Thank you for the love and care of dear Lucy! Her stitches have been removed and she is cleared for regular activity. Look for her in her favorite spots in the yard, making our life on Newark-Granville Road a bit more normal! We'll help her pace herself. She'll stay in her donut/cone a few more days so the surgery site continues to heal. She is eating, sleeping, snoring, licking, loving and being mobile- she is just fine with the missing back leg! The cancer is still there, so we're not really sure how long we have with this dear pup. We know we have her now and we'll love each day and hope for the best.
House update- yes we have a dumpster and it is obvious we are a construction site! The long over due upstair bathroom renovation has launched! More later, but we know inquiring minds wanted to know and now you do!
Have a great day, hope to see you at Denison for a lecture, concert, or show or at the opening tomorrow HARVEST Pizza, support local and enjoy the weather- take a walk on Newark-Granville road and say hello to Lucy- she loves when people know her name!