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Thursday, February 16, 2023

Lucy and House Update 2-16-23

Thank you for the love and care of dear Lucy! Her stitches have been removed and she is cleared for regular activity. Look for her in her favorite spots in the yard, making our life on Newark-Granville Road a bit more normal!  We'll help her pace herself. She'll stay in her donut/cone a few more days so the surgery site continues to heal.  She is eating, sleeping, snoring, licking, loving and being mobile- she is just fine with the missing back leg! The cancer is still there, so we're not really sure how long we have with this dear pup.  We know we have her now and we'll love each day and hope for the best.  

House update- yes we have a dumpster and it is obvious we are a construction site! The long over due upstair bathroom renovation has launched!  More later, but we know inquiring minds wanted to know and now you do!

Have a great day, hope to see you at Denison for a lecture, concert, or show or at the opening tomorrow HARVEST Pizza, support local and enjoy the weather- take a walk on Newark-Granville road and say hello to Lucy- she loves when people know her name!

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Valentines Day in 2023- Happy Birthday Sarah!

 Fifty-plus years ago my Dad took my brother Matthew and me next door. We picked out our cereal on the way and went to Aunt Ella and Uncle Bill's house. Daddy had to take Mommy to the hospital, the baby was coming.  I remember this like it was yesterday. It is probably my first memory, I was three.  We had a variety of friends/sitters including Mrs. Bollinger taking turns watching us. Ultimately we ended up back at our house when Gaga arrived in her VW Beattle. I remember the feeling of relief or comfort in having her there, multi-dimensional memories are fascinating!

I also remember when my father arrived home and I asked, what is the baby's name? He replied: Sarah Catherine, I repeated it back and bestowed my approval!  Oh, Happy Birthday dear Sarah, what a Valentine's gift that was and continues to be!!  How lucky I am to have a beautiful sister and all of our memories and support and fun and tears and scares and our families. I love you.

I'm teary today with the shooting news at MSU- I've been there, and college campus emergencies like this hit me as I work on a campus, and I'm here just about every day. My heart aches for all involved- each parent, student, faculty, staff, town person, alum, and emergency worker. Sigh.

Valentine's Day 2023- Joe and I will take Sally to a Blue Jackets game- date night, middle of the week treat/escape.  I have a little something for them and I've mailed and passed out a few valentines. Not enough but it is what it is.

Valentine's Day is not just for lovers, it is for people you just Love!  I remember finding this saying on a card when I lived in Omaha, NE and I've held on to it.  I love you for reading my blog- so have a great day!!  Go be you, this day is a gift.

Pictures tell the maid of honor (wedding anniversary coming up-2-20! And Denison fun...picture from late 80s 90s....

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Love for Lucy

 Lucy the Saint Bernard-Terrier Mix has cancer, I'm just putting it out there.  The cancer is in the leg/bone and she will have the back leg amputated tomorrow (Thursday) to address the pain.  She is a wonder dog, and looks to be getting along well, but...As her beloved pet sitter said, she is a great tripod already (not using the leg when we thought it was ACL type issue).

I'll keep you posted out here on our sweet pup's recovery and journey.  We love you all for loving our girl, engaging with her, calling her by name when she is at her post, and making her rounds.  She is six-ish- we adopted her on Nov 30, 2018, when she was "one" ish.   We are confident in her veterinary care and grateful for the diagnosis at COVE in Delaware- if you need emergency care or an orthopedic referral- consider COVE!

In the meantime, embrace the love of February with friends and family.  That was January on Newark-Granville Road and we know it continues as we progress.

Does anyone have a pic of Lucy at her spot- sitting near steps looking out at life going by on Newark-Granville Road?

Update:  2/3/23: Surgery went well, everyone loves Lucy! We brought her home and she rested well. She had no problem getting into the car, out of the car, up the back steps, etc..We wanted her to sleep downstairs, not take on the full flight of steps so we put up a barricade.  At 4 am, I heard her making her way up the stairs.  Joe helped her into our bed and we cuddled.

We took her out a few times and she is doing all she usually does, but she needs to rest.  The incision needs to heal and not get infected.  We have her in a donut/vs cone - thank you Gin.  She avoids her medicine so we have to encourage her with food she really likes- cheddar cheese, not swiss.  She is happy to have us working at home this afternoon and is leaning against me making it hard to "work".

Thank you everyone for prayers and love, thoughts and check-ins, it means so much!!