't wait! she is on her way with dear friend Michael Bolinger. She is looking forward to showing him our wonderful community- first stop- The Works! And Peter is home!
What else do you need to know..I've had fun with Facebook and posting past pics- love how this party evolves. Bring your dollars- although maybe we should think about away to venmo for betting- next year! Peter will be taking your wagers for 2022! he is home and Lucy gave him the best greeting last night!
Saturday, May 7, 2022- the 1st Saturday in May!
Once invited always invited, bring friends and family. If you know us, we'd love to see you. We host this gathering to say thank you to all that help and share this beautiful, special life on Newark-Granville Road.
4:30 pm start time
Post Time: 6:57 pm
End Time:? usually sunsets, drop-in, or stay the whole time!
What else: We will provide the mint juleps (amazing bartender Emily is back!!!), beer (Yuengling and Granville Brewing!!), and lemonade, as well as some party favorites, like chocolate-dipped strawberries, country ham sandwiches, and if we're lucky the Mattimoes bring the deviled eggs!
Please bring something to share if it works in your day. DJ will provide great tunes and we'll ask Mother Nature to be kind, but the Kiwanis Tent will keep us dry if she isn't our friend that day.
And last but not least, what to wear: hats are optional but encouraged, dress up or join the theme in a way that suits you! Dress for the weather as it really is an outdoor party!
The party is only fun when good people come, as they have for years, we hope you will join us for this tradition in our life on Newark-Granville Road!
Special guests: Nana! Yes Jeanne Stoner makes her return! Who else, always fun to see what special people will gather!
Past pictures: