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Sunday, July 31, 2022

Back to School- Susan's Style- Vacation Summer 2022

 Back to school took on a whole new meaning as I experienced my first in-person graduate school class. Many know I'm pursuing my Master's of Philanthropic Studies, online, one class at a time, from IUPUI's Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.  This week I had my first in person class! It has and is a/an unique, special, rare, interesting...I'm not sure of the right word to describe... journey.  I'm grateful for the opportunity to learn in this way at this time about these subjects and pursue a degree. I'm proud of myself for the work, results, learning, and commitment. And to celebrate the completion of the class and keep some vacation fun in the vacation time, we stayed in Indy for the weekend. I'll take the opportunity to share some takeaways and happenings on the blog for prosperity and I like to share.

Ten points of reflection:

1. Generations continue to make me smile.  Online and in-person younger students say the darndest things.  I think this is my way of acknowledging I'm getting old.

2. Air BnB is a great way to go for this kind of travel- I had a garage, two rooms and I saved some money. Being in a "home" just felt right for this class.

3. Preparation pays off....the 13 cases our professor assigned were interesting, the call to be prepared for oral engagement scared me, but thanks to office hours, conversation with classmates, time at my desk and talking the cases through with Joe on an earlier road trip- I was ready. It feels good to be ready. And it prepared me to be in a place to absorb the knowledge and learning.  Our professor is quite good and I'm again grateful for the experience. How many times will I express appreciation in this post!

4. Indy is amazing. I've always felt that way about the city and have enjoyed the few visits for pleasure and work. I took the kids there years ago and it was one of my favorite get-aways. This trip had me exploring more neighborhoods connected to downtown and I was impressed. Shapiro's Deli was a repeat - lunch with classmates and our professor and breakfast on Sunday. If you have not been you should go!

5. It is a cliche but it is true- make new friends and keep the old, one is silver the other gold. I met new friends by walking this walk, compairing notes, sharing stories and asking and answering questions...and then I spent an evening catching up with a dear Denison classmate!! A remarkable run-into a Granvillian was also a highlight of the trip.

 It is important to get out of our circles and comfort zones. This is what I did on my summer vacation and I'm so glad I did. I need to spend some serious time on LinkedIn connecting with these folks and truly want to stay in touch.  I've met some of them in the online class, but nothing like in person to elevate the experience and relationship. Thank you LFSOP for bringing us together.  I also met the faculty and staff of LFSOP- bonus!!  I'm feeling much more connected to the program and school. IUPUI is a campus that intimated me, after a week there it is now "my school".

6. Back to those young students...I have been and can be one that reacts to different behaviors, but I admire and respect so much of what was shared in our classroom and am grateful. This is what we all need to be doing, understanding and listening to one another. Asking questions, clarifying, and having the ah-ha moments about diversity and what diversity truly means, and how good it is for our world and communities..and classrooms!

7. I have a whole new appreciation for the law, for lawyers- counselors- and we really do need their counsel. I hope I can think a bit more like an attorney as I approach situations and look at the guideposts, the various sides/perspectives, and history. A big takeaway is the understanding of our common law approach and how it evolves and morphs.  The nonprofit sector has been and will continue to be shaped in regard to trusts, intentions, the definition of the laws, and how they are interpreted and presented. My work will be different and influenced by this class and my time in Indy.

8. Billy Strings continues to impress and delight. Date night with Joe at these concerts is really magical. This trip included friends from Chicago who drove down to join us making it a treat. We hatched a plan when we connected on a work trip and what fun to reconnect! Good people to share the good life provides!

Can you see us- we were in the pit, again, love these shows!

9.Time on the golf course continues to be a good place.  What a beautiful part of Indiana and what a great golf course! This gift and recommendation from Ann Leithauser did not disappoint.  Exploring new places is always a good idea, taking the back roads and doing so with Joe and our golf bags is another treat and favorite thing. This is the former Ft. Benjamin Harris location repurposed in impressive ways.

10. Family Time matters- it was so good to see Joe's parents- Jim and Nadine in their new home in Bryan, OH. It wasn't "on the way" but it worked to go and I'm so glad we did!

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Granville Survey- not just for Granville Residents! Please Complete


Early this Spring, leaders from the Granville Community began work on a revision of the Village of Granville and Granville Township Joint Comprehensive Plan. Last updated in 2012, this Comprehensive Plan sets forth a vision and goals for the future of our community and provides the overall foundation for land use and associated zoning.
If you live, work, visit, worship, learn, or recreate inside the Granville Community, we want to hear from you! Your input is critical to informing the revision process. Please take 5-10 minutes to complete the survey

Straight from the Facebook Page of the Granville Village! Please follow this link and complete the survey. Care about Granville's future- share insights, ask your friends and family to do the same!

I serve on the Granville Chamber of Commerce Board, I chair the Economic Development Committee and this plan is linked to our work, our call, our purpose- we need your input!
Please know I welcome your input directly to me as well, let's have coffee and talk! Life on Newark-Granville Road will evolve and change for many reasons, your input is needed. THANK YOU!

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Love my Birthday and Survey Plug!

Please take this Granville Comprehensive plan survey:  Thank you!

Birthday update:

I love my birthday and I'm so blessed to have many traditions and options to celebrate.

This year I opted to spend it in Maryland. I'm helping my mom prep to sell her house and move to Woodbine, MD with Michael Bolinger.  Yes, this is an exciting and big deal, but not really. It is also exactly what feels natural and wonderful.  No, this is not my childhood home, however, it is the grandchildren's home. The Hickory Hill house is where I brought all my babies, where my mother cared for me as I recovered from childbirth and she bonded with her grandchildren. She had a nursery and all six grandchildren made that space theirs together.  Our full family- everyone with a spouse- made this home base many holidays and summers. It is a special place.  But this blog isn't about this transition and milestone, this blog is about my birthday.  This is the time of the summer that works to visit to help and spend time together.

Today was a lovely day, my birthday cake- fresh-baked coffee cake, that melted the candles.  A latte from Dunkin Donuts delivered to my bed by Joe and bonus, creamed chip beef I've craved for weeks. Then we golfed. Golfing on the FHCC course is a treat, going out with Joe, Peter, and my Mom ice cream with a cherry on top.  I didn't get my best score, but I had strong drives, decent 2nd shots, and laughs.  My Mom kept saying- it is a hard course, and it is.  Donald Ross' greens keep you on your toes and my handicap exactly where it is.

The night ended with cocktails on my Mom's porch and dinner at the stadium. Oysters on the half shell, steamed clams, MD crab soup, and a taste of the boy's burgers and fries- delish! So much more to say but will end with THANK YOU for the reach-outs, texts, and social media greetings. Birthdays are special and meant to be celebrated. I missed making the lake swim, jello cake, MCC time (thanks friends for celebrating early), and other life on Newark-Granville Road gatherings.  Granville's 4th is special but Maryland competes- the fireworks at FHCC were stellar, the night out to hear Billy Strings in MD, wow, and family time with my sister and Greg, was precious.

Cheers to my new year, cheers to all that made it special, life on and off Newark-Granville road is good this 4th of July 2022.